
Real Lawyer Reacts: Delphi Oral Arguments – Were Allen’s Lawyers Wrongfully Kicked Off The Case?


Real Lawyer Reacts: Delphi Oral Arguments – Were Allen’s Lawyers Wrongfully Kicked Off The Case?

#Real #Lawyer #Reacts #Delphi #Oral #Arguments #Allens #Lawyers #Wrongfully #Kicked #Case

#lawyeryouknow #richardallen #delphitruecrime

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42 thoughts on “Real Lawyer Reacts: Delphi Oral Arguments – Were Allen’s Lawyers Wrongfully Kicked Off The Case?”

  1. When lawyers for a trial need their own lawyers, and a 'special' judge needs her own (special) lawyer, we're really in the weeds.

  2. This is fascinating! Nobody breaks the methodology of court cases like you do. Im curious as to whether you aspire to be a judge someday??

  3. There were major leaks long before this accidental leak, btw. That keeps getting forgotten when it comes to Baldwin & Rozzi's leaks–unintentional (by B & R) leaks of information that weren't really telling anyone anything that wasn't already out there, from what I've heard.

  4. Really glad to see you getting your teeth into this one, Peter.

    This whole case keeps reminding me of True Detective Season One, but the legal stuff has become by far the most interesting aspect.

  5. I’ve only just found your channel and it’s absolutely fascinating! I’ve spent most of my weekend binge watching your videos. Going to subscribe asap.

  6. At the end of the day if Richard doesn't get the attorneys he wants and if they keep playing games and not giving him a speedy trial and holding him in a prison instead of county jail when he hasn't been proven to have done anything..innocent until Proven guilty in a court of law , All of this will result in a mistrial ,and he can win an appeal because of his rights being trampled on ..even if Richard is guilty ,the judge and prosecutor have really did wrong by him and he has a right now to sue or win his case .I still believe they had the right guy years ago Ron L .but they didn't take it far enough now he's deceased ..Ron's body build ,fits bridge guy exactly ,he asked his friend for an alibi at exact time girls went missing , It was his property the girls were found on
    I think Ron L .did this to these girls in his barn and then dumped the bodies in the middle of the night, that's why the girls weren't found during the day in that area Ron L ,was able to wrestle farm animals ,and he lived right there and seen those girls ,also Ron's voice sounds just like BG ..Ron's ex said he was abusive and carried a gun in his fanny pack and she said when she seen the news she thought immediately it was Ron on that bridge .I dont know why police and prosecutors dont want to say the truth who did this and even LE in that department are against the sherriff and what's going on ..there are whistle-blowers ,I don't know if this is a cover up ,or the cops just don't want to admit their wrong ,but i totally believe they have the wrong guy ,and wrong info from witnesses in the affidavit, wrong car. Wrong person witnesses seen .This is all crazy but the courts have to do right by Richard Allen .

  7. I am so glad that the lawyers stood up and defended themselves. It’s pretty clear Gull was biased. She needs to be off the case. The prosecutor as well. I think they both had a hand in this sabotage of the defense.

  8. For the sake of justice I hope the Judge recuses herself and Mr. Allen's rights are respected.
    Indiana sure seems like a Judicial $hit-show.

  9. One step at a time 💯First things first. Removal of Judge Gull is coming. Had to get his Original Attoneys back First 💯🙏🏻🤍

  10. He should waive his right to argue these specific incidents of accidentally leaking info and statements to the media are issues of appeal (which it doesn't even sound like they are) but should not have to waive based on future conduct imo.

  11. Richard Allen is 100% innocent. Go to the FBI copy of the bridge guy video and fast forward to 12 on the counter. Then zoom in to the hat face area and look at every frame. Several frames show a gold hat badge whereas one frame is exceptional. A gold hat badge leads to the chief deputy sheriff. I have an abundance of evidence that proves it and the information I have discovered was shown to a state police officer. His words were "He's a match". This means the real bridge guy is lurking Carroll County with a badge. This is a broken system matter. What the public doesnt understand is bridge guy is similar to BTK. Keep in mind people, bridge guy has many online aliases and he is very active because his life depends on it. He will have to be stopped but it appears Doug Carter is giving him a pass. Certain death to come. Move away from Carroll County, Indiana.

  12. I think this is all foolish. Allen did it. I know they say innocent til proven guilty but it all lines up. I hope he never sees the light of day.

  13. IMP it was the shady way the Judge went about removing the defense attorneys that is the problem here. She should recuse herself due to lack of impartiality. And get RA out of prison for goodness sake!

  14. Peter, I don’t understand why the attorney arguing for the lawyer representing Richard Allen and his attorneys being reinstated why didn’t he just say, “the only record we have about how the judge handled this process shows that she brought both into her chambers…chastised them and then threatened to ruin their professional reputations in the hearing to remove counsel no matter what else happened during that hearing. I mean even the Justices on the State Supreme Court noted that neither of Allen’s lawyers had any real choice other than to withdraw from the case before the hearing so as to protect their livelihood and their reputations they have worked for years to create. I mean it seems to me to acknowledge that would have gone a long way to prove that Judge Gauff had already made up her mind without having any real evidence of incompetence against either lawyer. In addition, Allen’s lawyers both acknowledged that though they would have rather those pictures not been leaked by either side. The truth was they were already out there and would have come out during the trial anyway; therefore, there was not any real damage done with respect to Mr. Allen in terms of prejudicing the jury pool. The damage had been done and you take the ink outta the milk as they say…Just my thoughts what do you think?

  15. Very good summary and analysis! It was so terrifying watching it live that it took a repeat watch to realize just how well Allen's attorney argued. The explanation for his performance came in a livestream with a competing lawyer/streamer couple that featured the woman who got it going: Cara Wienecke.

    I learn so much from all of you lawyers, not just about legal issues but also about being human, caring and humble! Lawyers like you, that still hold up their ideals after years of practice instead of giving in to the temptation of shadiness that is practically visible, give me hope for a less corrupt and more humane future ❤

  16. I'm afraid what will happen to Allen, I believe he is being framed. Nothing about this case has been normal! I think he should be moved from the prison he's in back to a county jail where he should be held until found guilty, without supportive odonists. I'm so happy this went before the Supreme Court, it's a testament that justice is still being practiced and supported regardless of unethical practices of lower courts. Im furious he is being held in prison without being sentenced!!! This leaves a door wide open!!!

  17. I see this clip in a Hollywood movie in the near future! I really never got into this case, but wow! Now I’ll be going down a rabbit hole tonight 🤣 Defense did AMAZING!!!!! Also, watching the lady judge ask them those question!!!! Whew! So glad we can catch this! And the little slip about competent lawyers 🤣🤣🤣 oh and no opportunity for the judge to change her mind 🤣wow, the Judges completely embarrassed them. I wonder their thought frame as to why they decided to leave the judge? I may have to go watch the whole hearing, but I probably won’t understand without the commentary

  18. I am so relieved that the supreme court has allowed RA to have his attorneys back on his case. I do think that a new judge should be appointed to his case as well imho.

  19. Great outcome about the lawyers but I wonder if there will be motions coming to remove the judge for other reasons moving forward. Or maybe this decision will result in her being more careful about how she handles the case from here 🤷‍♀️

  20. Thank you for all you do Peter!!! Love your channel and all your hard work and you can see how much heart goes into your work your very passionate. This case is close to my heart this is so close to me as I love in IN and my daughter plays in the travel softball tournaments for Abby and Libby

  21. As a non-lawyer, I found the original defence strategy compelling. Like what the hell is Odin? Are there gangs who worship this and will kill for it? What symbols were left at the crime scene?
    When the judge removed the lawyers, for what seemed to be nothing, I became more convinced that there is an evil cult conspiracy in that town.
    I guess I would be a good pick for the jury by the defence. But as a distant viewer, I am excited to see the details that will be promoted by the defence team.
    I'm glad the original lawyers were reinstated.

  22. The judge had her mind made up and nothing would have changed her mind whether there was a hearing or not!!

  23. Is it possible that this case could be any more eff'd up and dragged on, not to mention it took them 5 yrs to even arrest anyone despite a video of the suspect and his voice. Now you can not tell me you were married to someone for years, but didn't recognize his walk, clothes and voice? Every time you turn around there is a problem…RA went to jail healthy but is now looking like he has been in a concentration camp, he is allegedly abused and has another inmate watching him, he has been moved to a prison vs jail, he supposedly confessed multiple times to his wife, he was eating paper, and now there are Odinistics involved and they did this, and correctional officers are allowed to wear an Odinistic patch on their uniform. Wth…i am a nurse and there is no way i could go to work with a large Christian Jesus cross or the Star of David inscribed on my scrubs! What on earth is wrong with this picture. You can't say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools, but you can wear ritualistic pagan patches on a state run prison? And now this, showing crime scene photos . A huge cluster f*ck and this town is like watching the X Files or the Twilight zone

  24. I don't understand how the Indiana Supreme Court left this biased judge on this case. Idk if RA is guilty or not, but he deserves fair trial. More than that, the families of Libby & Abby deserve the conviction of the REAL perp, and what's going on in Delphi stinks of setup, cover up and or police f*up.

  25. You don’t think someone in that law office who got their hands on crime scene photos of the girls and then sent to a podcast is incompetence? Yikes

  26. Great video. I hope they remove the judge too. Thank you for these videos, it’s incredibly interesting and educational seeing how these appeal processes work.

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