
Reasonable Self-Defense, AOR can Fight for You! 💥 #selfdefense #lawyers #AOR #firearms #2ARights


Reasonable Self-Defense, AOR can Fight for You! 💥 #selfdefense #lawyers #AOR #firearms #2ARights

#Reasonable #SelfDefense #AOR #Fight #selfdefense #lawyers #AOR #firearms #2ARights

Attorneys On Retainer â–º

Attorneys For Freedom Law Firm â–º

3185 South Price Road
Chandler, Arizona 85248

Or email us at [email protected]


Viewing this brief legal information does not create an Attorney/Client relationship and is not legal advice. Consult an attorney regarding your specific situation. This is intended only as a general overview of one legal topic.
criminal lawyer , Reasonable Self-Defense, AOR can Fight for You! 💥 #selfdefense #lawyers #AOR #firearms #2ARights, discounted legal plans,attorneys for freedom,self protection,lawyer,attorney,legal advocate,felony,Marc Victor,Attorneys on Retainer,Criminal Law

5 thoughts on “Reasonable Self-Defense, AOR can Fight for You! 💥 #selfdefense #lawyers #AOR #firearms #2ARights”

  1. USCCA is a insurance company. Any insurance company will attempt to avoid paying for any incident. Car insurance, renter/owner home insurance, self defense insurance, etc. They write it in the contracts we sign. That they can void coverage when they deem fit.

  2. It’s nice that “ Non -Lawyer “ from a insurance tells you that you have 0 coverage because they believe it’s a criminal act , well if your charged with shooting someone how is that NOT considered a criminal act ?
    Ole Mr Alan Colie found out , but he didn’t use the insurance he has been paying for and used a public defender.
    USCCA says they were not contacted by Mr Colie for any help , are we supposed to believe he paid for this coverage and just didn’t call them to defend him and just thought well a public defender would be better than the USCCA attorney ?
    Something just doesn’t add up. By the way Mr Colie was cleared of all charges except for the shooting a firearm in a occupied building. Which he was sentenced 6 months , of which he spent 8 months in jail , so he had time served.
    Mr. Colie was recently let out of jail just before Christmas , and we haven’t heard anything from him , is it because USCCA gave him his money back in exchange for a NDA agreement ?
    USCCA needs to change from the policy’s and or restrictions of law to a different policy , because there are company’s now that will defend you even if it’s considered a criminal act , and imo 99% are considered a criminal act , that’s why you were charged !
    USCCA has some great training courses , but I question your so called “ Insurance for use of a firearm “
    Good luck my friends if you ever have to defend yourself and find out you have 0 coverage by the insurance companies.

  3. Why did AoR delete the blog / video they made about citizens not cherishing the 2nd amendment? But kept the blog about legalizing meth?

  4. Carefully thought out measured steps to protect who?
    The Perpetrator
    The Victim
    The development of circumstances becomes a problem for the victim, when the victim overtakes a provoked situation…

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