
Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Sparks Outrage


Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Sparks Outrage

#Scotlands #Controversial #Hate #Crime #Law #Sparks #Outrage

This video analyses the insane and controversial law that has been put into place in Scotland this week by Humza Yousaf’s Scottish government. This has sparked a heated debate! We want to hear your opinions on the comments made by Ally McCoist and JK Rowling in the comments below!

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47 thoughts on “Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Sparks Outrage”

  1. Humza says there had been a rise in hate hence the need for the new law. That is nonsense, of course. Two things have happened, a rise in extreme activism and the meaning of the word hate. Now if you disagree with something- it’s hate. If you say something mildly negative it’s hate. If you say you think one thing is better than another then you must hate the other. And so it goes on.

  2. scottish minister… brown, british prime minister. brown.. mayor of london.. brown

  3. If someone takes offence by a comment you make in your own home and then they tell someone else and they in turn get offended that is enough to constitute a non crime – hate crime – insanity

  4. Say it is the way it is . Hamza useless was taunted throughout his younger years .with banter. It's Scotland . Now useless is out the training pants (big boy now)
    He's chucked the dummy out the pram . And he want us all to bow to the dictator. I'm off to north Korea.

  5. White, white, white plz complain about humza yousaf but nothing will happen double standards.
    Humza is the one with hate bitterness in him

  6. rangers and celtic fans will give HUMSAH a very bad time ,, i bet they are writing songs now ready for tomorrow

  7. Well done the Scots and Irish, come on England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 let's stop all this shit

  8. They cannot make JK Rowling for speaking the truth and facts and factual biology how comes nobody had a problem with this for the last few centuries and now in the last year 2 3 we got a real big problem with reality effects because if they're going to Nick her for speaking the truth and facts they need to Nick useless as well we've seen dam in evidence of video of him standing up complaining this far too many white people in positions of power that is racist if I stood up and said there's far too many brown people in positions of power I would have my door kicked in the next 30 seconds by the police nicked charged with racism and probably slugging jail 1 Rover den and one for us this law is going to be weaponised 30 idiots at 104 South false ideology on the rest of us and beaters in a submission to go along with their woke ideology and it's going to destroy many good decent civil people's lives just for these woke idiots of which dad was his angry about it and they're the haters because we sensible people will not be beaten into submission and panda to this woke ideology because it goes against my religion my belief what I've been brought up to believe in fact you and truth and it actually says it in the Bible this is what I believe and guess what I'm not using religion as a shield to have a Goa people I am a genuine Christian distance from the age of 5 years old I was baptised at 14 and I have read 90% of the Bible another true believer I believe in the Commandments what my god gives me to live my life by and god commands me not to bear false witness and like I say I will not reject my god to go along with corrupt false ideology and if they got a problem with that that I suggest they take it up with god

  9. A most accurate humorous monologue outlining the necessity of free speech. Well said Sir.

  10. Can somebody set me straight on these hate laws in Scotland is from what I understand if you posted or tweeted something that can be used as a hate crime against you even months or years ago they can still do you for it if that is the case your mate useless still can be charged for racism because I was watching somebody's YouTube video last night saying isn't used this really glad that he that is hey white man speech was 2 years ago he made that in he made that speech in Scotland say surely he should be charged for racism because he's obviously got a real big problem with white people he obviously feels very threatened by the colour white so if I'm wrong on this can somebody let me know from Scotland please thank you

  11. Think about this Scotland – you will have the Police living RENT FREE in your head 🤔…………………..

  12. Humza will be transporting all the stadium for processing and the holding pens will be the shetlands untill interrogation is done by police Scotland.He aims to criminalise all Scots for free thinking free speaking and even in your own home him and his private army ie police Scotland can try and muzzel you for daring to have different views and beliefs

  13. Ukgov hate crime
    Perceived ,non criminal criteria
    Third party reporting could be in your home ,online etc by someone not actually targeted
    Ukgov that prosecuted 3300 for social media (Russia 400)
    Ukgov arrested for holding empty placard,making noise at a demonstration
    JKR Reported under ukgov for transphobia in England
    Freedom of speech is enshrined in Scotgov hate crime
    Uk cps criteria for prosecution
    Hate crime
    The law recognises five types of hate crime on the basis of:

    Sexual orientation
    Transgender identity
    Any crime can be prosecuted as a hate crime if the offender has either:

    demonstrated hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity

    been motivated by hostility based on race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity
    Someone can be a victim of more than one type of hate crime.

    These crimes are covered by legislation (Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and section 66 of the Sentencing Act 2020) which allows prosecutors to apply for an uplift in sentence for those convicted of a hate crime.

    The police and the CPS have agreed the following definition for identifying and flagging hate crimes:

    "Any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person's disability or perceived disability; race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity."

    There is no legal definition of hostility so we use the everyday understanding of the word which includes ill-will, spite, contempt, prejudice, unfriendliness, antagonism, resentment and dislike.

  14. I'd love to comment, but unfortunately, I'm in Scotland so it would be Illegal for me to agree with you 🤫

  15. Snp and labour will usher in an islamic party into mainstream politics……checkmate???.

  16. I'm waiting for Humza to be charged, convicted and sentenced to the maximum 7 year jail term. His now infamous "white" speech was the most disgusting, vile and racist speech I've heard since I was young back in the U.S. south in the late 1960s.
    Yes, his "white" speech was THAT bad!!!!!!!! We all know he'll escape any accountability, as all good little dictators always do.

  17. The Scottish people have it in their power to get rid of this bill. They know what to do at the ballot box, don't they?.

  18. Native of Motherwell living in England, so so embarrassed at the madness of the Hate Crime Law and how all around me see the Scottish government as a hilarious joke!
    They must go!

  19. They don't care about using these laws on the "silent majority", it's the Thought leaders, the out spoken with a platform that they will go after. Just like Trump being convicted of banking fraud, he got a mortgage just like any other person, his collateral was valued just like any other but only he is selectively charged and convicted. Only if you rock the boat they go at you, they are happy for the sheep to mutter under their breath so long as they keep working and doing what they are told.

  20. Westminister should have stepped in and told that idiot to wind his neck in . Get him out scotland .SNP scotlands shame.

  21. Let's see humzas april fools law work today once the songs & insults start flyin lol 😂 , he is a loony if he thinks this pish is goin to ever wear in Scotland, both teams supporters need tae voice this tae the world today or next time that nutter humza useless will be wanting the fitbaw banned or something insane like that

  22. It seems its shacky bum time for all anti independant traitors in scotland even running scared from all this is that thought that independance is comming ever closer to our great land of scotland all this kind of video is not abought the bill that's clear to me its abought one thing only its abought scotland not being an independent &tolarent country thats the truth of this kind of video nothing more nothing less but keep them comming I find them very amusing thank you for this one it has made into my top 5 so far good job 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  23. It’s time to put your differences aside and unite against the tyranny in our country Ally McCoist pulled out which is no surprise this is bigger than football he is taking his kids away for the weekend rather than stand up for his kids future. This law affects every man woman and child in this country it’s all our responsibility to fight against this tyranny in our country. There’s no better place than an old firm game to voice the
    Anger of the people against this law your home is your sanctuary they want you arrested for speaking your mind in your own home where are the brave men of Scotland? All at the football on Sunday I hope neither side will let us down like Ally McCoist has but let’s see who are willing to stand up for Scotland the world is watching..

  24. It's sad for Scotland when SNP, Labour and Greens are all led by immigrants. What the hell has happened to my country? I live abroad, fortunately, but would never imagine getting involved in the politics of my new home. As for the UK as a whole, it's an f'ing disgrace.

  25. Wonder how much Matheson will try to steal from the Scottish Taxpayers after this Old Firm Game

  26. As a celtic fan (i dont even watch football) the snp and this bill is beyond shocking. We were the home of the Scottish Enlightenment, steam engine, and penicillin that saved millions of people. Now, we canny even joke about Navid fae still game without getting banged up. The SNP and humza useless must go.

  27. And this from the group of brains elected to run a country. What part of this law is workable??. What part of this law will be misused??. How long before legal claims for compensation??.

  28. How is the first minister expected to run a Country when he can't even ride a scooter? The man is a shambles.

  29. Like you I am ashamed to be Scottish with the passing of this hateful law – what have we become.

  30. They will enforce it on one poor individual at a time and everyone will sigh a sigh of relief as its not them. Very few people stand up and fight and they know that. Vote Reform Scotland. Simple if it really means somthing.

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