
Republican Double Standards When It Comes To Law And Order #shorts


Republican Double Standards When It Comes To Law And Order #shorts

#Republican #Double #Standards #Law #Order #shorts

On January 6th, Republican lawmakers sought shelter from the Capitol police during the insurrection, only to later downplay the severity of the event. Discover their contradictory statements and comparisons to enthusiastic tourists inside our nation’s Capitol. #RepublicanLawmakers #DoubleStandards #January6th #Insurrection #CapitolPolice #EnthusiasticTourists #CapitolBuilding #PoliticalHypocrisy #PoliticalAccountability #JustifyingViolence
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3 thoughts on “Republican Double Standards When It Comes To Law And Order #shorts”

  1. It's been proven over n over when it comes to the Big Guy Donald Trump and Putin Intelligence renting upstairs free of charge in Donald mind is that America First no and now more news from Comer n Jordan in there Republican Russian disinformation campaign against you Patriots over the Biden crime family of anouther FBI whistle blowers all information from the Putin Russian Trolls have invaded the Republican party of Donald Trump in making Tax payers suffer more lieing bs the Republicans are true to Donald little Russia to Stop the Border Smell Vote Blue Patriots it's all about lieing to you Patriots.

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