
RNC’s New Election Integrity Lawyer Charged With Election Crimes


RNC’s New Election Integrity Lawyer Charged With Election Crimes

#RNCs #Election #Integrity #Lawyer #Charged #Election #Crimes

The attorney general of Arizona last week announced criminal charges against 18 of Donald Trump’s allies and accomplices for their role in the fake elector scheme in the state. Some of these people have been indicted in other states already, but one person is new to the game – Christina Bobb. Bobb not only was indicted for her role in Arizona, but she was also recently appointed as the RNC’s new Election Integrity leader, and that’s a really bad look for the GOP. Farron Cousins explains what happened.

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34 thoughts on “RNC’s New Election Integrity Lawyer Charged With Election Crimes”

  1. Farron…if as THIS point people are STILL voting Trump, maybe they ARE just plainly that GOT DA-YUM stupid. These people have ZERO reason the think for themselves, so they certainly deserve EVERY negative outcome that comes from voting Trump. I'm just here with my soda and popcorn watching this TRULY funny sh*tshow careening to it's fiery, destructive conclusion.

  2. I would guess that the rnc put this woman in this position because they knew the investigation into her alleged crimes was coming to a conclusion and they placed her so after the indictments came they could say “see, they are coming after her because she’s our integrity person.”

  3. So you could risk the next Trump administration, if he shouldwin the election,will contain a bunch of convicted criminals? That sounds logic, all the time he is the biggest crook, he needs some junior thiefs around him. Otherwise he will be lonely.

  4. conmen with the attitude that they are smart enough to con most of the people even after they have been publically charged with the crimes the are pretending to work against. problem in that conmen succeed far to often and even after they have been tried and found guilty, some people refuse to see the crime and the criminal.

  5. They don't think they know. Look at the numbers, when faces with facts they either pivot or freeze as their brain short circuits

  6. The stench of corruption coming off the dung pile in America is beyond my comprehension, maybe you should sort your own back yard rather than invade other countries.

  7. “Set up” says it all, fraud, conspiracy and forgery in 2020 and now looking to repeat this in 2024!

  8. Steve Bannon was found guilty of stealing and cheating Republicans out of their hard earn money. Trump pardoned him. Maga people were totally okay with that. Trump basically gave his followers the middle finger.

  9. Eating dirt and licking rocks 😂 That pretty much sums up the mental capacity of Trump supporters and the Republican party in general. 💙💙💙💙💙

  10. Let's all remember who orchestrated. This Foul play…? Yes DONALD TRUMP….Anyone shocked ???? These Criminals all need to be put behind bars !!!!

  11. Trump has spent a lifetime cheating, lying and breaking the law. To suppirt him surely you have to have the same morals as him.

  12. Damnit to hell do something to remove them from office already stop waisting time with these unfit morons get them out already enough is enough

  13. That fits ENTIRELY with the republican party of today. If you're willing to commit crimes for Trump, YOU'RE the person Trump wants in charge of assuring there is no crime in the RNC! This is part of Trump positioning himself to AGAIN claim election fraud when/if he loses in 2024.

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