
Scotland’s new hate crime laws to come to ‘the rest of the world’


Scotland’s new hate crime laws to come to ‘the rest of the world’

#Scotlands #hate #crime #laws #rest #world

Sky News host Caleb Bond says Scotland’s new hate crime laws are going to come to “the rest of the world”.

Scotland has received major backlash for the new hate crime law which many have questioned over whether it goes against freedom of speech.

“It’s one thing to incite violence, it’s one thing to incite some sort of physical damage to someone … but words are simply words,” he said.

“When you start saying this is a hate crime, to utter certain words.

“You can start with certain things that we might all agree are pretty awful and you probably shouldn’t say them, but then that leads to that, and then that.”
criminal law , Scotland’s new hate crime laws to come to ‘the rest of the world’, 6350134102112,fb,msn,opinoin,yt

33 thoughts on “Scotland’s new hate crime laws to come to ‘the rest of the world’”

  1. Rubbish….Humza Useless is an unelected muslim 1st minister who's agenda is to support Gaza etc. He's already illegally sent 2 payments of £750K and £250K of public funds to Gaza and secretly arranged for his inlaws to be airlifted out of the Gaza region and brought to Scotland…the police will be overwhelmed with the amout of complaints of Humzas "White " speech which was full of racial hate against white people.

  2. Rebuild Hadrian's wall. , , or. All men. Will wear dress,s. , in the UK. , I have brilliant male and female gay friends I have loved for many years , fantastic people. , , where has this warped an evil transgender crap. Emerged or spawn,d from. ,,,,,,.😈's sick .

  3. Going to stop saying Scotland is going along with this…..Scotland isnt!! In fact Scotland is taking the utter piss out of this. …..This is Humza an unelected first minister by the Scottish public putting this in…..He took over from the last first minister who ended up out on her ear and he will be also sho
    ………Already this is creating civil unrest and people are sabotaging this act …..people by the hundreds are reporting Humza under his own legislation…..This will be out and so will Humza……

  4. Fight it with everything you have and any means to defeat this totalitarian nightmare we are all heading for.
    This is ridiculous, absolutely disgusting and a real measure of how weak soviety has become.
    We gave up our freedom for comfortability and its led yo utter chaos within onky a few decades.
    This is a crucial time and we are failing to secure a happy and safe world for future generations.

  5. Just look who's pushing this nonsense..our leaders are puppets..nothing more..WEF puppets…funny how swabs gone quite …after telling everyone what he done by rigging our elections and corrupted all western governments …

  6. This sort of subjective litigation will privilege the rich and has the potential to fill our courts with unmitigated congestion. Highly regressive path they are on.

  7. Do they really think the dangerous people are the ones saying hateful things? They don't know much about human nature, that's for sure.

  8. John 3:20 – "For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed." – Jesus

  9. I mean you guys don't think murder can be a hatecrime either so your opinion is just dog shit

  10. The LGBT activists, and especially trans, can't win arguments on merits so they resort to attacking free speech and silencing opposition. Because they can't win the public square. This law is disgraceful.

  11. In another word is a Form of socialist ideology. Communism in control by the left wing government. Scotland is heading to that direction.

  12. What the snowflakes and bleeding hearts fail to recognise is the damage done to the two real sexes with these inane actions. In effect the authorities are claiming that being a man or a woman is nothing more than your outward appearance or what you wish to identify as. This is an utterly ridiculous and outrageous premise, they are undermining what it actually means to be a man or a woman. It seems the only hate crimes being committed are against normality.

  13. So by their own laws a lot of these nutty Leftists and rainbow people will be prosecuted, interesting

  14. Ueah and who defines what hate is
    I dont like narcissists especially gay one. I like gays but not the narcissistic loud ones.


  16. An anti hate law that inspires hate – how ironic.
    If I identify as a shark and then drown, am I still a shark?

  17. People… remember this when you next vote .
    This will never happen here under One Nation.
    Vote One Nation first, all Labor/Greens and their independent supporters LAST

  18. JK Rowling is one of the authors of this woke crap. She is part of the reason we have gone down this insane road.

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