
Reacting To Divorce Lawyers | Courtney Ryan


#Reacting #Divorce #Lawyers #Courtney #Ryan

In this video, I react to some divorce lawyers talking about marriage. They go over divorce rates and what normally leads to divorce in their experience. These lawyers could have also had promising careers as marriage counselors, because they have some solid advice. Thank you all for watching and let me know in the comments what you want me to react to next!


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divorce lawyers near me , Reacting To Divorce Lawyers | Courtney Ryan


40 thoughts on “Reacting To Divorce Lawyers | Courtney Ryan”

  1. Marriages end because divorce is subsidized by the state. Women would rather have the marriage than be the wife

  2. Hello Courtney. EVERYONE IN MY FAMILY HAS DIVORCE LAWYERS ON SPEED DIAL! Boy, THAT really inspires confidence! 🤣🤢🤮🔥⚡️

  3. I am NEVER getting married. The risks are maximum, and the rewards are minimal. Like with European cars, as they age, they become endless money pits. As I listen to divorce lawyers, I'm thinking I may never date again.

  4. less than 4% of divorced woman pay child support… 82% of divorced men(approximately) pay child support; 12% contribute in other ways and 6-4% are the bums women claim ALL men are….

  5. But whenever you talk about something about women being on the negative side son it's always it's because we go back to the cave Mondays what we're living 20 20 22 you're saying that women want to be equal but yet they don't want to be equal

  6. Every marriage already has a prenup- it's whatever the state law says- women won't even consider dating a guy who makes less, and if she later starts making more there is a 90% chance she will divorce you and then blame you for "being insecure" when the truth is Briffaults Law.

  7. I'm just gonna play the muslim card here, before marriage we already have to sign a prenup/contract called the 'Nikkah', so in the end no one gets screwed, it contains everything from finances, to rights of the spouses towards each other and everything.

  8. I never got married, but I've experienced my parents divorce back in 2014 (after coming home from a bad day at school) and thus my worst nightmare occurs. My mom and dad tried to stay friends, but that not the case cause my mom is a hard woman to be with. Today I still haven't fully gotten over it, cause every single day I wake up and remember that I'm a child of divorce, and I think of a reason not to end the emotional agony by eating a bullet.

  9. prenup for sure! I dont want to end up with my GFs gradschool debt and I'm sure she doesnt want to end up with any of my school debt either. Prenups are just smart. You wouldnt say "oh im a great captian, we dont need life vests – its an insult to bring one"

  10. I have done over 2400 divorces. I am also a Certified Family Counselor and Family Mediator. The horror stories would make Freddie Kruger cry “Mama!” So if we are being TRUTHFUL, the divorce statistics are now 3 out of 4 get divorced. 97% of the time its over money. Because thats the bedrock of women’s source of security. And women file divorces 85% of the time. Prenup’s are critical because it provides guidelines to settle a divorce; outlined when they were both mentally sane and friends. After the house is on fire is not the time to decide what outfit to wear. Next, courts treat women as the weaker sex incapable of supporting themselves. So they typically get 50% of the assets. And in alimony states, she gets monthly support until she dies, or remarries. Whichever comes 1st. Women have learned its a great retirement strategy. Women have learned this is WAY better than just being a gold-digger. Lastly, when you are young, love is mostly infatuation or, with young men, about sex. Living together helps bring out what partners are really like. However, living together creates COMMON LAW marriages which requires a divorce. Same result without the guy putting a ring on it and getting the milk for free. But the REAL eye opener is when the guy pisses off the woman. That “angel” becomes unhinged & crazy. And “crazy” is an understatement. Hence the earlier comment about making Freddie Kruger cry “mama”!! Solution: prenup is only “band aide” a guy has. The women have the courts. And the man is SCREWED. And not in a good way.

  11. People can lie to their therapist but they have to tell the truth to their lawyers.

  12. Do not marry, the emotional wear and tear will age you in everyday possible, in fact it may probably shorten the life of people

  13. If a woman gives up her career and moves into his house to be a stay-at-home mom and then he cheats on her now she has nowhere to live no source of income and kids to raise how employable is that? Men don't often realize how much the woman gives up to raise a family. Imagine giving up your job imagine giving up a house if you had one and being totally financially dependent on someone else? Maybe you had skills before the marriage but now your career has stagnated and you haven't Advanced to something more appropriate for your years. Even if you get a job will it be enough? Will there be compromises for the children? Why do women stay so long in bad marriages? They know they'll be financially screwed if they leave. This is not the case in every marriage. Many today both working parents and things may be more financially equal. I just don't think enough men realize the other side of this coin where he cheats you want to divorce him and then you end up on the street with nothing because he did something wrong. Of course there's many variables but this is one side of it and sure she deserves something for all the years they've been together. Something to compensate for a career path not taken. Of course this is only one path the relationship can take. Maybe she had all kinds of expenses student loans Etc which they paid off after the marriage. Maybe they live in a house with a huge mortgage and paid it off together. Many situations to consider this is just one.

  14. You have the best relationship and style content and advice. It is truly refreshing as a newer subscriber to see. The video on brand labels blew me away as I often wear Ralph Lauren polos with the big pony and it was an example of what not to wear… 😆 🤣 😂 #iwilldobetter

  15. I understand prenups they probably are a good idea but to me they just feel like bad luck

  16. Why didn't the alligator eat the attorney that fell into the Everglades?
    Professional Courtesy

  17. It's pretty simple the laws need to change. Nobody should be forced into being a meal ticket for someone else and making them happy. Family courts promote and enforce larceny. They simply shouldn't be allowed to do that.

  18. If you’re going to get married… both people should be financially secure, have no debt, sign a prenup, and both be on the right page with having kids

  19. Plan on a plan to make it work . Talk money whos Responsible what . sex talk is a must .if one is going to put limits on bedroom fun is that a problem?homes,vacations , I personally had an agreement on baby names before I got married.

  20. One major thing is that people forget its supposed to be for life . Now if you are stuck with someone the rest of your life your probably going to take it more seriously before marriage and after marriage. Prenuptial diffently no matter what you have

  21. 1. pre-nup, prenup, pernup
    2. look at their past. it will repeat. if did bad things, will do again
    3. Look at actions, do not listen to words.

    23 year marriage failed. she went back to the low moral person was before we met. make the tough call when needed.

  22. I've never married – I'm not against marriage, in fact I respect the institution of marriage a great deal – but at a young age I came to the realization that it was not right for me.

    I do hope, however, those individuals who are contemplating marriage go through a rigorous pre-marriage counseling in order to uncover and deal with any issues that might come up in the marriage.

  23. “By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you will become happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher”.

  24. Prenuptial agreements should be a good conversation item before that point of engagement. Get the idea on the table and discuss to see how things have to pan out. Great dynamic video.

  25. Marriage is a legally binding partnership contract. Give the contract the same attention and diligence you would in entering a business partnership. I know that detracts from the romance, but it's the responsible and smart thing to do. My ex-wife began with nothing and built our life. The money changed her, her perspective and goals. It changed her to someone unrecognizable, then she had an affair. That was the last straw and the end of 15 years of marriage.

  26. #1 thing a lawyer told me invitations and venue shouldn’t happens until a prenup is complete. Then everyone can move forward with everything. And to be clear if you and your significant other have been 100% open and honest with each other the prenup can go very quick and there really isn’t no stress at all. The man has to get his own lawyer and the woman has to get hers or else the judge can void it.

  27. @4:30 couples need to have a prenup because it forces each individual to disclose ALL financial assets and debts. Real life scenario in California (it was on Tom Lykus show) the husband had a failed business venture and he had $250,000 in debt. They got married he purposely got caught cheating she filed for divorce he flew to Brazil and now the wife is on the hook for $250,000 debt. If they had gotten a prenup it could have been avoided.

  28. So i recently went through a divorce lest then 2 years. My divorce was as civil as I think it gets. Married 15 years no kids. She approached me at one point saying that she felt she was not in love with but loved me. We talk over the months and could not fixed it. When divorce was the option I suggested attorneys but she said no. She did not feel entitled to any of my assets because she did not earn them. So my divorce cost $79. Look I dodged a massive bullet. Not many women like my ex. Guys protect yourself selfs get prenups. Update: me and my ex ended becoming friends an chat regularly. I don’t stalk her on any social media nor does she mine. We live in different parts of the country. Mine was best case scenario but don’t bet on it. Protect yourselves. Plus guys don’t feel ashamed if you need to talk to a therapist. I went for a sometime and it helped allot just to talk.

  29. Don't listen to what she says, look at her track record. What she does is what matters, not what she said

  30. 2mins into the video, it seems like you dont want to marry the watch guy, wrong? simple observation. I know if I found the love of my life, i would want to get married, like Jim and Pam from the office.

  31. can you answer this question, why havent you gotten married? do like a 5 min video, this would help all people that are not married yet. Thanks

  32. "Hold on to that sense of someone being your cheerleader." I have a hard time understanding why you need a legally binding contract to keep that. I'm not anti-marriage, but I have a hard time seeing the benefits from successful couples other than "hey I have this person with me."

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