
Should You Ask the Cops to LEAVE Your Property? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #FourthAmendment


Should You Ask the Cops to LEAVE Your Property? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #FourthAmendment

#Cops #LEAVE #Property #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #FourthAmendment

What if the cops show up to your house? Can you ask them to leave your property? Absolutely!

If a cop doesn’t have a valid search warrant, probable cause, or your consent, they CANNOT search your property. If they do search your property, hire an attorney to get anything they find thrown out in court.

To avoid giving an officer probable cause, invoke your fifth amendment right to remain silent. Cops are trained to ask questions to get citizens to confess to something illegal, and if you do this, you’re giving them probable cause to search your home.

criminal lawyer , Should You Ask the Cops to LEAVE Your Property? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #FourthAmendment, 4th amendment,attorney reacts,constitutional law,constitutional rights,cops on camera,cops on private property,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer reacts,we the people

42 thoughts on “Should You Ask the Cops to LEAVE Your Property? #KnowYourRights #LawyerReacts #FourthAmendment”

  1. Also most lawyers are corrupted along with the judges so the 4th amendment and all the other ones are really out the door now until otherwise. Speaking from personal experiences

  2. You obviously never seen that many judges these days. They'll sign off anything including when there's no crime being done it's all about money and control

  3. 'retain an attorney and file a motion' while you're being tased and cuffed is not a responsive answer, however accurate.

  4. They shouldn't step on anyone property without a warrant, there should be consequences if there asked to leave and dont

  5. You should be able to treat them just like intruders. But no, they can do whatever they want at the time. Tyrants.

  6. Almost sounds like Attorneys Judges and Law enforcement make work and MONEY for each other! Prove me wrong

  7. What happens if you call the cops on the cops? Yeah. Funny. I know. But it does make the point that (too many) cops think they are above the law.

  8. What about charging to cops with trespassing? Abolish qualified immunity! “Equal protection” means NO special rights!

  9. "Don't do anything, just let the cops rape you and get an attorney" Says the lawyer.
    Why the system needs for you to be in court:
    The ones that suffer are us. Everyone at court is paid to be there but you, even the cops. They are paid to lie and are typically believed by the establishment because they are an intrinsic part of the establishment system. The police bring in tens of thousands of new customers to the system each month and the establishment needs the police to keep the system of lawyers, police officers, prison guards and probation officers lubricated and flushed with taxpayer cash. If the establishment wanted law enforcement officers they would hire lawyers or at a minimum require a law degree as a term of employment, but because they don't instead we are given glorified security guards.

  10. The Supreme Court ruled that without a valid 4A exception, police have exactly the same rights everyone else does on the curtilage of our home. That means that once we tell them to leave our property, they are committing a crime (criminal trespass) by remaining on our property. But no one will hold them accountable for that crime.

  11. Leave my property. I invoke my right to remain silent. Nothing more. Well, maybe repeat it. Seen too many videos of people getting into a verbal jousting/judo match which leads to no good. And oh, stay as close to your house as possible if outside.

  12. So when the servants break the rules, the victim (we the people) have to pay to access our legal rights?

  13. Your absolutely right but completely wrong , in the real world they will escalate and force a situation to simply arrest or kill the person and the evidence is all presentable ( even if a jury is instructed to ignore something it's already in there minds )

  14. And then there is how it works in the real world. After 18 months of the DA trying to threaten me into signing a plea deal and me asking to see a copy of the consent to search form or the search warrant every time, they just filed another set of false charges against me, revoked my bond, and then told me that I would be setting in the Knox County jail for the next 5 years just waiting on court dates if I didn't sign a plea deal. The only thing worse than a cop is a fucking lawyer

  15. Actually, the only part of your yard that is considered a public access area to your door is the front yard. The backyard isn't, nor is the sides of your house.

  16. They can arrest you. And if you are poor you will go to jail. Or at least thats what would happen where i live in the US

  17. Why do people need to request that evidence ever be suppressed? The 14th amendment requires the government to defend your rights at all times without delay.

  18. Supress is if you have been naughty.
    What can you do if they search without permission, no probable cause, find nothing? What damages?

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