
Scotland Tightens Grip on Hate Crime by Implementing New Law


Scotland Tightens Grip on Hate Crime by Implementing New Law

#Scotland #Tightens #Grip #Hate #Crime #Implementing #Law

The Hate Crime and Public Order Law, which came into effect on April 1st in Scotland, has sparked controversy over concerns about potential limitations on freedom of expression. Critics argue that the legislation’s provisions regarding hate speech, including those targeting transgender identity, may have unintended consequences for free speech rights.

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12 thoughts on “Scotland Tightens Grip on Hate Crime by Implementing New Law”

  1. William Wallace, rolling in his grave, is saying “This is NOT the type of freedom that I died for”.

  2. Do not dismiss what is happening in Scotland. If our US liberal congress gets their way, passing the equality act will do this in the US.

  3. Watch the whole count dankula video and dont take it out of context, you are being hysterical otherwise

  4. Neighbors/family calling authorities if don't like what you say, authorities coming if don't like your memes, is 21st century version of Nazism. Hitler did the same.

  5. Bro.. Vinny, u think count dankula should BE BANNED, for posting a funny clip?! Bro are u on crack? Those same ppl are making fun of paIestinians RIGHT NOW with things FAR WORSE than some dog doing a salute. Bro, are you good nasha? Malookh khawee..?!

  6. We all know why this is happening. Has nothing to do with hate. It has to do with criticizing a certain group of people. The same ones who are committing war crimes right now as we speak, in the Middle East. I can’t even name them… let that sink in.. IF I name them, fortunately I won’t go to jail because I live in America, BUT what will happen is that my comment will immediately be removed, or just made not visible. I’ve tried this in real time with 2 different accounts. Remember, this has nothing to do with tranz ppl or anything like that. It has everything to do with this group and being allowed to criticize them. I can trash Muslims anytime I want, no outrage nothing at all, I can trash Christian’s ALL DAY LONG, in fact trashing Christian’s would get my comment boosted as opposed to disappeared. But there is only 1 group I cannot even mention their name without comment being yanked. Just think about that, and then think about that quote “to know who rules over you..find out who you’re not allowed to criticize”.. it has never been so obvious. YET, those same ppl that I cannot mention are on X and on YouTube and every other platform promoting, endorsing, cheering on, mocking, even talking about slaughtering millions of people. And nothing happens to them. Nothing. No bans, no suspensions, NOTHING. Is anyone else seeing what’s going on or is it just us red pilled truth tellers?! Be honest!

  7. As they can't stop you from knowing the truth they seek to stop you from speaking it, they don't care about anything or anyone but their own selves and their own power!

  8. I can never understand how parents of a sexually molested crime is not disappeared? Don’t do that in North Carolina

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