
Seventh Lawyer wants out & Sarah Boone’s WRITING is back in | NEW CASE UPDATE


Seventh Lawyer wants out & Sarah Boone’s WRITING is back in | NEW CASE UPDATE

#Seventh #Lawyer #Sarah #Boones #WRITING #CASE #UPDATE

Sarah Boone, who is accused of murdering her boyfriend Jorge Torres Jr. by locking him in a suitcase on the night of February 23, 2020, is currently being represented by her 7th lawyer in the case – but there seems to be trouble again, and this 7th lawyer of hers, filed for a motion to withdraw. Her wants aren’t met and she is writing up a storm to the new judge. listen to her letter here!!!

Here is the full playlist about this case on this channel with many interesting interviews from the case file.

Our condolences to those who loved Jorge Torres.

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criminal lawyer , Seventh Lawyer wants out & Sarah Boone’s WRITING is back in | NEW CASE UPDATE, Sarah boone,mentour lawyer justice network,mentour lawyer,deep dive true crime,Sarah Boone letter,letters,new updates on Sarah boone,sarah Boones new letters,true crime updates,interrogation,murder,crime,criminals,deep dive,true crime news,true crime media,mentour lawyer analysis,Sarah Boones lawyer quits,lawyer,lawyerlife,lawyer of boone,Sarah Boone case,Jorge torres case,suitcase killer,man trapped in suitcase

37 thoughts on “Seventh Lawyer wants out & Sarah Boone’s WRITING is back in | NEW CASE UPDATE”

  1. her last name may not dtrump but she has a brother named donald…could even be twins if it weren't for age difference… 😮

  2. One thing for sure is she writes very well. To play devils advocate I agree with her, if it’s true, it’s not right that she’s not included in all those hearings. She has the right to assist in her defense. I also don’t understand how come she saw her lawyer only once. Is this all true? The crime she committed is awful but if all she says is true, something is wrong

  3. judge Wooten told Sarah if she could not work with Mr Hobson then she would have to hire her own private atty. will the new judge be aware of Judge wootens warning to Sarah ? I think Sarah had 3 hours with atty Hobson , and 10+ hours of time with a DV expert / psychologist in Dec 2023 / January 2024.
    she also refused to attend any of her court hearings and ptc s in 2020.
    of course none of this is mentioned in her letters.
    What are the ethics considerations Atty Hobson mentioned ? does anyone know what this could possibly be. ?

  4. 😂😂😂😂😂

    People sitting in jail for murder have a LOT more free time on their hands to spend this amount of time whining about the backlogged criminal justice system than public defenders who are actually practising in the same. Sarah has had to learn this the hard way due to no other reason than her own choices and actions.

  5. She's doing this because she wants an attorney that will get her aquitted. I can't wait to see this nutjob convicted

  6. Whoever is reading the letter is doing so in an entirely too sane and pleasant manner. Crazy it up a bit next time.

  7. In her effort to get her court hearing, she's only extending the inevitable. She's as crazy as they come. I bet she drives everyone around her nuts!

  8. I think Sarah is on to something. Her plan is to frustrate the court to such a high level the judge might risk his own career and work with the local jail to "allow" her escape. If verbose were a person, Sarah Boone will be it. Perhaps it's the narrator, but she writes like a 19th century romance novelist. The nerve of this woman to think she needs to attend every court hearing/conference and she's not even paying a dime. Imagine if she had Donna Adelson's money – how more entitled would she be. One good thing is she remains in jail without bond so if she wants to spend the next 10 years awaiting trial, that will count towards her eventual sentence.

    I think this woman knows she's headed to prison, but maybe like jail food better.

  9. Why hasn't one of the lawyers just followed through with what Sarah wants…get to trial…let the chips fall where they may…and just get this thing over and done with? If Sarah wants to go in there and say it was all an accident with the evidence available…it'd be a quick trial and verdict. I'm sure the State would appreciate getting this to trial. Someone, please bite the bullet.

  10. I’m sure she’s out of her mind, crazy!
    Someone is helping her with these letters though. Imo she’s waiting for the hype to die down & people will forget about the truth of her actions.
    Has she had psychological evaluations?
    She needs a judge to tell her how it is, it’s not like the rest of us who can go see our lawyer everyday, she’s in jail, rules are different for them & visitation is limited.
    Someone bring this woman back down from the clouds!

  11. Don't you know the guards & other inmates avoid her like the plague…? Imagine being her cellmate. What a nightmare.

  12. Oh Sarah….bless her heart …something us southern folk say about people who are ‘touched’
    Ok,I can see why she’s a little annoyed with how long this process is taking OH WAIT,SHE IS THE REASON THAT ITS TAKING SO LONG 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

  13. 1) Just because you don't like her, or you think she is crazy/evil/whatever, doesn't mean she's 100% wrong. 2) Why are commenters under the impression that defendants acting weird is so unusual, and she is completely at fault for attorneys dropping out? This isn't the first time in history that defendants have been off the wall, or written letters, mixed with crazy, to the judicial system. But they still all have representation, and attorneys/judges typically ignore the crazy and move forward. So what exactly is the problem here?

  14. Thanks for this mentor lawyer, always enlighten to hear a new Sarah Boone letter👍🏻 Transparent Tea did a video of SB prison records and besides some typical infractions there are notations of her meetings with her lawyers and even a notation of her hugging a lawyer! Would love to match up those dates with her complaint letters. Might help exonerate a defense attorney or2.

  15. She can just defend herself at this point, it’s never enough. I’m sure she’s livid at her ex Brian for not paying for her attorney 😂 this woman is a scary, disgusting, delusional monster. “TO DATE” Sarah is nasty.

  16. She’s grasping at straws, at the end of the day Sarah, Jorge is dead because of your lunatic behavior.

  17. Despicable and guilty as she is, she's absolutely correct about all this. She's gonna make one helluva jailhouse attorney when she gets to prison. There are innocent people locked up who dont know how to fend for themselves in this manner. Sarah thinks she's innocent, so the depth of her efforts are impressive. That being said, im looking forward to the inevitable guilty verdict. Obviously she still thinks the "not intentional" defense is gonna work. The judge and prosecutor have already agreed there'll be no more continuances. I bet the judge keeps Hobson on the case and the trial still happens in May.

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