
Ruby Franke: 15 Most Horrifying Pieces of Evidence in YouTube Mom’s Case


Ruby Franke: 15 Most Horrifying Pieces of Evidence in YouTube Mom’s Case

#Ruby #Franke #Horrifying #Pieces #Evidence #YouTube #Moms #Case

Newly released data from the state of Utah in relation to the case of former “momfluencer” Ruby Franke includes everything from police body camera footage of officers finding her two youngest children emaciated and with obvious wounds, to video of Franke and her business partner Jodi Hildebrandt being arrested, to a journal that documented a timeline of the women’s crimes. Law&Crime’s Jesse Weber breaks down the most outrageous new details learned from the trove of files.

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50 thoughts on “Ruby Franke: 15 Most Horrifying Pieces of Evidence in YouTube Mom’s Case”

  1. It’s definitely heartbreaking especially when you see how those 2 children were before all of this tragedy happened to them they were happy with their mom they had smile’s on their face’s and the…..EVERYTHING WENT AWAY 😢😢😢

  2. Having seen my favourite youtubers cover this family for months, it feels surreal watching it from this angle. I'm glad ALL the children are saved,

  3. Finally theses 2 say NOTHING to the police and lawyered up. Say nothing people!! Guilty or not. Say nothing!!!

  4. Kevins interview was so weird and robotic almost like he really wanted to appear upset and shocked

  5. I get the feeling that Kevin is a very weak and submissive man. He simply has no backbone. His only concern was about Ruby. "I love my wife" "I trust my wife". But, There's really no concern about how the kids are doing. What happened to them? Kevin really needs to be held accountable. He's not innocent in all of this.

  6. These people are all pathological mental AND evil. I knew how horrible Ruby and Jody were. But when the officer told Kevin about the child abuse and he didn't have a single question about their health status…. He is absolutely evil and complicit, too. And then he's looking to blame it all on a poltergeist? And where was the school system in all of this? They didnt notice these kids' injuries or that they were missing? Everyone failed these children. Everyone except the neighbors. Just sickening.

  7. They got off on inflicting pain, that is a very weird relationship these two women . These monsters are going to learn what horrendous means. The husband lying through his teeth . POS fundamentalist monsters.rot in H ell.

  8. FWIW, Kevin said Jodi was an "honest, truthful" person, not an "honest, beautiful" person. If it matters.

  9. I'm not buying Rubi's infamous apology in court. Any mother that is capable of doing what she did to her children is beyond evil and inexcusable, np exceptions! She should get the maximum sentence.

  10. Did you buy everything Mr Nice guy said ?
    I don’t.

    Actually he never said he loved the children – I love my wife .. I came to pick up the kids ..

    How did he manage to get the cops to pity him ???

    And he ASKED FOR THE MONEY ..?.. who told HIM that money was found at Ivys room ?

    Did Ruby tell him when she called him to – pick up the kids ???

    (I don’t understand how she was allowed to call him at all) 🤷‍♀️

  11. Treated these kids like slaves in plain site… shame on that church, and the state of Utah.

  12. If they give those kids back to the biological dad, then there is no justice! Oh, now he’s filing for divorce?! Why wasn’t he doing that before so he could see his kids. He knew exactly what was going on. Please protect these children! Give them to someone who is loving, and will help them heal through this traumatic event in their life.

  13. Her talking about she’s a psychologist, she’s watch people flipsides. When she’s on the side of the table that she’s on? Are you kidding me?

  14. The fact that the little girl wouldn't speak or move speaks volumes. This little girl is terrified like this is a test. Its one thing to hear about all of this but seeing it is heartbreaking

  15. I hope the kids are getting a lot of support and help for what they have been through. Their parents are obviously incapable of treating them with care or love. I honestly think these kids are probably safer in foster care than with these people. (Although I hope they are in a safe and loving foster home!)

  16. Ruby & Kevin are LDS, in the LDS church looking at korn even once is viewed as korn addiction. The sin is as grave as murder in the eyes of the church. The only way to be cured is through a church approved therapist, like Jodi Hildebrant, there is an entire industry of LDS church approved therapists in Utah, many of them have been sued, and it's always the same thing, they don't follow what they were taught at university, but what the LDS church asks them to do
    PS when the police told Kevin what was going on with his kids, what he did'nt say was very telling, he did'nt ask about their health, he did'nt ask if his kids would be ok. I think he knew all along his wife was hurting his children

  17. Mormon religious extremism causes many to do the wrong thing. Sunday church services are events where children are dressed to impress and have "the best" hairstyles. It is like taking animals to a zoo to be admired. People judge one another on their appearance and that of their children.
    Children, who fail to draw the line, are sent to correctional ranches, of which there are plenty in Utah and surrounding states.

  18. It is truly a miracle these children were not found dead with how awful they were abused and by the evidence in those journal entries.

    At least these two monsters pled guilty and are in jail and can’t hurt these children anymore. 😡

  19. It's so weird that the children were in the hospital? I despise her. I think she should at the very least have her head shaved as well.

  20. I think he knows more than he's admitting to. Speaking as a parent I'd be horrified and absolutely distraught..His main concern is what's going to happen to his wife seriously 😡

  21. It is a strange Phenomenon. Some People fall down a Rabbit hole and get a extreme distorted view on reality. It seems at least Mrs. Frank was able to get a bit bacl into reality on sentencing while Mrs. Hildebrandt is still somewhat stuck into the Rabbit hole. This is a extreme example but we saw it also at the pandemy and with the Q-Anon movement. We need to find better solutions to handle and de-escalate such inclanations.

  22. So not only was Jodi a heartless torturer of children, she generated a PK anomaly to help terrorize the children when she was busy.

  23. I find it hard to believe the dad didn’t know what was going on. He should be in prison too.

  24. From the information provided, both women are not mentally well enough to interact safely in our society. The husband also, is not mentally well due to his past belief system, and his future will need much personal soul searching and outside help to deprogrammed the abuse he has accepted in his life thus far.

  25. This is a whole bunch of crap. Ruby Franky deserves Nothing but life in prison along with Jody

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