
Scottish Police Completely Overwhelmed By New Hate Crime Law


Scottish Police Completely Overwhelmed By New Hate Crime Law

#Scottish #Police #Completely #Overwhelmed #Hate #Crime #Law


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37 thoughts on “Scottish Police Completely Overwhelmed By New Hate Crime Law”

  1. Satire and mockery are useful weapons when it comes to government over-reach (think Jonathan Swift and Gerald Scarfe) – though I doubt the SNP will reverse course . . .

  2. You can tell who's non essential when thought crime is the primary focus, and you cannot keep up with the my feelings were hurt crowd.

    Though what's the bet the group that got this through is completely immune from any investigations or prosecution…

  3. Canada taking a page out of this book and set to have pre crime/ thought crime laws soon too.

  4. Dankula points out obvious thing that is going to happen. Que: Obvious thing happens.
    You truly are the luminary of this time. 😁

  5. I still consider myself a leftist, but I have to admit, I feel (for like 10 years now) "the left " is radicalized and pathetic AF. This is not my "left" anymore.
    It's a sad joke on what used to be a pro-social and pro-environmental approach.

  6. So while theft and sex crimes get worse, they want to crack down on mean words? You can’t make this shit up

  7. Coming from South of the border, it is nice to see your politicians are just as bad, maybe even worse than ours! The main problem for us all is, Labour will win, purely because the Tory's are so bad, but that means we end up with Keir Starmer! Loved your vid, subscribing. Keep up the good work!

  8. Listened to an interview where he said that anyone who reported him for his anti-white rant was from the far right. Why isnt that just more hate speech against the right?

  9. Taxes are technically a hate crime. Yes, our governments tell us we pay taxes that goes towards keeping the countries infrastructures well maintained like roads, hospitals, education etc. But have you looked at the roads lately, not very good. Needed to see a doctor lately, gotta wait. Our schools teaching non subjects(genderpolitics). It's clear as day or taxes are going into the pockets of well there's no other way to say it, professional thieves. Governments must be charged and jailed for this massive scale hate crime.

  10. Look up the concept of taquiyya. It's a significant commandment in their religion to use deceit to try to bring down opposite cultures. They tried and failed to take over the West by military force for many centuries (Almohads, Ottomans, Barbary states, etc.). Now they are having great success via infiltration and deceit.

  11. apparently anyone in any country can report a crime if it takes place in scotland on the scottish police website, so we can all report hamza useless for his "white, white, white" rant and calling everyone who reported his rant "far right".

  12. Hamas Yuseless can't hold his racist tongue for long. He's going to express his true colours again soon. Then we can get him reported under his new nonsense law.

  13. Hey you Scottish got all misty eyes Braveheart and said you wanted your own parliament.
    So we just let you have it and knew you would eat yourselves, it’s hilarious to watch 😂😂

  14. They asked my college law course to write an advice booklet about what a hate crime is for police Scotland, Covid cancled it but. Thats how much the police are aware of hate crime

  15. we have been screwed over by our government, before council tax (poll tax) we had plenty of police on the beat investigating crimes and showing presence as soon as our government decided to steal money from us we now have less service and invisible police. we are being ripped off.

  16. Statistics show that around 95.4 per cent of the Scottish population report their ethnicity as white.

  17. I don't need to raise my eyebrows that much for you to see my free WiFi signal on my forehead, the front tip of your hairline looks like mine but not exactly, my wife too has a visible free WiFi signal but it's good looking because like yours you have to raise the eyebrows to see it, that's to not forget about this video, I mean there's no need for me to add anything to what I heard,sharp Count

  18. Someone broke into my garden shed and stole my lawnmower! * despite having them on CCTV we don’t have any evidence to investigate. He called me a gay lord as he was stealing it. *we will be right round!!!

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