
Shamima Begum’s lawyer standing for PARLIAMENT: Make Brits involved in IDF ‘war crimes’ STATELESS


Shamima Begum’s lawyer standing for PARLIAMENT: Make Brits involved in IDF ‘war crimes’ STATELESS

#Shamima #Begums #lawyer #standing #PARLIAMENT #Brits #involved #IDF #war #crimes #STATELESS

Shamima Begum’s former lawyer and parliamentary candidate Tasnime Akunjee says Brits joining the IDF and ‘committing genocide’ should be made stateless like his client.

#shamimabegum #immigration #israel #palestine

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criminal lawyer , Shamima Begum’s lawyer standing for PARLIAMENT: Make Brits involved in IDF ‘war crimes’ STATELESS, GB news,shamima begum,palestine,israel,islam,immigration

38 thoughts on “Shamima Begum’s lawyer standing for PARLIAMENT: Make Brits involved in IDF ‘war crimes’ STATELESS”

  1. Just one of many thousands polluting UK politics right now and their islamist voters can feel power coming their way.

  2. Oh great, so now he’ll be trying to let into the country all sorts of crap from these isis camps, wonderful

  3. So he has clarified anyone seen as siding with terrorism should be held accountable as Shamina so can we do the same to the Islamist protesters.

  4. British law British lawyer. Wouldn't be on television saying to someone to break English law.

    Muslims do not give a fuck about English people.

    When he talk about betraying he talks about the Muslim people.

    He's a mermaid.

  5. You realise thousands of extremists have reentered Europe after being encouraged to fight in Syria. She is a scapegoat she was a child used as a Jihadi Bride these marriages last 48 hours ect and these girls were allowed and encouraged to leave by the intelligence agencies along with feeding them captagon. This goes deep there was a reason why the former British intelligence agent flew off a balcony , Definitely not Turkish mit clean house. Eyes wide shut Subservient public can't join the dots.

  6. 😅😅😅, oooooh the arrogance of this man, Oooooh, we are doomed, sharia law will rule soon, Beam me up Scotty!!!

  7. The Principles of “The Labour Party” used to be all about Working Class Brits, not Islamists or Marxists or Gender preoccupied confused people….
    This lawyer is a joker.
    Good thing we know who he is now.

  8. In any country, the culture of the people should come first so anyone with with difference should not be allowed as an MP

  9. Those who's loyalties are to foreign powers, cultures and ideologies have no business being in parliament. The past two decades under Labour and the Tories should have proven that by now.

  10. he is a typical liar as expected from some Diversity, I can tell you from working with this type for 16 years

  11. When HAMAS didn’t even get convicted in International Criminal Court in 2019 then under what Legal ground that Indian Pretti Patel prescribed HAMAS as a terrorist organisation, what game Indian Hindus are playing with British Justice System? All those Hindus mind game to deceive Jewish people for Hindus to take lucrative business contracts pretending to be their friends and all those acting skills of Indian some Hindu women to play games!

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