
Republicans’ Law and Order Hypocrisy: Trump’s 91 Criminal Indictments #shorts


Republicans’ Law and Order Hypocrisy: Trump’s 91 Criminal Indictments #shorts

#Republicans #Law #Order #Hypocrisy #Trumps #Criminal #Indictments #shorts

Republicans have always portrayed themselves as the party of Law and Order, but their hypocrisy is revealed in the 91 criminal indictments against their current leader, Donald Trump. Watch as Republican leaders desperately try to shift blame onto prosecutors, juries, judges, the media, and even the FBI and the CIA. It’s a massive conspiracy theory to protect a man who bullies and threatens his own colleagues. Subscribe now to see the truth behind the Republican party’s double standards on crime.
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44 thoughts on “Republicans’ Law and Order Hypocrisy: Trump’s 91 Criminal Indictments #shorts”

  1. David…you must be doing something right when this many trumpy supporters support your channel. It is pathetic that they think they’re comments matter.

  2. Listen – the only reason i can come up with is they want an idiot so he will follow them – think about it – they need an idiot to follow an idiot. Period.

  3. Biden has made our economy worse, he only made unemployment better because Trump was dealt a bad hand with with covid, he’s destroying American values with misinformation, he’s anti-constitution, he is extremely racist, a Nazi, a communist, has ruined most people’s chances to get housing, made normal families poorer and require two people in the home to have jobs, got us involved in unnecessary wars, lowered military recruitment rates due to an all time low on patriotism, imprisoned innocent citizens, allowed non US citizens to live in our country for free, spiked gas prices, and made average Americans feel bad for being citizens the greatest nation of human history. Joe Biden is utter poison to the American nation, Trump 2024

  4. His lilts are off-putting. Waiting for an oy vey any second. He is sadly typical. Let's trade him for some Israelis. Those are real bad assed folks that would love to be here and Donald and I would be honored to have them.

  5. Both sides are corrupt!🤬
    Why is our only 2 choices Absolute corrupted geriatric adolescent narcissistic liars and Trump or Biden. 🤫🙄

  6. The only people who think that Trump is guilty of any thing that he is saying are the idiots who have the same mental disorder that he has.

  7. Private mail server, top secret garage docs, but that is fine. That is my side. We ca do anything and wave it around. We have the courts paid for.

  8. Anyone that has ever been charged with a crime and gone to court will know that there is one simple fact. Prosecutors lie, and it's not even just a small number of them.

  9. You tell 'em, buddy. Anyone who does not trust the government and their media apparatus is a crazy person.
    – Sarcasm

  10. You lying POS! The FBI and the CIA Are now the most corrupt traitorous communist factions of the democRAT party!

  11. I am a conservative and will never vote for Trump again. But, come on. Look at Biden. Why do my hard earned tax dollars have to pay for illegal immigrants, constantly?. Why do my hard earned dollars have to go to paying off college loans for people who signed on the dotted line? Change the tax code if you want to complain about the rich never getting taxed.

  12. Of course he's guilty of shit. But don't act like the asshats in the democratic party are all saints. And have not done the same shit. What gets me to vote against the Dems is the way they are selling our country to the commies

  13. democRATS are the party of criminals for criminals! And that's a fckng FACT! This lying POS running his ccksr, is nothing but a communist mouthpiece!

  14. Yeah, bullshit charges from pathetic corrupt pos democrats once again interfering in an ele tion. This Real president has been investigated more than any career politician. Lets do yhe same to them and see what we find. You fool

  15. Who is this asshole? somebody who thinks he can hypnotize people by talking propaganda bullshit everybody has faults, but this asshole is a liar

  16. You’re a joke. You are justifying crooks making up BS charges to go after Trump. It’s 4 bogus indictments with a total of 91 charges. Most of them are the same charge individually charged.

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