
Real Lawyer Reacts: Sarah Boone’s EIGHTH Lawyer Wants OUT! + More From Her Hearing


#Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Sarah #Boones #EIGHTH #Lawyer #Hearing

#lawyeryouknow #sarahboone #suitcasemurder

Watch the entire Sarah Boone playlist here:

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41 thoughts on “Real Lawyer Reacts: Sarah Boone’s EIGHTH Lawyer Wants OUT! + More From Her Hearing”

  1. She is just floating in and out of the courtroom, creating roadblocks, courting more and more attention and enjoying herself.

  2. Of all the horrible people out there that get lawyers to stand by them and then this chick has 8 that cant deal her her BS .says to me she just a nasty person imho wow just wow and his family nds to wait to see justice idc if there was Domestic cause she could have just left him. What was done is insane and I still cannot figure out how she got him to go in there. I still can't. I am claustrophobic, so this whole story is like the worst of the worst for me, like probably the worst death ever. What? How? Did what'd she say? Let's see if you can fit in there like I just don't get it. I don't get it. I wish that that part was recorded and actually I wish it never happened, but yeah, it just is crazy to me. God bless his family. I hope she just sits in jail for the rest of her life

  3. I would think the minimum amount of time for this trial would be 2 weeks. She keeps delaying for her benefits.

  4. I think she wants a lawyer that will get her off,Period. She killed a man and that’s that’s.

  5. This is what happened, they went to a party and the cop that Karin was flirting with was at the party. The one she kissed… So she didn’t want to go in and have to be confronted by him. So she dropped Jon off and left. John went into the party and the other cops were talking. Smack about Karin. John began to defend her and was attacked by the other police officers And thrown outside. Basically, we saw how Officer Proctor was talking smack about Karin on the stand and in his text messages to his superiors I can only imagine how bad it was when they were drunk and had a party Amongst fellow officers who were just as crude. The cops are the one that killed John O’Keefe. I don’t understand why no one is investigating that angle. It’s very obvious.

  6. I don’t know if Peter touches on this as only just seen the bit about ethical reasons from the lawyer. Could it be that Boone is insistent on taking the stand and the lawyer can’t allow this knowing that Boone is going to knowingly perjure herself by doing so? The woman is insufferable, she’s on her second judge and 8th lawyer. She simply doesn’t like what she hears (the truth) from her lawyers so kicks up a pathetic stink and is making a farce of the process.

  7. I watched a 30 minute YouTube video and knew she was guilty. It won’t take too long. Also most people never saw that video so jury selection will be pretty easy.

  8. She's arrogantly insane. Shame on her. No gratitude for these attorneys who have been willing to fight for her. Terrible.

  9. i'm not a lawyer but the all world heard that man gasping for air and saying he couldn't breath. It is that simple why would you waste more than 5 days? She killed a man because she was mad and drunk i hope we are not making excuses for that the way they did for Cassie Anthony

  10. I can't imagine there is much evidence to go over in this trial, the crime took place in a house (possibly just 1 room) and there is only Sarah alive to tell the tale, no witnesses. I'd be hoping it was over fast.

  11. I think 5 days is not enough. BUT I am not in the lawyers position and know nothing about the evidence they choose to present.

  12. I dunno but Id either Darrel Brooks this thing, or just shut my face hole and let the damn trial happen! Shes crazy. Its been YEARS…… and shes sitting in jail during them. No thank you.

  13. I believe that I have more second hand embarrassment in my left pinky than Sarah has in her entirely. I feel awful for the judge… I would dread the day I had SB on the docket.

  14. At this point, surely all smart defense lawyers in the entire state of Florida have drafted retirement and resignation letters preemptively. Just in case they're the unlucky one to get the call.

  15. she is such a manipulative person I feel sorry for the prison guards that have to watch over her she will continue to play

  16. Sara thinks she should get a bond? Sounds like she's more interested in that than in trying to get her case heard. Sara is impossible.

  17. This is the very first video I have seen from this channel I live in uk I know nothing of this case or the lady on trial other than the change of 2nd degree murder and she’s on her 8th lawyer no way can they get that sorted in 5 days 🤔

  18. I was wondering what does the law say on this? Very interesting. 8th court appointed defense attorney, it appears to be a bit of malingering/delaying the trial. Is there a limit of court appointed attorneys where the court gives her an ultimatum where she either pays for her own counsel or must represent herself? Can she do this for the next 20 years?

  19. I didn't MEAN to alienate 8 attorneys, it wasn't INTENTIONAL , I can't represent MYSELF , what is going to happen? I don't know what you want me to SAY

  20. IMO this woman isn’t crazy-she’s cunning and incapable of accepting her liability-ego injury-

  21. I don't think she's particulary clever, but her behaviour might be a tactic to get grounds for appeal "I was forced to represent myself". If she eventually testifies, I think this trial could last until 2035. She'd never stop talking.

  22. Jody Arias's defense lawyer Kurk Nurmi tried on three occasions to be released(!) from Jody Arias. The judge refused. It all took a great toll on Nurmi.

  23. Sarah needs to stop playing the victim, which will never happen. She wants a doormat lawyer who will bow to her ridiculous defense demands. Trial will be about 10 days, unless Sarah testifies- then it will be 15 days.

  24. IMO there is no doubt Boone will take the stand. She is super keen on the sound of her own voice, so could easily take up 2 days minimum, Let her represent herself, we'll get the popcorn ready for a front seat with TLYK

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