
Scotland: Hate crime act ‘protection for groups with protected characteristics’, says SNP minister


Scotland: Hate crime act ‘protection for groups with protected characteristics’, says SNP minister

#Scotland #Hate #crime #act #protection #groups #protected #characteristics #SNP #minister

The Scottish government’s victims and community safety minister Siobhian Brown talks to Sky’s Trevor Phillips about new hate crime laws in Scotland.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act makes it illegal to stir up hatred against certain groups in Scotland.

Ms Brown says: “It would be an offence to incite hatred, to be abusive and threatening, stirring up hatred towards an individual which would cause them fear and alarm”.

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criminal lawyer , Scotland: Hate crime act ‘protection for groups with protected characteristics’, says SNP minister, SNP,SKY NEWS LIVE,SKY NEWS,HATE CRIME,SCOTLAND,JK ROWLING,trevor phillips,politics hub,Siobhian Brown,Sky,News,Scotland,UK,Hate Crime,Legislation,JK Rowling,Humza Yousaf,Minister,Protests,Backlash,Police,Impact,Law,Rights

45 thoughts on “Scotland: Hate crime act ‘protection for groups with protected characteristics’, says SNP minister”

  1. We are in a time period where we are trying to get up our own exhaust pipe (clean version) and all we can really see is soot !!!

  2. The start of Orwellian Thought Police. Using the Trans agenda to assert control over the masses.

  3. HAMAS HUMZA YOUSAF 😅😅😅Get these groups to sue him😅😅😅😅😅😅Timeline

    The European Citizens’ Panel on Tackling Hatred in Society will take place over three weekends between April and May 2024

    5-7 April

    Session 1 – Brussels

    Developing a common understanding of hatred by unpacking perceptions and testimonies surrounding hate

    Identifying causes and drivers of hate today

    Discussing potential fields of action in which hatred can be tackled in society

    26-28 April

    Session 2 – online

    Stocktake of Session 1 and refinement of ideas by theme and topic

    First phase of formulating recommendations

    17-19 May

    Closing session – Brussels

    Drawing conclusions of debates and recommendations to the European Commission

    Explaining next steps – impact on policymaking and feedback moment

  4. And yet Yusaf and Sarwar did exactly that and got away with it. The Law is clear it would be hatred and she knows it but it has already been a disaster. Blasphemy Law by the back door. Specifically targeted at young white males.

  5. Going by what Brown says here it's very clear that the SNP doesn't place any importance on protecting women and girls.. especially if they're white and Scottish obviously..

  6. Look Lady!! The new law is stupid!!I believe Mr Humza needs arresting gor his rants about whiteness in Scotland.Of course he wont be so that means its a waste of time and money.Unless Mr Humza is arrested and sent to prison,?? That would be a proper and acceptable use of this law and police time!

  7. If i was white living in Scotland i would be gearful of the SNP leaders recent speech about evrybody being white.He seemed very angry about it 😂

  8. What a waste of time and money. There's bigger fish to fry than going after peoples feels.

  9. She keeps saying “if they feel fear” – fear of what? Violence? Or does fear of feeling a bit sad for a bit count. Or a fear of not been able to control everything in one’s life. It’s almost linguistically nonsensical to just say “fear”

  10. She's my MSP. I have no idea who she is or why she qualified for the constituency seat 2 years ago just before the elections but it's interesting to hear the independence cry delivered with an Australian accent. I don't think she's particularly bright either, but hey it's the Scottish parliament.

  11. A Christian is perfectly entitled to say Humza is going to Hell. A protestant could say the exact same thing about a Catholic.

  12. Discriminating toward white, native non-muslim people. Discrimination specifically by race; namely treating a person differently due to race. Ironically political correctness gone so far to control peoples thoughts and actions that it has became racist and discriminatory

  13. I want to comment but i must resist as i might get a visit from the law if i upset her/she/they/them….Thats how SAD this is!…(I'm in Scotland)

  14. This will be the final straw for snp government when next election comes
    I will not vote for them again nor my family members. Why
    For many years they have failed the biggest concerns which voters did not call for nor do they like the facts regarding corruption investigation
    And here we have another disaster of a policy that nobody likes as bad as bus lanes all about money not the people
    We are being invaded in this country but cannot look after our own bloody disgusting to say the least and it grows
    Housing issues another big problem rents etc and local housing associations ripping the workers off big time but snp government and the greens agreed to this pathetic
    17 years of the council tax but still no sign of change
    Biggest thief’s tax ever banding valuations out dated people getting shafted all round
    We in Scotland need a better government as snp in free fall
    And they have collapsed nhs Scotland
    Everything is wrong and time is up people have had enough

  15. So he gets into power and implements a new ridiculous law thats obviously going to destroy the SNP and bury the national cause…..isnt this exactly what has been done…..I wonder who engineered that…..

  16. The politician said somethong i think inadvertently. She daid the new law related ti protected characteristics if minority groups. Does thst mean tnst if someone said so etinb abusive or threatening about White oriple (Scotland is 95% White) then its not covered by the law? From my reading of thr kaw, she's wrong and it covers every one's protected characteristics. But, if shes wrong, it shows the ignorance and skdo tnr prejudice, of some politicians

  17. How does anyone prove "feelings of fear and alarm"? They can't. So, does one just have to say it, and that makes it true?? It's a ban on any criticism, of certain things in particular. We either have freedom of speech or we don't. Scary times.

  18. all this is, is Section 38 of the criminal justice and licencing act(2010), with words changed. I bet it's going to be just as abused as Section 38.

  19. I always thought the SNP were for national Scotland, but I think they're globalist.

  20. people who push agendas are the ones inciting hatred, if they didn't keep pushing agendas upon those who are not interested in it… there would be no hatred – the hatred is towads agenda-pushers, they got it wrong to think its otherwise

  21. wow… this woman is a liar. she knows the abuses of this law will be huge. the control of speech is the goal.

  22. She is an absolute muppet. SNP has never interacted with the real world. They have had 15 years in power and ruined Scotland and have not even delivered on independence for their Cult members. After they are removed at the election, we need to reconsider the value of devolution in UK.

  23. Seems to me that the patients have the keys to the nut house….. The world has gone nuts

  24. Can this idiotic law be reversed when this corrupt immigrant Humaz and SNP are no more ?

  25. Would an Old, white, Englishman living in Scotland be considered a minority? And would any rude comments against him, that he found offensive or hurtful, be 'hate'? If it occurred in a pub in Glasgow, would the Landlord he held liable?

  26. Police have no time to look at real crimes Britain is a joke to the world. Following America again.

  27. "England and wales had laws against stirring up hatred for over 15 years!"
    That's how authoritarianism happens, its a slow process of whittling away at peoples rights with laws like these.
    China didn't become the all censoring police state it is now overnight, they too started with laws forbidding "racial" hate, then hate targeted at every group until they had all the groundwork to add the ruling party to that list.

    That's why these speech laws are so vague, its not to protect people from hate, its to protect the government from the people.

  28. 62,000 domestic violence cases were against straight/heterosexual WHITE PEOPLE whereas this bill is for the 55 or anyone who isn't white or isn't heterosexual!!!

  29. Stopped paying my membership to the SNP after 20 years and will not vote for them again.

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