
Scotland hate crime: ‘We have seen a rise in hatred,’ says Humza Yousaf as new laws come in


Scotland hate crime: ‘We have seen a rise in hatred,’ says Humza Yousaf as new laws come in

#Scotland #hate #crime #rise #hatred #Humza #Yousaf #laws

Scotland’s controversial new hate crime laws have come into force – with a Holyrood minister saying people “could be investigated” for misgendering someone online.

First Minister of Scotland Humza Yousaf said the laws are needed to fight against the “rising tide of hatred”.

The new measures aim to tackle the harm caused by hatred and prejudice but have come under fire from opponents who claim they could stifle free speech and be weaponised to “settle scores”.

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criminal law , Scotland hate crime: ‘We have seen a rise in hatred,’ says Humza Yousaf as new laws come in, hate crime,humza,yousaf,scotland,first minister,sky news,racism,uk news,breaking news,live

38 thoughts on “Scotland hate crime: ‘We have seen a rise in hatred,’ says Humza Yousaf as new laws come in”

  1. "There is no evidence whatsoever of that claim." (Regarding the police's inability to deal with the number of calls they receive). Are we sure this guy lives in the same country as us?

  2. Politicians create the legislation that decides what is deemed criminal, he lies nearly as well as his predecessor does.

  3. The scary thing is… that he actually appears to believe that his divisive policy will reduce hatred, while the vast majority know that with its snitching policy it shall not only tend towards frustration, but boil over to outrage as people's free speech is denied them.

  4. We have seen a rise in REPORTED hatred… and only against 'protected' classes. White people and women are not currently officially protected by any bill. They are just subject to common law. So this is a law that gives some groups rights that others don't have. Just to be clear. That might be desirable, but it's definitely not equality. It is an 'affirmative' action designed to level the playing field at best… at worst, a grift by some groups hoping to avoid the democratic sunlight that wilts bad ideas and grows good ones. Nothing except moss and fungus grows in the shade. If these ideas might benefit us all, then let them be tested in the heat of argument. Our democracy was built on disagreement. The risk here is that blasphemy laws are smuggled back into the west via well meaning fools who haven't considered the consequences of muzzling dissent.

  5. Hate is a thought. It can lead to criminal behaviours but there are already laws dealing with those behaviours. All this is is thought policing and it can only be for vexatious purposes.
    If I took leave of my senses and painted love hearts all over Parliament House I'd be charged with vandalism, not Love Crime.

  6. He’s RACIST! Report him now ! These people are out of their minds! He should be the first one arrested and convicted of his own act! 100%

  7. I lived in Scotland until 1994 and thought it a beautiful and wonderful country in every sense of the words. I've canged my mind now.

  8. Another failed legislation introduced by another Social DooGooder needs repealing when he's gone .

  9. Thats like pouring diesel on a fire and saying "i am seeing a rise in temperature"
    "My hair has also been singed off, my shoes are on fire……maybe this isnt a good idea, pehaps i should stop. Can someone ring an ambulance? For some reason i cant fathom my skin is peeling from my forearms"

  10. Humza is scared and coward, that's why the bill. He knows his kind of people are not welcome here. We shd vote him out ASAP.

  11. Not one person I have seen on line agrees with this first leader and not even the PM of the UK

  12. So when I watch the old firm game on Sunday and I hear 50000 people in a confined environment singing hate songs about killing Catholics ,how do I get them all charged????????????????????

  13. Ironically, this is the same man who went on a racist rant against White people. He mentioned a long list of politicians who happened to be White, and acted as if it was a "problem." No. They're individuals. It's only a problem to a racist, a person who doesn't see individuals, but sees collectives. Leftists are like this, not conservatives.

  14. Leftists have spent years saying this: "There's a rise in hate." No. There's a rise in people opposing the bad guys. Trump won. They can't handle that he beat Hillary. A rise in hate is actually coming from the Israel-haters, including Muslims and every person who can't even criticize Hitler-praising Muslims. This is how fake their "anti-hate" stance is. It's so fake, they don't even disagree with a group of people praising Hitler.

  15. 'Its been going on for decades'…… but its only an issue now because people online are targeting Jews and Muslims apparently…. Well Well Well…

  16. He is non indigenous. His vicious and outrageous hate will be fought and resisted. Degrading him. Belittling him. If he defends himself in anyway that in itself is more hate.

  17. Scotland now has Stasi, NKVD, Gestapo and Kampei Tai, AKA Thought police.
    Fight the SNP and the Scottish Greens anti free speech laws.
    Join the Free speech union
    The Scottish first minister is a disgrace and acting like Himmler or Beria

  18. Who else is interested in a complaint to the Scottish police about the English PM who published a poem about exterminating Scots?

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