
Reporting from the International Court of Justice about the Genocide with Roshan Salih


Reporting from the International Court of Justice about the Genocide with Roshan Salih

#Reporting #International #Court #Justice #Genocide #Roshan #Salih

Roshan M Salih @RmSalih
5Pillars @5Pillarsuk
criminal law , Reporting from the International Court of Justice about the Genocide with Roshan Salih, Blogging Theology,Roshan Salih,Islam,The Hague,5Pillars,Palestinians

23 thoughts on “Reporting from the International Court of Justice about the Genocide with Roshan Salih”

  1. Correction:
    The title should read 'Reporting from the International Court of Justice' rather than the International Criminal Court. This is a body independent of the United Nations that deals with criminal charges against individuals. The ICJ deals with problems between states. Here South Africa is complaining against Israel.

  2. ALLAH is saying
    Indeed those who say ALLAH is the Hazrat Essa A S Messiah son of Mary have fallen into disbelief Who has the power to prevent ALLAH if He chose to destroy the Hazrat Essa A S Messiah son of Mary his mother and everyone in the world all together? To ALLAH alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. He creates whatever He wills. And ALLAH is Most Capable of everything.
    The Jews and the Christians each say We are the children of ALLAH and His most beloved! Why then does He punish you for your sins? No! You are only humans like others of His Own making. He forgives whoever He wills and punishes whoever He wills. To ALLAH alone belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and everything in between. And to Him is the final return
    Those who say ALLAH is the Hazrat Essa A S Messiah son of Mary have certainly fallen into disbelief The Hazrat Essa A S Messiah himself said O Children of Israel! Worship ALLAH my Lord and your Lord Whoever associates others with ALLAH in worship will surely be forbidden Paradise by ALLAH Their home will be the Fire And the wrongdoers will have no helpers .

  3. I wish to present a well-reasoned argument regarding the longstanding Israel-Palestine conflict, which has persisted for over a century. The attack on October 7th occurred amidst the Arab-Israeli normalization process. This initiative primarily aimed to isolate Iran, recognized as a regional hegemon, which understandably would resist such isolation. It is believed that Iran, therefore, encouraged Hamas to attack Israel, promising military support. Although Iran did not provide the promised assistance, they seemingly achieved their objective of disrupting the normalization efforts. This situation underscores Iran's unreliability as a partner in global security matters. It is crucial for the Muslim world to cease idealizing Iran and to actively work towards limiting its global influence. For instance, in Bangladesh, where only 1500 Shia Muslims reside, they have their own mosques and Imambaras. In stark contrast, Sunni minorities in Iran face restrictions and are often not permitted to build their mosques. Moreover, Iran's importation of Shia militias from Afghanistan in Syria and subsequent actions against the Sunni population border on genocidal. Therefore, it is imperative to reevaluate the praise often accorded to Iran and to commence efforts to curtail its influence.

  4. Please, the U.S. doe snot have Veto power over the ICJ?? Are you nuts? It does have the power to enforce their findings of facts and conclusions of war? This is not the U.N. this is a Court, So many lies on this internet. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has a mandate that confers jurisdiciton over governments accused of violations under International Law. The Court's decision, because it is a Court that decides criminal charges and war crimes does NOT need the consent from both sides, Again, the ICJ is Not THE UN. Holy moly! The crap they want for you to beleive. It decisons are final and non-appealable. While the ICJ cannot indepentently enforce its judgements (subpoena or arrest), The U.N. Security Council must follow the Court decision and enforce the Court decision which is final and not appealable — or WHY IN HELL DO WE EVEN HAVE AND ICJ. Stop with all this nonsense. THE ICJ IS A VALID COURT WITH A MANDATE RENDERING IT JURSIDICTION TO DECIDE MATTERS OF GENOCIDE, WAR CRIMES, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, AMONG OTHER THINGS. IT DECISIONS ARE INDEED CARRYIED OUT BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL WHO MUST ABIDE BY THE OCURT'S DECISON, THE COURT HAS SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION. STOP IT.

  5. The system that has choreographed the Genocide in the first place – cannot be the very same System that allows justice against the Genocide choreographed – but rather it will lead everybody going into another Injustice and Genocide – in an empty circle.

    Islam should supersede itself and the System – instead – dealing with this non-stop insanity.

    Islam must start teaching about the root-cause of the ongoing tragedy – Our Western Civilisation is extremely paranoid, injured and wounded – facing the future, loose of fundamentals – just realising that it has foolishly annihilated all finite fossil fuel reserves in a mere 300 years when they should have been kept for 3 thousand – at least.
    Gaza is not about Palestine and Jews, Zionism and Arabs – it is about the little remaining finite Energy resources in the Middle East, Russia and Africa – oil, n. gas and coal.

    Did Islam and major religions knew about all this – thousands of years earlier?

    Yes, indeed ( و ان الانسان لفي خسر. لا تمشي في الارض مرحا…انك لن تبلغ الجبال طولا. و جعلنا الانسان عجولا. ).

    Islam must be the 1st of the 3 majors that acknowledges itself the religion of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, too.

    “In any system of energy, Control is what consumes energy the most.

    No energy store holds enough energy to extract an amount of energy equal to the total energy it stores.

    No system of energy can deliver sum useful energy in excess of the total energy put into constructing it.

    This universal truth applies to all systems.

    Energy, like time, flows from past to future” (2017).

  6. If the law can't stop genocide then what's the point in having a law of genocide and the more this goes on the More innocent people are dieing so make a stand for human lives 😊😊😊

  7. May Allah raise you in ranks Paul! You define what it means to be a decent human being in today's world

  8. If this court has no power and Israel is found guilty so what is the use of this court. Do we continue seeing the Genocide and have more court hearing whilst people are dying

  9. Dear Paul,
    I am a loyal follower of your channel and I really recommend you to look at political Islam from different angles.
    In Turkiye what Erdoğan did to Gulenists is horrible.
    His collective punishment is on par with Israel. He charged a million people with terrorism!!!
    So what we experienced in Turkiye with political Islam is terrible.
    In our county we always had corruption but never to this extent. 😢
    Many youngsters leaving Islam because of the corruption under a party exploiting Islam.
    3 out of 4 of young generation lost their hope and willing to migrate to Europe, this is what He achieved. 😢😢😢

  10. Just remember, the ICC is a Christian justice system based on the Bible… it is neither just, nor fair and it uses laws written hundreds of years ago by European kings.. kings who claimed to be anointed by God to uphold Moses law.. you will not find justice there against Israel …

  11. Thank you for this interview. It was very interesting, very informative, and inspiring. Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  12. Roshan Salih needs more support from the Muslim community. He's one of the few unapologetic Muslim journalists.

  13. Freedom of speech applies to everyone who is not a Muslim, two faced double standards blaring in the face of humanity

  14. WY is every one ol over the world just talking about the murders and nobody stops it what is the problem women and children is losing there lives every minute this must be stop now

  15. This great interview deserves a ton more likes! Please smash the like button to help with the YouTube algorithms! Thank you!


  17. I think humans are humans and groups of humans that are similar to each other stick together. This is true of humans as it is true of animals. I think Muslim community should try to make a concerted effort to be not exclusive. Other minorities that have nothing to do the majority, either socially, culturally or religiously like the Hindus manage to be contrarian to the mainstream views. The problem has been exacerbated by the treatment of Palestinians by the Israelis and the West apathy towards inhumane actions by Israel. I presume this is the new rise of Muslim minorities in many countries exhibiting their contrarian views (which they are perfectly entitled to) but the human innate behavior of clanism reacts to it when the Muslims in these countries are also a small minority. It is quite complicated. But certainly what Israel is doing to Palestinians and the total unfairness of the actions of Israel and their ability to do these crimes without any threat of international reaction (not even reaction from Muslim majority countries) has brought these new tensions to the foreground

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