
Real Lawyer Reacts: Sarah Boone FORCED to Represent Herself! Judge Said Enough Is OFFICIALLY Enough


#Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Sarah #Boone #FORCED #Represent #Judge #OFFICIALLY

#lawyeryouknow #sarahboone #suitcasemurder

Watch the entire Sarah Boone playlist here:

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39 thoughts on “Real Lawyer Reacts: Sarah Boone FORCED to Represent Herself! Judge Said Enough Is OFFICIALLY Enough”

  1. I think she has absolutely ab*sed her right to appointed council! She's clearly pandering to a wider audience in her letters, rather than a desperate plea to the judge with her letters. I think we all tried to give her the benefit of the doubt at the beginning of her letter writing campaign; maybe she feels like this is a desperate act on her part and last resort, etc. Clearly she's found a strategy to her madness, and an interest in the limelight. Unfortunately, I feel like this was the only option at this point. I think she was fairly warned. I think she's been handled with kid gloves and given every opportunity to amend her behavior.

  2. Don't worry shes the smartest person in the court and she was a straight A student in middle school!

  3. Has she abused her right to counsel? From my layperson's POV, I would've said so on public defender #3.

  4. I think the judge has stepped up and put the hammer down on Sarah Boone. She now needs to "put b up or shut up." It's time to go to trial!!

  5. Even Thomas Randolph didn't drag it out so long he had to represent himself and he was a pos that looked like a woman and killed multiple wives! You are so on your own now Sarah and I don't think you will be able to represent yourself by writing letters to the jury 🙀

  6. AWESOME!!! Now she will wish she had a lawyer – any lawyer!!! She pushed the courts to the point of no return!!!!

  7. Cashman is celebrating. Judge absolutely made right call. Sarah will soon be submitting pages of complaints against herself.

  8. Boone is in for a rude awakening when she gets ALL of the discovery and realizes how much her lawyers were doing behind the scenes that she now has to do herself. Ouch!

  9. I don't know if I'd call it abu$e, but she definitely treated her last attorney disrespectfully and showed no humility. No one should have to put up with that kind of client, especially when they're getting the services for free.

  10. That’s Sarah Boone
    She knew what she was doing that night and thought she had a tight defense

  11. ❓❓❓Question for the group: what is her end game if she is, in fact, stalling on purpose? I can't figure out what she would gain from doing so, if she truly hopes to get out. I personally think she has some kind of personality disorder or something that is causing her to act this way, but I've noticed a lot of people think she's doing it on purpose.

  12. Lawyer 10 correct
    8 court appointed & 1 she paid for !!
    So she’s actually lawyer 10

  13. Will her court case be filmed publicly? This would be one to watch. Just like that one guy who ran over the people in the parade and represented himself. That was crazy!

  14. Get the popcorn ready. This will be the trial of the century! Even better than Darrell Brooks.

  15. I believe there is an extremely high probability of her having a cluster B personality disorder. Part of the behavior with those disorders is self victimization and then using partial truths to spin their narrative on others. She likely believes her own narrative. It is something very frustrating to deal with for everyone involved.

  16. She would go through 20 lawyers if they let her …
    You could see this just by watching her interactions

  17. I’m really surprised that the Judge made that order… the word ‘may’ leaves the door ajar, however I’m pretty sure that the Court will be as supportive as possible regarding the law, thinking of Judge Doro !!!
    @lawyeryouknow will you be attending the trial??

  18. IMO Boone's whole stunt is to raise money for commissary. She's pleased as punch about her international fan base (in North Korea??? North, maybe?). The moment she doesn't get media coverage, her fan base evaporates; she's gotta maintain attention to keep the Ramen train going.

  19. Cashman took collect calls from Boone, which she was not required to do, and she will not be reimbursed for. This Judge is correct. NOBODY can make Sarah happy. She keeps moving the goalpost. Sarah simply doesn't want to go to prison. She wants to serve all her time in that jail.

  20. I’m not going to lie. I’m really looking forward to this being over and Sarah being where she belongs. In prison.

  21. Im so interested in this trial, but i don't want to "give attention" to Sarah lol. Im ready for this one to go to trial so her name can be out of the spotlight.

  22. She 100% was manipulating the situation. She enjoys being ‘relevant’ doesn’t want the attention to end. Good call by judge!!

  23. I am SO conflicted about this… because on the one hand I am a firm believer in the rule of law and that every defendant is entitled to a proper defense, even if they themselves undermine it (knowingly or not) – but on the other hand I also think that a judicial system can't operate fairly and freely if it can be manipulated by defendants on techncalities.

    My first gut reaction because of that conflict was the same as LYK: The judge should've given her an explicit ultimatum and basically say "the next lawyer WILL be the last, make it work or represent yourself". But there is a big problem for appeal with this one as well – because then the obvious argument is: "I had a problem with the last lawyer that was moe serious than any before. He was the father of the girl I hit with my car last week (or similar), but I felt like I had to go with him anyway, because the judge said he would be the last" – and we don't want that, especially not if (by pure bad luck) the last attorney is actually in a conflict of interest…

    In the end, I think the judge made the right decision by having his warnings become more and more stern with each lawyer and then declaring the forfeiture of the right to counsel when he did. It's a fair and balanced approach to what the right to counsel is supposed to be for…

  24. She absolutely has been abusive with the court system. She's a narcissistic person. She clearly has to "say" she's the best, the smartest ìn the room. What adult plays hide & seek? If he did abuse her only she knows that, but she still had no right to kill him. She will ABSOLUTELY drag this out as long as the judge will allow it. It's gonna be a shit show🤫🤦‍♀️

  25. It sickens me that the court has been treating her like a human being. I love your channel, but I have never made it through a full S. Boone video.

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