
SECRET Alec Baldwin phone calls – ARMORER CASE FILE Police Interviews Hannah Gutierrez RUST MOVIE


SECRET Alec Baldwin phone calls –  ARMORER CASE FILE Police Interviews  Hannah Gutierrez RUST MOVIE

#SECRET #Alec #Baldwin #phone #calls #ARMORER #CASE #FILE #Police #Interviews #Hannah #Gutierrez #RUST #MOVIE

Let’s listen in to these secret recordings of Alec Baldin regarding the sh00ting that happened on the movie set of RUST. This happened in New Mexico. You may also be interested in viewing the best actor in the worlds interrogation Jensen Ackles linked below as well as the rest of this series which is a playlist!
This is an investigation into the passing away of Halyna Hutchins on the movie set thanks to Alec Baldwin and Hannah Reed. This is an educational program provided by New Mexico via public records for public viewing. This is for a learning experience. Please like, comment and subscribe thank you

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criminal lawyer , SECRET Alec Baldwin phone calls – ARMORER CASE FILE Police Interviews Hannah Gutierrez RUST MOVIE, prop master interrogation,propmaster,prop master interview,Hannah Gutierrez Reed,hannahreedarmorer,hannahreedrust,hanna reed rust,Sara Zackery,Sara zackry,Sarah Zackary interview,rust movie interviews,New Mexico interrogations,usa police interrogations,movie set interview,crime circus,crime circus interrogations,hollywoodinterviews,hollywoodinterrogation,baldwinmovie,cowboy interrogation,interrogationofactor,leadactorinterview,santafenm,santafepolice

39 thoughts on “SECRET Alec Baldwin phone calls – ARMORER CASE FILE Police Interviews Hannah Gutierrez RUST MOVIE”

  1. This poor cop who has to speak with him. She doesn't give a damn what was written in the LA Times.

  2. Stupid Alec was supposed to be the last line of defense, but couldn’t be bothered.🙄

  3. Aww, poor Alec and Hilarious🥒, being chased around in the car!! 😂🤣😂 couldn’t have happened to a better couple!💩

  4. Well yes – he wants to control the narrative .
    Narcissists are either the hero or the victim
    Never the perpetrator.
    This is him exactly .
    Gaslighting everyone who will listen to this psycho babble.

  5. Baldwin is also responsible.for.knowing how to do a safety check. Other videos show him using the gun as a pointing device, and rushing a scene. He also sounds like he's directing the investigation.

  6. He really comes of as a narcissistic jerk with adhd. However that doesn’t make him guilty. The only way I think he could be convicted is if it’s proven that he barked orders during the whole shoot trying to get people to hurry so fast that mistakes were made. Which is certainly plausible. actors are not required to check the gun, however proper gun etiquette states even when a gun isn’t loaded you don’t point it at anyone – but that’s not enough to convict.

  7. Wait!!!! Alec said 10 times in his first interview "Hannah handed me the gun!" So why did you lie, Alec?

  8. To come there would be difficult. I'm Alec Baldwin with 6 kids, i can't come to New Mexico As a matter of fact im gonna tell you exactly what you're gonna do, and you're gonna do it. I don't have Tom Cruises money!

  9. 🚩🚩🚩🚩LET HIM BE…….. HE'S. NOT GUILTY

  10. Grab a dictionary and look up the word narcissist, you will see a picture of this clown next to it 😖

  11. I read awhile back that Baldwin personally did not like the decedent for her conservative beliefs.

  12. It's crazy to hear him complaining about whether it's his business to check the gun or not… It's a real gun, you check it every time even if someone you trust hands it to you! Gun safety is important and anytime you hold a gun you double check! It's literally the first rule of gun safety!

  13. What a psychopath! "But because I know in my hart that i am not responsible for what happend to her I'm not, I'm not, I know I'm not a thousand percent I'm not responsible for what happend to her" "you dont know anything about my businus your in law enforcement" This video blew my my mind. Baldwin is actualy calling the poice who are investigating about him killing a person and he says "tell your boss to hurry up this is costing me jobs" to them? If a homicide Detective won't even stand up to Baldwin how do you expect a 24 year old armorer's apprentice too?

  14. He's driving around with all his kids " to get fresh air" and they have to listen to him ramble on like this? WOW this is wild!

  15. He’s a narcissist. Even if this was an accident which it seems to be ? Who acts like this ? A narcissist. I understand needing to look out for your own best interest but he hasn’t said anything or shown any concern for the people who were hurt and the woman whom he claimed was a friend who died !

  16. Does he have to yell at her and tell her her job . He should watch where that other actor handed a kid his gun for fun .

  17. Me thinks he protests too much plus he's trying to make the cop see things his way just shut up and let them do their job . All he had to do was check the gun himself . Just because he's an actor he's getting the utmost information anyone else would never get to talk about the case at all. Elitist think they are better than others but they are no better than anyone else.

  18. Can't believe he's like it's all about him and not about the life he took. anyone who handles a gun or one passed to them should check it out for them self PERIOD.

  19. If this wasn't so serious it would be hilarious he actually said they were on a budget well I guess you get what you paid for

  20. There is no such thing as having a person who checks the gun, the OPERATOR is always responsible for the handling of their firearm. He killed a person, just like a drunk driver, he deserves prison.

  21. So many contradictions and inconsistencies with what Alec has said here. What an obnoxious and selfish pos. He is what people accuse Trump of being, literally. He is trying to control and manipulate the conversation and investigation as a whole. What a unlikeable person, with a punchable face if I've ever seen one.

  22. Weird to think I'm watching crime videos curated by a cultist. jk 😂
    Seriously, thanks for sharing these. I didn't know they existed in the public domain let alone at all.
    Edit: G R O S ! A Joe "Potato Head Biden" ad at the end. 🤢

  23. So this dbag asks them to go after Hannah and then they go after Hannah. Wild stuff

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