
Sentencing: Paul Ferguson – Tortured Brother Murder Case


Sentencing: Paul Ferguson – Tortured Brother Murder Case

#Sentencing #Paul #Ferguson #Tortured #Brother #Murder #Case

BREAKING: Paul Ferguson is sentenced to 30-100 years in prison after pleading guilty to child abuse in the death of his younger brother Timothy Ferguson. In a plea deal, Paul admitted to torturing his special needs brother on orders from their mother, convicted killer Shanda Vander Ark.

00:00:00 MI v Paul Ferguson: Sentencing
00:09:42 State Asks to Follow Sentencing Guidelines
00:24:30 Paul Ferguson Speaks in Court
00:31:57 Judge Addresses Sentencing Guidelines
00:45:25 Paul Ferguson Sentenced
00:56:40 Expert Analysis

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#paulferguson #timothyferguson #shandavanderark

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23 thoughts on “Sentencing: Paul Ferguson – Tortured Brother Murder Case”

  1. Still don’t understand why the Dad was not charged. Shanda was not suppose to have any contact with Timothy.

  2. I do beleive hes on his way to become a very dangerous person thought he would get home after court nope great judge😮

  3. My 4 siblings and I grew up with a mother like this. I actually was locked in a tiny room with nothing in it for an entire summer not allowed to have any food. I could use the bathroom once per day timed. My siblings would sneak me peanut butter sandwiches in the middle of the night. Our mother would sometimes try and force us to hurt or abuse each other- we would do so as lightly as we could bawling our eyes out, or once we got old/big enough, refuse all together. We all protected each other and looked out for each other, (except for one, the also sociopathic golden boy) and as a result, we were all kicked out of the house permanently by 13-16 (apart from sociogoldenboy.) The love between siblings is strong in situations like this no matter the age or mental capacity. It's like the bond of those who are in combat together. Unless of course you have zero empathy. Any one of us would have and did many times take a beating ourselves for refusing to hurt another one. Lock him up and throw away the key.

  4. My family knows what abuse is. My dad 18 years in the military had PTSD BAD but this was a WW2 and Korean war Veteran, they did not know what PTSD was. Dad could get very abusive if he drank alcohol, we had been beat and mistreated,,,,NOT ONE of us EVER mistreated each other between the 5 siblings. We all took care of each other and none of us grew up being abusive. We just prayed for each other to at least be able to grow up to an adult without dying and we did. We still loved our Dad as we knew he was screwed up by the war. We all felt so bad for our Dad we forgave him and it all worked out in the end.

  5. The judge phrased it better &
    I agree with him.

    Public opinion should definitely not weigh in the sentencing.

    The public domain and the course domain are two separate entities.


  6. Old Paul thought he was going home today!! He thought if I help convict my mom I'll get to keep my freedom..NO, it don't go like that Paulie! You helped kill your helpless brother & dished up your punishment willingly…so it's time for you To go do your punishment! He'll probably be calling himself Paula by the end of the year cos he's gonna find it very hard but at least you still have your life Paulie. Bye-bye

  7. Most ppl are supposed to know right from wrong and Paul Ferguson should know right from wrong as well as his psycho mother! But, these 2 psycho's only care abt themselves.

    Paul didnt have to do everything his crazy mother wanted & could have reported her to authorities.

    Paul's biological father most definitely should be arrested and charged. If he did the right thing and got Timmy help, hed still be alive today. When the biological father called & let Shanda take custody of Timothy, he knew what she'll do as she lost custody of both Timothy & Paul in 2012 as well as her other older children. That speaks volumes!

  8. This guy does not seem normal (developmentally). I'm assuming they may have done some cognition type testing. I don't know. My guess is that might have had something to do as to why he did not get life as the mother.

  9. What a joy to see that look of horror on the face of this POS when he hears the sentence. Some semblance of justice for Timothy at last against his utter monster of a brother.

  10. Pretty obvious Paul is a special needs person himself. He was groomed by his mom.
    It could have been Paul being abused. Matt is not empathetic.

  11. Far too often abusers get a slap on the wrist. It’s about time a judge appropriately punishes a defendant. Abuse is NOT an excuse to abuse. I was abused in every way. Never, ever would I imagine continuing the sick cycle my parents did, and their parents before them. Never.

  12. Some really twisted families out there. So hard to imagine inflicting such suffering to a poor child. Truly tragic

  13. The weak arsed bastard, taking a plea deal! He did what he did….old enough to know right from wrong, he had a choice….he knew what he was doing!

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