
Ruby Franke’s Son Begs for Help After Escaping Jodi Hildebrandt’s Home


Ruby Franke’s Son Begs for Help After Escaping Jodi Hildebrandt’s Home

#Ruby #Frankes #Son #Begs #Escaping #Jodi #Hildebrandts #Home

Video shows Ruby Franke’s son after he escaped Jodi Hildebrandt’s home on August 30, 2023. The 12-year-old, who was emaciated, broke free from being tied up and rushed to a neighbor’s home while covered in duct tape. The young boy asked Hildebrandt’s neighbors to take him to the nearest police station. Franke and Hildebrandt were arrested later that day. The duo pleaded guilty to four counts of aggravated child abuse in connection to this incident. Law&Crime’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down all the evidence from her son’s brave escape.

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34 thoughts on “Ruby Franke’s Son Begs for Help After Escaping Jodi Hildebrandt’s Home”

  1. Funny how upset she is about them walking in and dragging her out yet she doesn’t once ask whether the child who escaped is okay.

  2. Those neighbors are saints literally saints/ angels, guardian angels thank u for helping that brave little boy

  3. Judy was not a psychiatrist…. Thats an MD, she was a "therapist". Thank you on behalf of the medical community.

  4. Based on Ruby's diary entries, R escaped and was trying to go to jail because he thought it better than what he was experiencing at Ruby/Hildebrandt's. He didn't want to go to the station to turn in his mother… he went to turn himself in. 😥

  5. The attorneys if they defend the actions of these people are sick money grabbers they do not deserve any representation they are guilty 100% of neglect

  6. Refusing to speak to officers about the situation you put your kids in speaks volumes. She acts like a little kid herself, refusing to talk because she doesn't feel like it. Entitled behaviour, she makes me sick.

  7. Im so glad he went to the house he did that gentleman handled that situation perfectly. Didmt force him inside just sat down and had a gentle chat with him amd his wife was a sweetheart she was so upset she had to walk away for a second. If that couple see this you are absolute heros ❤

  8. I hope they don’t come out of prison until eve is like 21 or even 25 years old if they get to get out.

  9. Jodi immediately calling an attorney and ruby refusing to speak. They are horrible people, I REALLY can't stand them.

  10. Also, her journal states she made them stand in the sun for long durations of time barefoot. Long enough that she waited for them to seek shade so she could deny them. Look at how tan he is in those photos compared to where his clothes cover. I imagine some of those blisters are heat related. Awful human being if that’s what you could even call her

  11. I’ve had cops show up to my door and my first response wasn’t to get my attorney on the phone… as if I would have this hypothetical attorney on speed dial anyways lol

  12. For some reason I thought Ruby was somewhere else when she was arrested. I didn't realize she was at Jodi’s.

  13. Pure evil, but smart for not saying a word without an attorney. Not condoning the crime, wish she did talk and dig herself a deeper hole, just observing how she stays silent — that’s what anyone in this country should do; innocent or guilty, don’t speak without an attorney present.

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