
Scottish police instructed to TARGET comedians under new WOKE hate speech law


Scottish police instructed to TARGET comedians under new WOKE hate speech law

#Scottish #police #instructed #TARGET #comedians #WOKE #hate #speech #law

‘This bill has been controversial from day one’.

Tony McGuire gives details on Scotland’s new Hate Crime and Public Order Bill coming into affect on the 1st of April.

#GBNews #UKnews #comedian #scotland

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criminal lawyer , Scottish police instructed to TARGET comedians under new WOKE hate speech law, GB news,Woke,Hate,Hate SPeech,Humza YOusaf,SNP,Scotland,Scottish,Comedy,Comedian

47 thoughts on “Scottish police instructed to TARGET comedians under new WOKE hate speech law”

  1. This Is A Planed Islamic Agenda! Humza (Humble Yourself) Useless is Not British or Scottish! He is A Foreign Import. And It Time We Export Him Out Of Government!🙏🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿❤️🤍💙🇮🇱🙏

  2. 1984 Orwell was right.
    They want to remove all your freedom they want to control everything you do

  3. I have a multitude of jokes quite apt. there was an englisman a scotsman and an irish man getvridvofctgis foreign woke tout suite!!!

  4. I am going to say it. The First Minister of SCOTLAND is a dystopian, dictator who is using this to DISTRACT from where all the UK taxpayers' money has gone in the BARNETT FORMULA and the SNP MPs who have squandered it !??
    What I think when I see his face which has nothing to do with his ethnicity I will keep private, but HE can't stop anyone thinking for themselves and voting against HIS ugly agenda

  5. Englishman here next time I come to Scotland please do the usual and call me a cunt I won't be offended I promise just don't mention the rugby I love Scotland and the real Scottish people by the way 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇬🇧

  6. Christ I'm glad I'm South of the border. Waiting for the proud Saltire to be ordered not to be raised on buildings as it will cause offence.
    Be warned Scotland the same thing is happening to you in plain sight as Khan is orchestrating on London.

  7. Specifically who called for the targeting and when can we expect them to be prosecuted for a "hate crime"?

  8. This unelected clown has shown everyone exactly what the SNP is all about, and this will become apparent in the next elections.
    Keep up the great work 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  9. Human hates “whites” 💯 just google his “hate whites” speech . Who’s the racist and hater I wonder …..

  10. It doesn’t matter, we’ll all be speaking Russian soon😂. I don’t think the current population will be good enough to stop whatever Putin does

  11. Scotland now stands alongside Russia, Nortrh Korea, Iran et al. Your government are a disgrace.

  12. Unelected Hamza should reconsider 1 thing..Scottish people by large are loyal fiercely sovereign kindred people who have no racial qualms with anybody. They have no colonial legacy. It would really help him if he sits down with Scottish public and actually build a rapport with trust & respect. When sincerity goes Hamza what you got left is a bunch of Scots used to every trick in the book, theyv been dealt wrong undercard year after year century upon century. Their unperturbed. It will add to negativity. The principles so far theyv stuck to they won't give up, but for you Hamza it questions your merits.

    Don't multiply negativity. The chance is still there, talk to average Scotsmen women. Get their take & work with it.

  13. Because if you go to Muslim Pakistan, you'll find things such as modern music , comedy , film entertainment covering many subjects are banned by the Islamic religion . Now you have a Muslim you never voted in you are going to be forced to live under Islamic law

  14. Scotland don't take it sue for freedom of speech and take Scottish government /SNP to supreme court and vote SNP out of Scottish Parliament forever. Vote Reform UK and get your country back from these zealots

  15. From April Fool's Day on, you can be fined or locked up in Scotland for "hate-crime" of so-called "Islamophobia". That's what this is all about. Won't be able to legitimately criticise the so-called "Religion of Peace" any more. Very slippery slope.

  16. Imagine telling people even just 10 years ago that the country where the famous film all about "Freeeeeedom!" was set would become this Orwellian.

  17. What the fuck is hate speech ?

    Is it " I don't like you" or just pure stupidity with politicians trying to hide the the service Finbarr McDonnell (ABP INTERNATIONAL IRELAND) THE CO.O .IS -.RAPING YOUNG CHILDERN ( YOUNG BOYS…VERY VERY YOUNG)TO SEX STARVED MEN. Is that what's its all about.
    Well the service is there among the UK parliament.
    So please let me know.

  18. Jeez what is happening to our wonderful country get this muppet out now snp membership well and truly cancelled

  19. The same people who propose these measures will soon be looking for a place to hide when the people rail against them. No hiding from justice.

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