
Say NO to Drug Dog Searches! #FourthAmendment #K9Search #LawyerReacts


Say NO to Drug Dog Searches! #FourthAmendment #K9Search #LawyerReacts

#Drug #Dog #Searches #FourthAmendment #K9Search #LawyerReacts

So, you get pulled over and the cop asks if you will wait for a drug dog to come out. What do you say??

If they are asking for permission for a drug dog, it means they don’t have probable cause to search or arrest you (i.e. smelling an illegal substance or seeing it). Because cops are required to keep citizens for a “reasonable” amount of time, they should let you go once the original reason for the traffic stop is taken care of.

Long story short, here’s what to say: “Officer, I do not consent to a search of my vehicle by anyone, including a drug dog. Am I free to go?” This puts them in a position to justify keeping you while the drug dog is en route to your location.

criminal law , Say NO to Drug Dog Searches! #FourthAmendment #K9Search #LawyerReacts, 4th amendment,attorney,attorney reacts,constitutional rights,drug defense,fourth amendment,know your rights,lawyer,lwyer reacts,we the people

38 thoughts on “Say NO to Drug Dog Searches! #FourthAmendment #K9Search #LawyerReacts”

  1. Clearly cops don't care to do it anyway… look at all the videos where people exercise their 4th amendment rights then get thrown in cufs and searched any way. There's no recourse for anyone.

  2. Probable causes are often suckerd put of their fingers. Never consent to anything! Cops are mot your friend and are always "fishing".

  3. They search it anyway. At least where i live. If you dont have money to pay them off, or you dont know one of them you will then go to jail.

  4. When in reality drug dogs are used to artificially create a reason to f*** somebody's life up on command

  5. There should be NO HOLDS BARRED for officers taking drugs and dealers OFF THE STREETS! Criminal activities aren't protected by the constitution

  6. No you don’t have consent to search and I don’t care about what your dog does. Hope you are prepared for a gunfight.

  7. But isnt a dog in a public place, even if walking around your car the same as someone recording a police officer or member of the public. You have no e pe tation of privacy in a public place.

  8. If you have nothing to hide why not let them do it unless you're a scumbag this guy is the criminals best friend

  9. The police do not need consent for a dog to sniff your car if if the dog is being utilized during a time when the officer is running your background, and filling out a citation. As long as the officer is not extending the stop, a canine unit can go over your vehicle without consent. Her vehicle is in a public place and has no right to privacy. This lawyer knows this, and is misleading you. An officer would need your consent to further detain you if the normal traffic stop, and or citation process had already concluded.

  10. And what happens when they just have the dog sniff outside of your car anyways? In true American fashion

  11. Did I hear you once say that California no longer accepts or uses drug sniffing dogs to search around cars for probable cause?

  12. This is 100% incorrect. The police do not need your consent to have a dog sniff around your vehicle. It’s called a free air sniff. It’s the same way that an officer can say that they smell marijuana and then search your vehicle. whether the officer themselves or a dog trained For this purpose either way is a free air sniff and no consent is required.
    This is also why you should not roll down all your windows. Keep them up and only open them a crack doors locked. Even if you have nothing to hide a line cop cannot say that he could smell marijuana in your car if you window is not open.
    No, they cannot prolong the stop beyond the reasonable time It would take for the original reason for the stop meaning they can’t make you sit there and wait for a canine unit to come just to sniff the car if they pull you over for a moving violation or something of that sort. However if you were to be pulled over by a canine unit, that’s not prolonging the stop. The dog is already there and the dog can be run during the normal business to take care of the ticket that you’re otherwise getting.

  13. If dog false hits, the dog should be out of service for six months of training. Second false alert removed from service.

  14. Wrong, in most states, if an officer smells Marijuana, he does not need your consent to a dog search.

  15. Good things cops NEVER LIE and say things like "I think I smell marijuana" Now prover that is a lie.

  16. How do they have the right to allow a dog to get on your vehicle like shown in the video. That could scratch your paint.

  17. Never leave your car open. When you get out, lock it behind you. If the door is open, the dog will go inside.

  18. The only problem with this is it will work if the cop is honest. Finding a honest cop or judge is like finding the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow 🌈

  19. Yeah money times I’ve watched videos anywhere between 60 and 70% of the time a dog says there’s something in there the dog is wrong 60 to 70%. They’d be better off flipping a quarter heads we surge tails we don’t.

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