
Rowling’s Stand: Free Speech vs Hate Crime Law


Rowling’s Stand: Free Speech vs Hate Crime Law

#Rowlings #Stand #Free #Speech #Hate #Crime #Law

In this video, we delve into JK Rowling’s stance on Scotland’s new hate crime law and its potential implications for free speech. Join us as we analyze the controversy and discuss the importance of protecting freedom of expression. Don’t forget to like and share this video to spread awareness and spark meaningful conversations. #JKRowling #HateCrimeLaw #FreeSpeech #ScotlandLaw #Controversy
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24 thoughts on “Rowling’s Stand: Free Speech vs Hate Crime Law”

  1. There’s a man that got seven years in jail for seeing a man is a man in Scotland. It’s wild. It’s almost unbelievable if it wasn’t confirmed I could I wouldn’t believe it.

  2. So Scotland agreed that if you do not participate in other people self-image they consider that to be a hate crime. The western world is falling apart.

  3. The copper lied. It is allways the letter of the law. Pigs have triedto bullshit this way for a long time,but once your a charged your guilty, so who cares you crim

  4. Wtf, so tired of transgender being an identity, if that is what you are fine, don't force it on me

  5. I don’t even like the term “hate crime”. I’m pretty sure the person who mugs you doesn’t particularly like you regardless of your color, gender, or sexual preference.

  6. My country's culture and identity is under attack and all true Scots must rise and fight for our freedom and Scottish rights, THIS CANNOT CONTINUE UNCHALLENGED

  7. The government: “we wrote a law that polices speech.”

    The cops: “we’ll enforce it fairly and judiciously! Don’t worry, guys!”

    Me: 😂😂😂 🔫

  8. Is that scrag if a woman the head of Police Scotland. Omg. She looks like bitter twisted puppet.

    I’m fascinated by the spin of words when I see who they are coming from.

    Least I know where her loyalty lies. And who’s gonna be the targets.

    Least the Muslims will be safe and I bet the architects of most peoples take down.

  9. Vote those people out ASAP!
    Do not allow them to allow others to steal and take away from actual females.

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