
Real Lawyers React: 1 Officer makes 3 False DUI arrests


#Real #Lawyers #React #Officer #False #DUI #arrests

In this video, DUI attorney breaks down and reacts this news story titled, “1 Officer Arrests 3 Sober Drivers for DUI”. Lawyer Derek breaks down what really is the issue here and gives his opinion and a real DUI lawyer.

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30 thoughts on “Real Lawyers React: 1 Officer makes 3 False DUI arrests”

  1. There are very easy ways to stop this
    1) STOP M.A.D.D. from giving awards for the most DUI.
    2) STOP giving officers bonuses for the most tickets and DUI.
    This one will stop all bad tickets and arrest extremely quickly.
    3) Make officers 100% responsible for all their victims cost. This includes making the officer
    a) Pay the fine for any bad tickets.
    b) MUST pay for fighting the bad ticket and/or arrest, includes all attorneys fees, court cost, time off from work and time wasted for fight the bad arrest or tickets. (A person is arrested and in jail for 12 hours. The officer must pay that person what at least twice what they normally get paid for working. If not working, paid at least twice minimum wage for stealing that person's time).
    This does not stop lawsuits. Just once it hits the officer's pocket, they will not just think twice, but maybe three or four time about what they are doing, Will the arrest or ticket(s) stand up in court. So many officers write fraudulent tickets to punish people, or just get their ticket count up. The officer knows it is going to cost the person, no matter what (fighting the ticket or just paying it). The officer on the other hand is getting paid no matter what.

  2. You shouldn't be charged until the tests come back, that is a simple obvious answer..

  3. Never submit to field sobriety test. Its completely up to the officers discretion and hes allowed to lie and probably gets bonuses for the number of arrests he makes.Request a breathalyser or a blood test. He is probably a lieutenant by now

  4. Police are unaccountable if the media or social media doesn't blow up, officers can do these things for decades..I thought all DUI's are settled by science, breathalizers or blood tests..Police due get money from MADD for DUI arrests..

  5. Police will destroy your life or take your life usually without consequences and they don't give a rat's ass and the system backs them up…! Corruption knows no bounds!

  6. Police suffer from the delusion that it is okay to err on the side of caution and arrest someone for a DUI and be wrong rather than to let someone drink and drive. They justify this because the courts will get it right for them. There is no justification to get this wrong! There is no excusing this level of ignorance and ineptitude.

  7. We see two or three videos a week where cops simply lied about the circumstances of the stops and the excuse of "smell of alcohol" to force someone out of the car, and the very frequent arrests when people refuse to take the field sobriety test. This happens because there is no punishment for cops that abuse rights. The taxpayers pay any lawsuits and the cops rarely face any consequences. The tide is turning though, and more and more, people are starting to question the honesty and integrity of police. Never take the the field sobriety test especially if you are over 60 years old.

  8. Was the cop charged and fired ? The chiefs fake outrage is laughable ! End qualified immunity and watch these false arrest stop

  9. Its because Departments and Officers get awarded for "DUI-arrests" , not for "good arrests" or "convictions" .
    Its a numbers game, get as many people as possible and pump up those numbers 🤷🏻‍♀️

  10. "I'm not sure how to fix this…"
    Translation: "I absolutely have no desire to even attempt to fix this"

  11. There have been departments that have given and/or received awards for DUI arrests.

    Who would have thought they would lie about some of them?

  12. Four States Legislators have wised up and reversed Qualified Immunity for Career Criminal Police Officers, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Montana. Smart decisions because they are tired of the Taxpayers paying for LEO's cowardice ways. Qualified Immunity needs to be reversed in all states. Cops have gone rouge, they don't care if you sue because the taxpayers pay for the suit, you and I. Not only do they not deserve Qualified Immunity but they should be required by law to submit to at least two psych evaluations a year paid from their own pockets to keep their job, done by Qualified Professionals not affiliated with any police association or union. This will weed out the bad cops. A northern California sheriff’s department stripped 47 deputies, 10% of the force, of their guns and arrest powers because they failed psychological exams, it was reported on September of 2022. They have become nothing but Career Criminals with badges! In John 10:10 we're told that Satan has come to steal and to kill and to destroy. I think he has recruited most of the LEO's, Judges and Prosecuting Attorney's in this Country! In some states an officer is only required to take 600 hours of training but to become a barber it take 4000 hours, 6.6 times longer. How right is that? The only sane conclusion you can come up with is that LEO's are stupid, corrupt and evil! Colorado has also made it mandatory for officers to report bad cops and not be involved in their cover ups but that still doesn't work. Police investigating police, how well has that worked? It hasn't and that's why Legislators need to reverse Qualified Immunity.

  13. The chief is the wrong one to apologize…why isn’t the officer apologizing? It is called “accountability”, must be completely foreign to both the chief and the officer.

  14. "That's why we go to court and figure it out"

    Is that what happens in court? Seems like they just take the officers' words for it. Stack the deck against us tax cattle. Court is contemptible.

  15. you cannot pass a FST. it is completly officer subjective. AND state that suspend DL for refusal to FST MUST STOP. The PD, the officer are all guilty of so many things and will not have to suffer for theiur illegal actions. "look chief, I made x DIUi busts and should be promoted" Yes sir you are drunk. you spend night in jail, i go home tonight

  16. 2:09 dude is over weight and he cannot keep his legs close together like that! Glossy eyes; thats me every morning after I wake up and allergy season. Off balance trying to walk a straight line; older people have less balance than younger people. Knee problems; cant walk straight line.

  17. The Goodfornothingville Police will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing. That chief of police is a pathetic phony.

  18. I don't know why they call kidnapping unlawful arrest it's kidnapping!!!!!!! If a cop goes into a bank and makes them give him money is that an unlawful withdrawal???????

  19. The Chief says all that about feeling so sorry for these people, but what is he going to do to help fix what his people did to the public.

  20. The police treat their job like a contest and this has nothing to do with safety they have quotas and that has nothing to do with safety and all these cops need to be held accountable for their actions enough of this we did an investigation on our selves and found nothing wrong cops need to pay the price just like citizens do pay your own lawsuits being a cop shouldn't be a contest.

  21. It is disheartening that the chief just doesn't know what to do and that he "really feels" for the drivers' lives his agency has potentially ruined. I have some suggestions. The first is research and disclosure. Does the department incentivize DUI arrests (or number of traffic citations in general) through salary increases or bonuses – review each officer's annual performance report. Has the department received additional funding (either local, state, or federal) for its DUI arrests? 100% stop on incentives. Annual review of DUI citations/arrests vs DUI convictions. The second is to stop any awards – such as those from MADD. We have reached out to MADD for the past three years asking them to stop giving awards law enforcement use to request additional funding. MADD bases these awards on number of DUI arrests, not DUI convictions. They refuse to respond to all inquiries. Besides, there is nothing courageous or "above and beyond" about writing a citation or making a traffic arrest it is simply doing your freaking job. As someone who visits the grave each month of a friend I had since kindergarten in the 1950s who we lost to a drunk driver three years ago, his wife, children, grandchildren and friends know that pain all too well. But we have motorists who continue to be collateral damage to law enforcement ignorance, lawlessness, and ego and this needs to stop.

  22. Is there some reason blood test results take so long in the USA ? I would have thought three days maximum.

  23. Tennessee that’s where they have a special law-enforcement called the goon squad how sad how so sad what they did to those two men right

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