
Scotland’s hate crime laws will cause ‘havoc’ and ‘stifle free speech’


Scotland’s hate crime laws will cause ‘havoc’ and ‘stifle free speech’

#Scotlands #hate #crime #laws #havoc #stifle #free #speech

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has defended new hate crime laws after JK Rowling spoke out against the legislation once again and challenged the police to arrest her.

The Harry Potter author says the new laws are wide open to abuse.

While the First Minister says they will help to tackle the rising tide of hatred.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour, which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics including age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and variations in sex characteristics.

Protestors of the bill argue it stifles free speech and can be exploited by those looking to silence particular groups.
criminal law , Scotland’s hate crime laws will cause ‘havoc’ and ‘stifle free speech’, 6350099204112,fb,msn,uk,world,yt

26 thoughts on “Scotland’s hate crime laws will cause ‘havoc’ and ‘stifle free speech’”

  1. Any speech that criticizes these government officials will now be deemed hate speech. Any useful debate will also now be deemed hate speech if your opponent is sitting in the seat of power. Your politicians will then go unchallenged. Unchallenged politicians are fascists.

  2. I wonder where Spitting and cursing our returning troops fighting Islamic terrorists, fits into Humza vision of hatred

  3. Yousaf and this law are just a symptom. The underlining reason is that the westerners have become spineless, no longer willing to defend their civilization. The case is made in the chapter on the connection between rape jokes and actual rape in When History Had Other Plans.

  4. The UK Statistics Authority should launch an investigation into 

    the "episode of the biggest UK Council Properties of how 60000 Dual UK/ Palestinians and the recently resigned 40 UK Labour Muslim Councillors to be investigated for defrauding under Section 114

    Ex: LAMBETH COUNCIL vs Cowan Meilak ( how the council property operates & how BLM+HAMAS =IRAN BACKED TERRORISM DRUG TRAFFICKING, DEALING, LONDON KNIFE CRIMES( 40 UK Labour Party Muslim Councillors run Councils defrauded Councis like Birmingham and Nottingham,will face Bankruptcy via Section 114  ) Where the majority of dual nationality Palestinians are Council listed renters,but who have sublet their Council property while they live in Gaza Palestine,collectingrent whilst claiming benefits!- they have now come unstuck thanks to the HAMAS TERRORISTS attacks on Israel….it's hilarious -Labour-controlled Birmingham has issued a section 114 notice – a legislative tool used in England and Wales to signal that 40 UK councils do not have the resources to balance their budget, which may affect public trust" and it is not surprising "some people may feel misled" by the Government-60,000 dual nationality UK/Palestinians not only are provided with Council properties and benefits while they live in Gaza,but they move to Gaza and send Palestinians to take their place,to work illegally in 🇬🇧 UK!

    Q) why aren't the illegal immigrants made to earn their free room and board,and sent to do restoration, cleaning work on Council properties?

  5. What can one expect from a country that has a a white everything even tho your population is 92% white! And you're still serving up white pudding😳 Scottish should be ashamed! 😂😅😂😅😂😅😅"you could'nt make it up" ❤🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  6. And where are all the dissenting young voices and faces of Scotland among this protest group? All I see are the middle aged and older. This worries me about what future the young of Scotland will face through their indifference and naivety.

  7. p.s, for many years my best mate was a Scotsman called Hughie – he hated the English with a vengeance ……..think what, in reality, I could do now – it's an ill thought out legislation

  8. This actually means that in ANY situation all someone has to do is report a 'hate crime'. It can be for absolutely anything at all that you find 'offensive' – for example, my parents were Irish, so anything anybody says to me that I don't like, I just have to call the police and say it's 'just because I 'm Irish'. Police have to turn up and arrest the person I'm talking to….a mum with three kids in tow and slap her in the back of of police van….think this through guys, which morons actually made this 'law', which it's up to the courts to decide, not the police – what is the actual offence under Scottish law?

  9. Its also be the final nail in the coffin for the scots tourist industry. Any tourist who visits Scotland who says something perfectly acceptable in their country may find themselves arrested.

  10. Madness. The hateful and bigoted First Minister is part of the rise in hate. It will help protect a marginalized political party that wants to remain power.

  11. Using a platform to encourage people to hate another group of people is a hate crime in Scotland. If JKR doesn't like that then she should keep her transphobic views to herself or she better take a bag with her to court because HMP Saughton is not Hogworts.

  12. From Braveheart's "….they'll never take our freedom!"…to this? What the hell happened to you, Scotland?

  13. What a hate-white-people first minister of Scotland promoting the hate crime 😂😂😂😂
    Decade ago, it could be unimaginable these kind of "communist law" could be applied in Scotland.
    The price of "diversity" when immigrants has no common in culture, belief, social values but only for benefits of politicians – the traitors.
    Idiots Scottish people. You Scotish have voted for this "Trojan", voted for these "traitor" politicians to let the enemy into your bedroom.😂

  14. Even rapists escape jail time in courts so what chance do they have in convicting a person calling a man trans to a woman a man?

  15. why have we even got muslims making laws ina christian country , Islam is an ideal .Isalamaphobia is word made up to silence those that question that ideal ,,,,,Stop Rewarding Start Deporting

  16. Trans women are NOT women. They're biological MEN who want to pretend that they're Women, but that will never ever be. Likewise goes for Transmen….End of story or in their cases, end of fantasy.

  17. Humza' name says it all, no need to dig any deeper, shut everyone up except his people, and they are not Scottish people.

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