
She Got Her Money Back After Police Seized It Without Suspecting Her of Crime


She Got Her Money Back After Police Seized It Without Suspecting Her of Crime

#Money #Police #Seized #Suspecting #Crime

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criminal law , She Got Her Money Back After Police Seized It Without Suspecting Her of Crime, IJ,Institute for Justice,Freedom,Liberty,Individual Rights,Constitution,Constitutional Law,Unconstitutional Law,Con Law,Constitutional Litigation

26 thoughts on “She Got Her Money Back After Police Seized It Without Suspecting Her of Crime”

  1. I remember in the 80's there was a propaganda campaign where LE convinced the people that this was necessary to combat the "war in drugs." Civil forfeiture is just a way for the Judicial system and LE to make money through legal theft. It needs to end. There's no law that has ever been created that isn't abused by the Judicial system and LE.

  2. EVERYONE who gets dragged into the legal system should demand to see their written guarantee of getting a fair trial! It's a gamble or a scam without it!

  3. This is the kind of incident I have little sympathy for the victim. Virtually no reason to keep $8000 cash in their home unless they're doing something shady.

  4. Legal expenses, her worth entrepreneurial time wasted and emotional damage, resulting from the prolonged process after she was let go and his ex acquitted. And only after that being paid, the interest.😊

  5. If you owed the government money they would impose interest AND penalties and in 3 years that would be about equal to the original amount

  6. I'd Love To Comment But YouTube Keeps Calling ALL of my Comments 'Hate Speech'🤔🤔

  7. I sure hope you guys win. This country was founded due to injustices like civil asset forfeiture.

  8. So a person can get away with committing a crime so long as they are doing it on behalf of the state.

  9. They should have to pay for the legal fees as well. If it is a piece of property that has deprecated like an automobile, they should have to compensate for the depreciation while in their custody and expenses incurred due to their denial of your ability to use your property.

  10. Not to mention a lawsuit for the hardships she went through from Criminals With Badges stealing her money !
    It's definitely LAWSUIT TIME !

  11. The DEA is a fascist organization. They are a gang backed by many fascist judges. Their whole operating procedure rewards property theft. End the illegal drug war now.

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