
Relationship Advice From A Divorce Lawyer


#Relationship #Advice #Divorce #Lawyer

In this video you’ll see a guy that just so happen to be a divorce lawyer and the divorce lawyer is giving out relationship advice
divorce lawyers near me , Relationship Advice From A Divorce Lawyer


22 thoughts on “Relationship Advice From A Divorce Lawyer”

  1. My Dad gave me this same advice, he went one step further…
    If you're going back into a marriage just remember, if you're taking them back hoping that they change, or even expecting a change..
    You are not in love with them, just the idea of them that you have made up.. can you love them just like they are at the very worst? Ask yourself if they never change anything at all, will you love them just as they are right now?

  2. When I initiated, he would pull away saying he had erectile dysfunction. I said I needed to be kissed and touched and didn't care as long as we had each other. Dealt with years of rejection. Until four days ago when he suddenly wanted to start like nothing happened. I'm so used to not being touched it feels weird now. I love him but feel fake acting like everything is ok.

  3. 14 years been telling this to my husband it’s been falling in def ears that’s why I’m divorcing him. I’m done giving my all to a man who can’t even give 10% of him self I reached my breaking point when my granny was in her death bed and he was complaining and arguing with me about meaningless things no emotional support what so ever I never loved any human being as much as I loved my granny he knew that but did not care. She was more the my grandmother she was my confidant, my Friend, my partner in crime even more valuable then my own parents. I’m broke but happy and my self esteem is back thank God for the little I have ..

  4. I am happily married for 18 years to my best friend. When he said he was a divorce attorney I scroll up so quick.

  5. The better advice is to not get married. Marriage does not change a damn thing other than make women think they can stop looking good and putting out and when they want a divorce take half of his stuff. Yea nah fck all that. Marriage gives false sense of security. Whereas if you are not married, your partner will put in more effort because they know you can walk away at any moment no strings attached. If you wanna be with someone you'll be with them no matter what not because you are bound by legal papers 🤣
    And especially with how modern women are, most of them don't deserve to be married. When the quality of women goes up, then marriage might make sense.

  6. Wow. A divorce lawyer tired of divorces. Wow. My god. Keep it coming my man. Your are the one. Respect. Because these people need to stuck it out and handle it.

  7. Can you discuss a build up of committed gestures on one part and apathy constantly on the other part next please? Might not be a scorecard and I might have the power to call the shots….but you do it by yourself long enough, you too might realise you made a mistake picking to be with this person and its harder than you thought to leave them, for various reasons. This 60 second slot is not the place for what this man is talking about…..its way to multifaceted a topic to condense down to "if you don't get what you want from them then YOU just do it". Sounds crap just typing it, let alone hearing it smack me in the earballs in a fraction of time 😕

  8. Or I can hire you to divorce me and we can skip whatever ever you said
    No disrespect sir.
    Just an opinion

  9. I can only accept relationship advice from someone who KNOWS what marriage is about (eg. My parents who celebrated 60 years last year) or my brother (35+ years).

    At the same time as I understand marriage is just a joke now, I have suggested many times for change of weddings to 'Pre-Divorce' ceremonies since now NO ONE nowadays expects to be in a marriage 'til death' since they had 'their day'. They've even made marriage profitable like "Don't Tell the Bride" or "Married at First Sight" Hence the highly paid lawyers like yourself.

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