
Should I Buy a Dashcam Legal Breakdown


#Buy #Dashcam #Legal #Breakdown

It is a hot debate: Should you buy a dashcam? Armed Attorneys Emily Taylor and Richard Hayes discuss the legal pros and pitfalls of having a dashboard-mounted camera and settle the debate to the question, “Should I buy a dashcam?”

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44 thoughts on “Should I Buy a Dashcam Legal Breakdown”

  1. The area I live in the gangs are moving in. Not the full-on tattooed and readily recognized members but rather tho ones who are NOT easily identified so they can blend in and do what the full-on gangstas can't do. Still a part of the crime, drugs, and violence to expand their territory, tho. (O_o)

    Instead of home security cameras dissuading them from crime, they see/use the footage as a way to memorialize their criminal versatility. Doing crimes and then when Law Enforcement arrives usually because the criminal ensures they win the race to 911, they put on their innocent act to lie convincingly and portray the victim as the bad guy just like you mention in the video here. (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

    Although the cameras record what happens on video, the audio is not recorded so the criminal is still willing to try the he said vs she said strategy because more often than not, Law Enforcement buys into it. (-‸ ლ)

    I started wearing a body-cam so that tactic no longer worked. Specifically, as soon as they saw the home-owner walking towards them to respond with the red light flashing they bailed. But they kept coming back again and again to repeat the original crimes which were intended to get the interaction and response they needed for their scam to work. (●´⌓`●)

    So I stopped wearing the body-cam and used video-sunglasses instead. They went ahead with the plan like normal expecting to use the lack of audio/video as a means to misrepresent the situation in the 911 call(s) as well as the usual exagerations and false claims to the responding officers. \(`0´)/

    It was so NOICE to just place my laptop on the cruiser hood, pull my videoglasses off, plug them in and say, "Gentlemen, here's what and who you're really dealing with." (^_^)

    Outcome? LE recognized they were being played as fools, stern "advisories" were issued to the wanna-be gangers, and my home became an unsuitable point of attack for their shenanigans. (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

  2. I have a dash cam and I'm with Richard on this one.

    The initial part of the video that you didn't show, showed the cammer driving like a REALLY BIG jerk (trying to be nice here… and leaving out a reference to male anatomy), speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, then he goes and says "I didn't do anything to provoke him."

  3. I am older and not an aggressive driver I am looking at definitely getting a video cam. Inside and out. I have not had a ticket in 30 years nor have I been stopped. No accidents either due to my diligence.

  4. LOL, trying to stop traffic from using a shoulder to cut traffic IS illegal in itself. The driver in the video seemed upset that the person passing traffic on the should was doing so faster than he was also doing. That doesn't require a gun to be shown but the dashcam driver should have known his driving was as bad as the person he was trying to block…..Which once again is illegal to do!

  5. I love you, two! I can emphasize with both points of view. As a bus operator, our cameras have saved my bacon several times. As a preppers, I haven't been able to afford one yet for my personal vehicles. As for reasonable, I am a watcher. Old experienced, taken Smith Systems training far too many times in a career, so I predict/profile all the drivers around me. Sure enough, I give myself an out and watch the accident happen and proceed on to work. I stopped trying to be the good Samaritan decades ago. I make my wife and brother upset by saying that, but good guys seldom get rewarded and almost always cause themselves to be heartbroken. That said; in an active shooter situation, I'm also going to be cool. Can I make a useful shot? or is crowd management a better use of my skills. Observe, report, escape, and evasion those are the Armed Citizens duties. Render aid, certainly. But, a good person with a concealed pistol is no match for a rifleman. At my age, I can't avoid being targeted. But, I also know that I am willing to become a martyr in the legal system to keep a gang banger from becoming the next lieutenant.

  6. Dash cams also help you when cops behave badly at a traffic stop. You know damn well they ain't giving up their footage in your case. I agree with both arguments but get one that is concealable and not one that says hey I have a camera. That way cops don't know that you have it and it recorded you doing the wrong thing. However you have it to show that if you were in the right. You have evidence to corroborate with your testimony or statement.

  7. I think it's ok to have one if you are cognesent of the "cop" sitting in your right seat…. it's like taking a drivers test every day…

  8. I wish i had one 2 months ago. I had a Bald Eagle do a touch and go on a dead squirrel 30 feet in front of my vehicle then flew directly over me, turn around and buzz my vehicle a second time. That footage would have been priceless to me. Footnote bald eagles aren’t very common yet in central Wisconsin. Getting more. Frequent but not common yet.

  9. Maybe there is third option: trying to get the license plate on camera at the same time of the incident.

  10. This is interesting… in the USA you HAVE to take the stand in a self defense case? Just wondering why.

  11. I have front and rear facing cameras. The same discipline it takes to carry a gun applies to driving and road rage. I do keep the microphones muted in case of an "excited utterance" but I can reach up and turn it on if necessary. Always a risk, but the cameras are much more likely to capture someone else's bad behavior.

  12. that guy in the dashcam was stupid.
    He not only went after the other truck, but it showed him blatantly breaking the law by driving off the shoulder without good reason (construction detour, traffic control, by PD for responding to an accident, etc) and speeding.

  13. If a Dashcam is just as likely to hurt you as to help you so you shouldn't install one, doesn't the same thing apply to carrying a firearm? Other than Dashcam will not save your life in a confrontation, but the gun will. It's the long term damage that might be about the same in our current political climate.

  14. With how aggressive a lot of people are when driving its probably more of a liability than anything… all I can say is if you choose to use one you better be on your best behavior and KNOW the laws. You may be surprised when you find out your actions were illegal. Pretty much all insurance will find you at least partially at fault if it was "avoidable" – and in a lot of cases crashes are avoidable. It is pretty rare actually to have unavoidable ones, and those are usually the most deadly.

  15. Both my wife and I have dash cams in our vehicle (forward and rear cameras). My wife loves to make a running verbal commentary about the actions of dumb a$$ drivers around her. Should I turn the mic off on her dash cam?

  16. I got dashcams after my wife got hit and the other driver lied (she-said she-said BS). Later, my dashcam caught the hit and run driver that hit me 2 years later. without that, I'd have been in a world of hurt – and State Farm had to eat a FAT bag of D!cks thanks to that footage.

  17. I’m all in on the dash camera. Video doesn’t lie. Could it be evidence against me? Yes. Is it likely that the evidence will be in my favor? I hope we never have to find out…

  18. Driven for 40 years only 1 accident from rear. No front/rear cams, never had an incident. Drive like your life depends on it and with a calm mind and you won't have an issue. Drive like an azz and you get the cops called on you.

  19. It appears to me; the reasonable approach is installing a dash cam that records the driver and the road conditions. Case closed for a responsible driver.

  20. That situation with the driver was in Maryland – he should have just gotten the tags and called it in and let the anti-2A government of Maryland issue the consequences to that moron. Chances are he was not a legal permit holder to be that stupid.

  21. Yes I have a dash cam,saved me twice already and saved another driver from getting a ticket also.

  22. When I was 25? I should not have had a dash cam. I was a fan of adrenaline and speed.
    Now at 40+? I have a dashcam and obey traffic laws. Too many friends have died doing stupid things in cars and on bikes.
    If you break the law? No dash cam. If you drive Ms Daisy? Get a dash cam.

  23. At about 9m30 sec …. If a cop asks for the footage say:
    "The guy who installed it said it is live streamed. I can only get it off a server later."
    Then review it later. There can always be an oops! later.

  24. I would absolutely get a dash cam – for insurance purposes against people trying to commit insurance fraud.

  25. I will say, if I had a dashcam, I would mute the microphone. In today's hyper-sensitive environment, I guarantee that I would say things that would get me charged with a "hate crime"

    I remember being stuck in stop and go traffic. Lady bumped into me from behind. We pulled over to the side of the road and the first words out of her mouth were "Did you roll back into me?" (Yes lady, we are both going down an incline so I rolled back up the hill into you….) There was no damage to either vehicle so we went our separate ways, but there are too many billboard lawyers out there willing to participate in a scam just for a few thousand dollars from a settlement.

  26. As over the road truck drivers, we dash cam everything with the exception of military or government facilities.

    The odds of a road rage case in Atlanta, Dallas, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, etc, are pretty good that the footage would/ will help your case.

  27. Just decided against a dashcam. Not because I'm unreasonable, but bc I weighed the odds of stupid stuff happening where I drive, and the likelihood isn't worth the hassle of arguing with a cop OR the intrusion on my privacy. If the cop doesn't snag my cam on the roadside, I still doubt they would later say, "Hey we only want to see those 30 seconds, not your whole day."

    The chance of being charged with not preserving evidence, which is based on someone's opinion really, again is not worth it.

    If I drove in NYC for a week, YES, Lord Yes I would have a dashcam! Probably one facing forward, and one facing backwards, and I'd have an old phone recording me!!! lol

    So, the answer for me is "It depends on your situation." 😅 TY for the video. I was on the fence until the end. She made a good point.

  28. Emily you should have a dash cam because people lie. Also get one that shows the cabin and driver window so police interactions can be recorded .

  29. I think what's missing here is, any recorded footage is private property, you don't have to show it to anyone. Meaning, if you delete anything that might make you look bad there is no evidence against you.

  30. If Hilary can delete 30000 emails after receiving a subpoena to preserve and produce them, and Comey the clown says 'no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute the case'…I think I'll go with that logic.

  31. Save the stickers for toolboxes and safes. Also, know when you dress up in your "shoot me first shirts". Grey men do not advertise.

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