
Security Wants To Go Hands On For Recording in Public


Security Wants To Go Hands On For Recording in Public

#Security #Hands #Recording #Public

Fellow Patriots & Freedom Lovers, I was peacefully exercising my Constitutional rights at the Employment Commission in Norfolk, Virginia when I was confronted by Allied Universal Security who acted like complete thug & tyrant and decided that he was going to assault me on camera. Instead of doing their job and enforce the law, the Norfolk Police Department decided to protect this criminal! Please be sure to hit the Like button and Share this video, it truly helps spread this around for more Patriots to see it and I appreciate it!

If you feel the need to PEACEFULLY petition your grievances to your government OR commend any public servants on their behavior regarding this incident I will leave public contact information below. Always remember, this is your right under the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution!

Allied Universal Security:

+1 (804) 560-0162

Norfolk Police Department

+1 (757) 664-7000

Virginia Employment Commission:

+1 (757) 461-7537

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All proceeds will help with legal fees to fight unlawful arrests, civil lawsuits & to keep me traveling to a city near you to expose tyranny!
criminal law , Security Wants To Go Hands On For Recording in Public, 1st Amendment Audit,1st Amendment Audit Fail,1st Amendment Auditor,Walk Of Shame,Long Island Audit,LongIsland Audit,LIA,Cop Watch,CopWatch,1A Audit,1A Audit Fail,American 1st Amendment Audit,Long Island Audits,Long Island Auditor,Police Fails,Police Owned,Police Educated,Transparency,Accountability,Fail

50 thoughts on “Security Wants To Go Hands On For Recording in Public”

  1. those people are clowns, your "I fell uncomfortable" do not dismmis the fact that we, the citizens. have constitutional rights, and we will exercise it!

  2. Allied Universal. Bigger screw-ups than any police department. And look at junior with his hands in his vest, just like a real cop.

  3. I would love to join you on just one of your visits. As soon as anyone goes hands on so will I and we will see who comes out the other side hurt. I am legally bound to protect myself and my property from anyone if I believe I’m in danger

  4. Wow. The security guard, the cops, and the supervisor; What a bunch of dicks.

    Thank you to Sean and good citizen Peter for standing up for our rights.

  5. Who the hell does that security guard thinks he is. He needs to get a few brain cells before he threatends the wrong person. Someone is liable to have him for lunch.

  6. Government workers do not want to be filmed while their so-called working they want to hide the fact that they don't do much anything

  7. LOOK(!)… if you don’t stop videoing, I’m going to have to call the “feelings” police. And then of course, I’ll learn that you’re okay doing what you’re doing. I won’t like it BUT I’ll have to leave you alone❗️👈🇺🇸

  8. Wenn der Sinn des Lebens darin besteht Leuten mit dem Handy auf die Nerven zu gehen ist was schief gelaufen.

  9. I have no idea how much this means in 1966, but I was attempted to be recruited by the KKK IN FT. Lauderdale, Florida. I put up a very good fight against these guys, and was beaten severely by three of them. And now, I am surposed to be intermediated by the very people I support‘ed? Give me a break!!😂

  10. People need to get over their feelings excuse and start respecting and honoring others civil rights yes constitutional rights and protected activities. Get them a tissue and tell them to carry on and do their jobs or quit. People to sensitive and uneducated. Other citizens in thoer feelings need to be educated also and carry on.

  11. Lol it ridiculous how there tyrants try and act. They need to get educated. Thank you for educating these people working for the people.

  12. When I was in high school, every basic level class for the dumb dumbs was called “College Prep”.

    Today it’s obvious why

  13. Here's an idea go into a BAD neighborhood at night and film😜😜. Bet you are not brave then. 😜😜 Let me know how that works out 😉

  14. You need to get sn effing job. You said playing a dangerous game. Just last week a young man was shot in the head. What will happen if you run up with someone that has nothing else to lose.

  15. We are in trouble if we are here to make EVERYONE feel comfortable…because some ppl will never be "comfortable" get a spine already ppl.

  16. They can record you but cry when you have all rights to record in public, public buildings and so fourth if paid for by tax dollars.😂😂😂😂ignorance

  17. Don’t forget, he’s a very import ‘journalist’ gathering‘information for a story’, and not just somebody who bothers working people for likes

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