
Scottish Hate Crime Bill – ‘People are scared to speak!’ | New restrictions come into force


Scottish Hate Crime Bill – ‘People are scared to speak!’ | New restrictions come into force

#Scottish #Hate #Crime #Bill #People #scared #speak #restrictions #force

‘A lot of concern has been raised by the gender critical feminist movement.’

Scotland reporter Tony McGuire reports on planned protests against Scotland’s new Hate Crime Bill, which comes into force today.

#scotland #hatespeech #freespeech #humzayousaf #uknews #gbnews

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criminal lawyer , Scottish Hate Crime Bill – ‘People are scared to speak!’ | New restrictions come into force, GB news,SNP,Humza Yousaf,Scotland,Scottish National Party,First minister,government,parliament,Holyrood,Hate speech,bill,law,restrictions,free speech

48 thoughts on “Scottish Hate Crime Bill – ‘People are scared to speak!’ | New restrictions come into force”

  1. "scared to speak" indeed! Who thought it was smart to give these peasants rights in the first place?

  2. There is something indicating just how dumb YH is every time I see him.
    The British Gov should refuse taxpayers funds for the deaconian laws and police actions of the SNP. It would have been much better if Scotland had been cut away from the rest of the UK

  3. Tell the truth even if it leads to your end. 1# a man can't be a woman, 2# migrant crime is more then 10x higher then indigenous Europeans 3# you can't have a democracy without free speech.

  4. Hansi Yusef he obviously feels threatened by white people now as a white man in Britain if I publicly stood up and said I have a problem because they're far too many brown people in power I would be automatically branded as a racist and probably charged with racist hate crime but this man can publicly stand up in Scotland and give his speech saying there are far too many white people in political positions and too many white doctor's too many white teachers too many white police officers too many white people and yet the Scottish police said there's no crime being committed distance back from Gillingham a race car to hide behind it's ok for a non white person to be hateful and racist towards white people because apparently they're brainwashed into thinking you cannot be racist towards a white person so non white people are allowed to be as racist as they like but why the tide or white man pointing out his too many brown people personally I don't don't care what colour your skin is as long as we can all integrate together and get on and live a peaceful life we are supposed to live in a decent tolerant respectful country apparently long as it doesn't involve the white people now so how is that multicultural how is that diverse when is prejudiced against the white people Britain is the most tolerant and respectful welcoming country but we are the most hated why is that

  5. Good way to make the Scottish people turn against the Scottish government and the police. Nice work assholes

  6. Snyone say what ylublike sbout muslims or any faith as no law of blastphomey in UK forhundreds years!!

  7. Hopefully, they will be flooded with complaints about humza … What a flippin freak show … Get these fools out of parliament and out of uk

  8. Why did our forefathers fight wars getting killed+disabled for idiots to pass laws like this.- see ya HUMZA go away.

  9. Humza yusef is a racist and now we can't speak up about them being racist towards us SNP OUT!!

  10. Humzlers plan to enforce women and girls out of work and schools. Soon he'll be enforcing the public stoning of women and girls….. Ironic making the police support predators and locking up women, girls and anybody who supports reality.

  11. Of course Humza yousef proposed the bill wasn’t gunna be Danny Boyle or something was it

  12. The UK Statistics Authority should launch an investigation into 

    the "episode of the biggest UK Council Properties of how 60000 Dual UK/ Palestinians and the recently resigned 40 UK Labour Muslim Councillors to be investigated for defrauding under Section 114

    Ex: LAMBETH COUNCIL vs Cowan Meilak ( how the council property operates & how BLM+HAMAS =IRAN BACKED TERRORISM DRUG TRAFFICKING, DEALING, LONDON KNIFE CRIMES( 40 UK Labour Party Muslim Councillors run Councils defrauded Councis like Birmingham and Nottingham,will face Bankruptcy via Section 114  ) Where the majority of dual nationality Palestinians are Council listed renters,but who have sublet their Council property while they live in Gaza Palestine,collectingrent whilst claiming benefits!- they have now come unstuck thanks to the HAMAS TERRORISTS attacks on Israel….it's hilarious -Labour-controlled Birmingham has issued a section 114 notice – a legislative tool used in England and Wales to signal that 40 UK councils do not have the resources to balance their budget, which may affect public trust" and it is not surprising "some people may feel misled" by the Government-60,000 dual nationality UK/Palestinians not only are provided with Council properties and benefits while they live in Gaza,but they move to Gaza and send Palestinians to take their place,to work illegally in 🇬🇧 UK!

    Q) why aren't the illegal immigrants made to earn their free room and board,and sent to do restoration, cleaning work on Council properties?

  13. I HATE being dictated to as to what i should think nor say. Women are Women and Men are Men. All the rest in between are in need of help.

  14. I LOVE white people. Look at all the cool invitations they made!

    1. Electric Generators : white guy
    2.Cars: white guy
    3.Trains: white guy
    4. Airplane: white guy
    5. Skyscraper: white guy
    6. Calculus: white guy
    7. Electric light : white guy
    8.Toilet Paper : white guy
    …..without white people, the world wouldn't be able to wipe its own @$$!!

  15. It does NOT protect people it PERSECUTES people much like a 16th Century "witch hunt" for those who do not comply!! When you rip out a man's tongue you don't prove him a liar you show the world you fear what he has to say!!! This is got to be an April's fool, right guys!!!

  16. Muslims should have no political power in Europe. These laws are meant to ensure nobody is able to identify and point out their ascension to influence.

  17. whats really hilarious from all the gammon in the comments is that you want free speech but are all fragile and easily offended by anyone who isnt white and speaking on behalf of the Reform "party"

  18. While the "law" may not have real "teeth," it does make sense in an increasingly "small world" for all people to work hard to become mindful of how they speak, how they throw around other peoples' names, how they make generalizations, how they portray different demographics and so on.

    This is double for influential figures – in the USA for example, most of the journalists on cable news can be considered guilty of hate speech towards whichever presidential candidate they are being paid to hold up as a straw man. It is not good for society or for the individual psyches, especially of young people who lack the understanding of the "different levels of interpretation" and so on.

    Far too many talking heads and social media warriors just go around "pounding the caffeine and letting er rip," and for me this "law" in Scotland is actually an excellent contribution to the conversation.

  19. Will Scotland be arresting visitors from other countries that the Scottish public accuse as hate speakers?

  20. It’s a bill designed to silence white straight people and give black and brown people the right to do anything they like without consequences

  21. You would think the Scottish government would have more important things to worry about than a small group of men, pretending to be women and getting their feelings hurt. Time to vote these people out

  22. These hate crime laws will be and are already being used against and to silence Christians of whom I am one.

  23. I believe that the real agenda behind the Scottish Hate Crime Law is to enable Islamist to force through laws to stop people criticising Islam, the Quran, Sharia Law and the prophet Muhammed, the Hadith and other Islamic writings. The labour Party in England is proposing to bring into law prohibiting people from criticising Islam etc. This will make it easier for Islamists and Jihadists and radical Islamists to set up Sharia Law courts in this country. I believe that there are already some set up in various parts of this country. Also it will enable radical Islamists to gain greater political influence in this country.

  24. People are scared to speak ,🤔 Oh no we are not !!! . Police Scotland you're gonna have your work cut out , this is a blasphemy law through the back door !!!?

  25. Will this bill be enforced on the imams spewing hate speech or just on white, white, white, white, white people 😂

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