
Settled Law: No Such Thing As Presidential Immunity For Trump #shorts


Settled Law: No Such Thing As Presidential Immunity For Trump #shorts

#Settled #Law #Presidential #Immunity #Trump #shorts

Discover the legal implications surrounding former presidents and their immunity from civil lawsuits. Learn why criminal charges can still be brought against former presidents and explore the pardoning power. Stay informed on the legal intricacies of presidential immunity. #FormerPresidents #PresidentialImmunity #LawsuitsAgainstPresidents #LegalImplications #CriminalCharges #PardoningPower #CourtRulings #PoliticalLaw #LegalAnalysis #CurrentEvents
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21 thoughts on “Settled Law: No Such Thing As Presidential Immunity For Trump #shorts”

  1. The S C has time to favor Trump not the USA citizens.
    If the officer brakes the law.
    Not otherwise.
    He, Trump, brakes the law and business as usual. Hah!!!!

  2. Well, we've certainly seen how the present members of the Supreme Court handle settled law, i.e. Roe vs. Wade, Affirmative Action, etc.

  3. If this is settled law, why on earth would today's unsupreme court who is bordering on treason, take this case of Don the con other than to stall, which again is acting partisan which is a form of judicial misconduct. How too did Roe v Wade go from already settled to tossing this completely by geezers who do not have the sense to judge a dog show?Again, the people of America should demand impeachment of some of those on the high court.

  4. “in a role as president”. Not only can Trump be charged criminally he can be sued civilly. His Jan 6th actions were not in a role as president.

  5. Well considering Clarence Thomas is bought and paid for by Republicans, Trump will be okay.

  6. Biden should take trumps immunity and use it against him. Rip all the secret service away from Trump

  7. This illegitimate court is nothing but a right wing support mechanism. Two members should be impeached.

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