
San Diego law expert weighs in on jury selection in Donald Trump criminal trial


San Diego law expert weighs in on jury selection in Donald Trump criminal trial

#San #Diego #law #expert #weighs #jury #selection #Donald #Trump #criminal #trial

Legal expert, Wendy Patrick, visits CBS 8 to discuss jury selection in the Donald Trump criminal case.
criminal lawyer , San Diego law expert weighs in on jury selection in Donald Trump criminal trial, [ the-four,local ],news

39 thoughts on “San Diego law expert weighs in on jury selection in Donald Trump criminal trial”

  1. That country in 98% Democrat. The judge and DA are militant anti Trump.
    That's all you need to know about that this sham.
    Trump will be convicted and it will make him even more popular.

  2. 2 tier justice system. People need to remember the pendulum always swings both ways. The country is getting worse for us on the daily.

  3. Come on, make a tiny effort to be honest. The jury can't be well-rounded at all when the pool voted 90% Democrat.
    Only one juror watched Fox news but also theß NY Times, Google, CNN & others. I honestly wonder if they were lying can't believe The rest only watchsd left wing news sources.

  4. ** the jurors all. watched CNN, NBC, CBS late night talk shows. Maybe one of them said they watched Fox. along with the other shows. Then they had to answer questions. If they've ever been to a Trump rally. I don't think there's a single person in America that does not have a strong belief about Trump. And if you're watching cnn, nbc, cbs, late night talk shows. then you're definitely not a trump supporter. I'm still trying to figure out what the crime is here. I guess we'll find out when we get to hear from the star witnesses. The man that actually paid Stormy Daniels. and then lied Underoath in front of a federal judge in front of this judge, not once, but twice. And then we got a ** star.

  5. Didn’t mention the fact that after Trump was contacted by Stormy Daniels $2000 per hr attorney demanding money that he immediately contacted law enforcement who told him to pay the money was there when the “hush” money changed hands had the exchange on video and audio tape which made this highly paid legal expert plead guilty without a trial and is in prison for extortion WHICH MEANS THE LEGAL SYSTEM PROSECUTING HIM ALSO RECOGNIZES HOME AS A VICTIM.

  6. No one cares what you have to say , you are propagandists that do not deserve to report any news😡

  7. I wonder why Michael Avenatti not protect the liar hooker Stormy Daniels ?? They are use to be a pair both of them are liars attack President Trump!! Michael Cohan he is an idiots liar that the reason why he in jail!! Stormy Daniels shows looser and pay for all the court's bill also her hand writing that she never met President Trump in person!!

  8. Are you kidding. Well rounded sources of news? All are leftist fake news including FOX. The fix is in.

  9. Lock up the dictator donald duck plump..guilty as sin..lock him up and make America great again!!

  10. A draft dodging morally corrupt president with multiple bankruptcies has developed the skill to bankrupt your country.

  11. They said just get 12 legal migrants that can speak english they will definitely 😁 make sure that Trump gets a fair trial.

  12. This “expert” is clueless: A) she fails to mention that the jury will be selected from a population over 90% of whom voted against Trump and B) she says they get their information “from a variety of sources”. There is no ideological diversity in their sources: NYTIMES, CNN, and Google are absolutely dominated by proDemocrat antiTrump Leftist opinion and activism.

  13. Pretty ridiculous claims since a democratic president, Bill Clinton, literally did the same thing and no liberal or democrat cared at the time.

  14. What about the letter Trumps attorneys have from Danials swearing they had no relationship? That should be what they are looking for.

  15. Being a jury member is a serious duty. I sat on a jury and on a Grand Jury. You can get twelve people who will plan to weigh the evidence and determine their opinion based on it.

  16. Biden has just achieved the best jobs report in 50 years. Trump is snoozing at his porn trial….

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