
Quick Test! ☺️ #english #learnenglish #englisch


Quick Test! ☺️ #english #learnenglish #englisch

Wring – wrung – wrung
Example: She wrung the towel to get rid of the excess water.

Squeeze – squeezed – squeezed
Example: He squeezed the lemon to get the juice out.

Squeeze and wring both involve applying pressure, but they are used in different contexts. Squeeze is generally used when applying pressure to something to extract liquid or to compress it, such as squeezing a lemon to get its juice. Wring, on the other hand, specifically refers to twisting and compressing something to remove liquid, such as wringing out a wet towel to remove excess water.

Pour – poured – poured
Example: She poured the milk into a glass.

Spill – spilled – spilled
Example: He accidentally spilled the coffee on the table.

Pour and spill both involve the movement of liquid, but in different ways. Pour is used when the action involves transferring a liquid from one container to another, typically in a controlled manner, such as pouring milk into a glass. Spill, on the other hand, refers to accidentally causing a liquid to flow out of its container and onto a surface, resulting in an unintended mess, such as spilling coffee on the table.

Rub – rubbed – rubbed
Example: She rubbed her eye to get rid of the irritation.

Apply – applied – applied
Example: She applied the cream on her face before going to bed.

Rubbing an eye refers to the action of moving one’s hand or fingers gently over the eye, usually to alleviate irritation or discomfort. Applying a cream, on the other hand, involves putting a substance onto a surface, such as the skin, for a specific purpose, such as moisturizing or treating a condition. These actions are different in their purpose and the way they are carried out.

#english #learnenglish #englisch

english , Quick Test! ☺️ #english #learnenglish #englisch , #Quick #Test #english #learnenglish #englisch
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37 thoughts on “Quick Test! ☺️ #english #learnenglish #englisch”

  1. Thanks Teacher, I really like the way you use to teache us I wish God keeps pouring blesses and blesses in your life.

  2. 🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌹🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺🌹🌺♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  3. Got them all! But I've heard people saying 'put some make up on', is there any real difference?

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