
Should more states allow warning shots to be considered self-defense? Let us know! #selfdefense #aor


Should more states allow warning shots to be considered self-defense? Let us know! #selfdefense #aor

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11 thoughts on “Should more states allow warning shots to be considered self-defense? Let us know! #selfdefense #aor”

  1. I like that it gives you a bit more leeway in your decision making under pressure, but I disagree with this and I’m from Ohio. Maybe a shot in the air or dirt is fine if you’re in bfe, but in a neighborhood you’re responsible for where ever that shot ends up

  2. I think the "warning shot" in Ohio refers to one made NEAR THE ASSAILANT while not actually hiiting the subject. This is not about a warning shot in the air.
    If Ohio considers it self defense, more power to 'em, but such a shot does not guarantee the stopping of an attack, home invasion, or whatever violence is intended.
    It will appear to help good people in Ohio who might try it, but a prosecutor could use it against someone, as well. How? In any way they can.

  3. I never understood the judicial system being against warning shots. Wouldn't the state rather have a suspect flee than be killed by actual shots?

  4. In Arizona, we call warning shots… A miss… You missed your intended target😂😂😂

  5. If a situation is bad enough for me to pull my firearm out that means I had no other choice, that’s my last option to resort to is having to use it.

  6. The only time I've ever had to use a firearm in self defense, I fired a single shot into the air. One thief ran, the other froze. I held him at gunpoint until the police arrived. Nobody hurt, both perps (eventually) caught. Police thanked me. Your mileage may vary. Orange TX, 1980s.

  7. I don't want to unalive anyone or cause injury to anybody. If a warning shoot can stop a attack that is a good thing.

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