
Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Is BACKFIRING


Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Is BACKFIRING

#Scotlands #Controversial #Hate #Crime #Law #BACKFIRING

TalkTV’s Katrine Cereda explains how Scotland’s controversial Ne hate crime law is backfiring.

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41 thoughts on “Scotland’s Controversial Hate Crime Law Is BACKFIRING”

  1. This new law is in contravention of article 10 of ECHR. It should of never come into force in the first place. Miller v Humberside Police

  2. How this individual became SNP leader is a joke to begin with then his first act of establishing a new law is embarrassing. This was purely done to prevent blasphemy or anti Islam rhetoric. He is basically making fools of the Scottish.

  3. Yes it does. It looks like children are running the world at the moment it would appear so. Most western country's are going soft on theft of cars and from shops why what's there endgame.

  4. Totalitarian governments do this by design. The ridiculousness of the law is intentional. The fact you know they're lying to you, and they know that you know, is meant to make you feel hopeless that anything can change.

  5. The law should state that no foreign born citizen can wield power where a native can take their place

  6. Its not like they've got any real crimes to solve or prevent. Feelings before safety backed up by a true racist.

  7. No don’t ditch the law.. the right wing is just flooding them with calls because they don’t like laws protecting minorities.. it will stop after a few months when they get bored. It’s a good law.. sadly the bigots hate to have laws against their freedom of bigotry

  8. Blame the so called first minister canot remember his name !!!!, everyone should report someone no matter how petty , see how they get on with that !!!! lol !!

  9. This nonsense 'law' will be quietly disappeared. And so will Useless. Even avid SNP must see through this shite?

  10. Hate speech is not a thing….its just speech that people dont like…or are offended by….there is no real objective definition of hate speech….and these laws are very selective….and written to protect the left from any criticism, and allows them to push their agenda through with the least amount of public criticism as possible.

  11. They will prosecute and Scotlands lost their collective way. Who’s the racist man you’ve elected to lead you? It will never be enough for the leftist, resist!

  12. How come everyone else but the SNP could see what would happen when the Scottish police said they would investigate " 'every' hate crime report ", so obviously real crimes can't be investigated due to lack of manpower 🙄

  13. Ramsay El-Nakla is humzas wife's brother and is up in court on abduction and extortion charges with a few others after a man "fell" from a flat window and died.

  14. It’s amazing how fragile people have become where we now people campaign to have laws to prevent verbal insults

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