
Real Lawyer Reacts to It’s Always Sunny (Hero or Hate Crime?)


Real Lawyer Reacts to It’s Always Sunny (Hero or Hate Crime?)

#Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Sunny #Hero #Hate #Crime

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The gang engages in a surprisingly accurate portrayal of an arbitration.
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34 thoughts on “Real Lawyer Reacts to It’s Always Sunny (Hero or Hate Crime?)”

  1. Tbh whoever scratches the ticket off WITH CONSENT from the purchaser gets the ticket in full. Are you morally a shitty person for not dividing the money earned with the purchaser? Yes. Are you legally obligated to share? No.

    But to be fair you should look over your shoulder bc if you want act like a bad person, except repercussions

  2. I'm with you on the "It's a 2 dollar scratcher, who cares", but sadly I'm constantly behind people in line at the corner store who take those things very seriously. No legal basis, purely emotional attachment. Maybe they can all sue for emotional damages?

  3. Out of curiosity, even though hate speech is legal in the US, if someone where to be assaulted as a result of their hate speech (as in calling a black person the n-word and getting punched in the face for it), how would that work from a legal perspective? Obviously, assaulting someone is illegal, but if you're saying racial slurs to minorities, what did you expect would happen?

  4. Dee holds the ticket on trust for Dennis as she bought it with his money which makes him a beneficiary and her the trustee/legal owner

  5. Has LE ever done a video on when Jake and Rosa went to prison in Brooklyn 99? I feel like that trial had issues

  6. 9:00 is this because of the fungible nature of money?

    i.e. she payed for the ticket from her own balance of money, that just so happens to include the petty cash from her boss? And thus the ticket, and the risk there-in, belongs to her.

  7. Whether or not Mac meant arbitrator, arbiter also works here. “a person who settles a dispute or has ultimate authority in a matter.”

  8. I really wish we got to see Devin's reaction to the N bomb. Censored, obviously, but his facial expression must have been hilarious

  9. Sounds like this shows writers got their facts straight before distorting them at their leisure tbh

  10. "The law says nothing about who deserves what, it's all about compensating people for past wrongs" thats probably the best summary of the US legal system or any legal system for that matter

  11. David has no right being this funny…. "I am okay, I just need my DONALD TRUMP IS A RAPIST"

  12. Objection: I believe Dee would have a case for specific performance because the nature of lottery tickets is that each one is unique in its payout. The ticket she bought is unique in that it’s worth $10000 but if she went and purchased another one it is more likely to be worth $1 than $10000

  13. I say the single grade at the end of these videos are greatly influenced..!!

    They're supposed to be graded on legal realism, that's it. I claim the grades are higher than he leads up to, do to enjoyment..!!

    I move to enact a second, separate grade based on personal enjoyment.

  14. By Dee's own admission however there's no adequate remedy at law because the way she describes the ticket is not as a good with X value, but as a measure of "hope," turning it from a fungible good to something with pure intangible value to the group!

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