
Scottish hate crime law | Pensioner emotionally recalls ARREST over Humza Yousaf’s bill


Scottish hate crime law | Pensioner emotionally recalls ARREST over Humza Yousaf’s bill

#Scottish #hate #crime #law #Pensioner #emotionally #recalls #ARREST #Humza #Yousafs #bill

‘If I didn’t come they were going to handcuff me…’

Pensioner Morag McDougall Brown emotionally recalls her arrest after allegations she had broken Scotland’s new hate crime law.

#scotland #humzayousaf #snp #uknews #gbnews

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criminal lawyer , Scottish hate crime law | Pensioner emotionally recalls ARREST over Humza Yousaf’s bill, GB news,SNP,Humza Yousaf,Scotland,Scottish National Party,First minister,government,parliament,Holyrood,hate crime,bill,law

31 thoughts on “Scottish hate crime law | Pensioner emotionally recalls ARREST over Humza Yousaf’s bill”

  1. Full on N@zi law! A world w@r was fought to smash this type of h@tred. Now after all the lives sacrificed and all these years the world is experiencing the resurgence of N@zi rule!

  2. Surely this is the time when a Monarch should earn his keep and put a stop to this through whatever means available.

  3. A woman doesn’t have a cock! Facts are basically illegal now 🙄 and Hamza needs to get back on his boat! 👋🏻👳🏿👳🏿👳🏿

  4. I was under the impression that when a police officer arrests someone they have to inform the accused what it is they are being arrested for, i.e."….on suspicion of …" etc. To refuse to inform this lady what she was being arrested for except to say, "because of an allegation" is surely not enough. Then again, perhaps the rules are different in the Islamic Republic of Scotlandistan.

  5. Whoa, this is exactly what communist countries and Nazi Germany have or had; all it takes is a false accusation to get you sent to a gulag or gas chamber. In my entire life, I could never have imagined that the UK (Scotland), which we consider to be the bulwark of liberty and free expression, would become the same.

  6. What next?? This is a disgrace!! All the police had to do was to see the photo taken of this neighbour. So much division happening nowadays.. 😡

  7. Is that racist hypocrite Humza going to be arrested after he once said "Scotland is too white"… ? Disgusting bigot

  8. Wait a minuite Nana you accused a black man of being racist because he took the piss out your wig? Your so fake

  9. Am I right in thinking that anybody can lie about anybody else in Scotland, report said lie to Police and the 'innocent' person is arrested and has a 'bad mark' against their name always? What is the punishment for said 'liar', is there one and what happened to 'burden of proof'? Can this poot lady sue?

  10. "You may take our lives.. but you will never take our Freedom!… oh, hang on, the cops are at the door."

  11. Shame on the scottish goverment. They, have taken our freedom, not the english or the germans but the snp greens axis.

  12. I told a couple of teens to stop kicking their ball against my car after the third time seeing it. They ignored me and did it once more before walking away. Come late that night they were on my ring doorbell spitting on the car and calling me a Kafir. Wonder if it’s considered reportable, doubt!

  13. Meanwhile ACTUAL criminals are left to run rampant! This is beyond a joke… the police are useless

  14. Umm you CAN'T arrest some1 without stating the charges OR the suspicion of an offence! PISS weak!

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