
Shocking Photos Show Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt Crime Scene House


Shocking Photos Show Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt Crime Scene House

#Shocking #Photos #Show #Ruby #Franke #Jodi #Hildebrandt #Crime #Scene #House

Utah authorities released hundreds of evidence photos after arresting Ruby Franke and Jodi Hildebrandt for child abuse in August 2023. Officers searched Hildebrandt’s home when Franke’s 12-year-old son escaped after being tied up and bound in duct tape. Law&Crime’s Elizabeth Millner breaks down the shocking images.

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38 thoughts on “Shocking Photos Show Ruby Franke, Jodi Hildebrandt Crime Scene House”

  1. I honestly think Jodie was a lesbian and Ruby was converted by her. It’s interesting that she (Jodie) kept referring to Ruby’s kids as “her own kids” and Ruby’s husband was pretty much out of the picture. Maybe killing off all their kids was Jodie and Ruby’s sick, twisted and messed up way of being free lesbian lovers with no add on baggage. Ruby even went as far as selling two of her kids to “family friends” when the officers went to get them, the creepy father dude said they “do chores” at his house….

  2. People who resist police when the police is trying to arrest them for their wrongdoings are so entitled🤮

  3. I hope Jodi becomes someone’s lil prisoner, I hope she never has peace. These aren’t her first victims, R is so strong 🙁

  4. Ruby talks exactly like Lori Vallow Daybell did. They both say their kids are evil, the devil is in them. I think the LDS church needs to be investigated. Both of these women belonged to the church. Absolutely sickening!

  5. She was so stoic walking to the police car because she was thinking about all the ways she's gonna get her son back for this

  6. Ruby is fake sorry. This is all a strategy to get less time than Jodi. I don't like how they seem to buy it in this video. She isn't sorry and is dangerous! Read the journals

  7. Peter was an apostle who never actually met Christ, but rather was persecuting Christians and converted. Then much of his scripture seems to be similarly harsh to anyone he deems 'inappropriate'

  8. I will never not be angry when I heard Jodi said “I have my attorney on the phone.” You know you got caught you 🤬

  9. Ugh. They sound like Lori Valloe Daybell when talking aboit the "evil" in the kids and what they must dont to truly combat it. I'm so glad that they were caught because I'm afraid that they would have ended up like Lori's kids- no longer with us. Just heartbreaking.

  10. this is so disgusting & terrifying the emotional & physical abuse 🤢 they KNEW what they were doing thats why jodi freaked out & ruby said nothing.

  11. The fact that they justifed their actions by saying they were fighting the evil. Kids arent evil. Kids will react when treated poorly…being starved, locked in rooms or closets like they dont matter. I dont know how as a mother she could do something like this or allow these vile things to happen to her children. Its disgusting.

  12. Oh yeah my lawyer is adam you know adam on that street with the brother and dad. Ruby just blinking when the cops speak is almost scary. These woman are wacko where are the fathers and grandparents

  13. She was already on the phone with her lawyer ,.. this disgraced whatever title she had at some point,… THAT SAYS A LOT. This is nothing less but torture and should be punished accordingly. Im kind of surprised of their sentences.

  14. Cayenne pepper and honey on wounds, rope and cuffs, malnutrition and excessive physical punishment. Darlin, THAT'S NOT PARENTING. THAT IS WHAT'S RIDICULOUS.

  15. They are both crazy and evil. Kevin should be in prison too as he was complicit in the torture of those kids. He should never get cystody of those children.

  16. All that food and the kids were starved 😢 these women are monsters. I could not even do that to a animal .

  17. It’s crazy that so much abuse was on you tube and NOBODY thought to do more. Do better society. (Myself included)

  18. What happened with this ppl now days, they going crazy,. I can't believe this woman thinks is ok to do this to a kids ,. This world is crazy,.

  19. Should have been a stronger sentence. Horrible and disgusting.. Mom is a POS.. Or brainwashed. Leaning towards POS.

  20. "You have the right to remain silent" use it! One day, the truth will find you, lady. Until then, you're going to rot.

  21. I always wonder even HOW people think of these gruesome punishments-like imagine the SICK mentality and planning it takes to even think of these punishments-the cayenne and honey mixture literally has me almost vomiting while shedding tears. I will never understand how people do this to children.

  22. I want everyone to know that when they opened the basement up it smelled so strong you could smell it outside and while the kids were being confined and tortured they wouldn’t see each other for months which is why the little boy wasn’t sure how many siblings were locked in the basement in other rooms like they were both locked up and tortured for years and luckily their mom is such a psycho she actually recorded everything in a journal and that was used as evidence against her and Jody in court

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