
San Diego Rape Lawyer – What to do if accused of Rape – Criminal Lawyer David P. Shapiro


San Diego Rape Lawyer –  What to do if accused of Rape – Criminal Lawyer David P. Shapiro

#San #Diego #Rape #Lawyer #accused #Rape #Criminal #Lawyer #David #Shapiro

If you have been accused or charged with rape in San Diego, criminal lawyer David P. Shapiro can help. David defends those charged with rape as well as other sex crimes and in this video he provides advice to help protect your rights.

If you are in need of a criminal lawyer with extensive experience defending rape accusations, feel free to call our office for a confidential consultation.

Law Office of David P. Shapiro
3500 Fifth Ave #304, San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 295-3555

Hi, my name is David P. Shapiro. I’m a San Diego criminal lawyer, and I’m also the owner and managing partner of the Law Office of David P. Shapiro, based out of San Diego, California. My firm helps good people regain control of their future when charged with a crime. And there are few offenses and few allegations that can derail someone’s future as much as being accused of rape. A lot of the times, people will have relationships with another. Physical sexual relationships with another, and not think anything of it, until they get a phone call. That phone call can come from law enforcement, that phone call could come from their ex-girlfriend, or the person they had the relations with, and then they feel like their life has changed and their life’s spiraling out of control when accused of committing rape. Now, rape can be many things, you know at first glance, people think rape, you think of a masked man in an alley with a stranger. A lot of times what we see, particularly in San Diego, are situations where the accused and the accuser actually know each other. And many times, situations where the accused and the accuser know each other very well. So it can be a situation where, you know, alcohol’s involved, and someone arguably loses the capacity to consent to a sexual act. And then they wake up the next day and they’re piecing together the night before and they’re like, wait a minute I remember having sex with this person but I didn’t consent to it. And I wouldn’t have done that if I wasn’t really drunk. Well there’s a difference under the law between having regret and having basically being incapacitated to consent. So that’s stuff that we see a lot too, but the most important thing you could do in that situation, is if you’re contacted by that individual or by law enforcement, is keep your mouth closed. Don’t even confirm that you had sexual relations, don’t even confirm that you were out with that person. Don’t even confirm that you were on the planet that night, when this allegedly happened. Because you want to keep every available defense open moving forward. You know, too often people come into our office and a lot of the damage has already been done. They’ve already spoken and admitted to, yeah I’m so sorry, I thought you consented, you know I feel terrible. As a human being and as a person that’s a commendable trait, to have sympathy and empathy for somebody, but not when your life is at stake. Not when your future’s at stake. Not when the odds are stacked against you from the get go, just because you are on the wrong side of a rape accusation. You need to protect yourself. Another issue that we see a lot when people are charged with rape, is what’s your best defense? Is it well it wasn’t me? But if there’s DNA that could hurt. Or was it consent? Meaning yes we had this encounter, my DNA’s going to be there. Yes we did A, B, C, D, and E but it was consensual. Why close the door to certain defenses. By saying, oh yeah it was me and we had sex but I think she wanted it. I mean, talk to your lawyer about that, don’t talk to the cops about that. Don’t talk to strangers about that. Don’t post about that on the internet or websites about how to get women into bed and all this nonsense that you see. Where people wind up going to prison for a significant period of time. And wind up being sex offenders for the rest of their life. Registered sex offenders for the rest of their life. Not necessarily because of what they did that can be proven. But because of what they did after the fact that sealed their fate, with their case. So, it’s a very, very serious accusation. It’s an accusation that we see day in, day out derails peoples’ lives. And our job is to try and get their life back on track, try and help them as best they can regain control of their future and advise them accordingly. And make sure that we represent them as well as anyone out there can, if not better. If you or a loved one are charged with rape or even think you might be accused of rape or a similar type sexual assault offense. Please give our office a call at 619-295-3555.
criminal lawyer , San Diego Rape Lawyer – What to do if accused of Rape – Criminal Lawyer David P. Shapiro, San Diego,Rape,Rape Defense Attorney,Criminal Lawyer,Criminal Attorney,San Diego Rape Lawyer,San Diego Rape Defense Attorney,Rape Defense

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