
ProZD Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All // Ep 28: How Low Can We Go?


#ProZD #Plays #Phoenix #Wright #Ace #Attorney #Justice

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31 thoughts on “ProZD Plays Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Justice for All // Ep 28: How Low Can We Go?”

  1. Steve and Angel can be a bit annoying at times…
    Steve with his constant need to re-read lines and the loud parody voice of the "Angry Youtube Viewer"…
    Angel with the excessive "thinking sounds" like "hmmmm" and the constant clicking or "tsk" sounds…
    All of the inside jokes don't help either…
    I hope the Constructive Criticism goes over well lol…

  2. 0:05 "Alright let's get over it."

    1:05 I wondered about that.
    1:30 The Dingling bros. Another Ringling joke.
    1:50 Godammit… 🤬🤬🤬

    3:00 That should be what happens…

    4:00 Agreed.
    4:40 ".. for once."

    11:10 Whoopsie doodle!
    Angel's grounded again… 😥
    11:30 Thank you Jay.

    15:30 Workshopping.

    16:05 We got you Angel.
    16:45 Ick……

    19:30 Von Karma always sounds odd when she's chewing her Juicy Fruit gum.
    19:45 JAY!!! I WAS NOT PREPARED!!!

    21:35 Oh yeah.
    Sa-Ve Ga-Me!
    21:45 Steve's nightmare.

    24:25 😕… Objection…
    24:45 Title! I remember commercials for Chicken Limbo but I don't think I ever knew anyone who had one.

    27:50 Moe had an edible. Whoa…

    28:35 New Year's resolutions just in time for court tomorrow.

  3. One shitty thing in this trial, that gets lost in the sea of predators lurking around a child, is how they harass Acro about his legs, and how fundamentally they make his injury a part of the trial/investigation. I don’t think they needed to bring it up and make him share that, and then to have Phoenix accuse him of lying…

  4. Léon was just trying to protect Regina from the true predators and her old man shoots him 😞

  5. So I haven't played this game before, but I think it's pretty obvious that Léon inhaled some pepper and sneezed when Bat stuck his head in his mouth. I'm not sure how that's related to the current case. Maybe Acro blamed Regina for the pepper, then wrote her that note and expected it to be her in the courtyard instead of her father

  6. I don't know if this is a hot take considering all the other problematic and annoying characters in this case, but I actually hate Regina the most out of all the characters.

    It's certainly not her fault that a bunch of creeps are hitting on her (and she really shoulda just been aged up to 25 or something), but her whole "tee hee so pure" demeanor is incredibly obnoxious.
    Siccing animals on people and laughing it off is just a shitty thing to do. She can't communicate any useful information at all and her naivete is in large part just being too self-absorbed to pay attention to other people.

    Trilo is a close second, and Max a third, but Regina always annoys me.

  7. …oh god I never even thought to check Bat's age. He looks the youngest between Max and Ben so I always thought he was close to Regina's age NOT FUCKING OLDER THAN MAX WHAT THE HELL…

  8. The cut back to "you didn't want me to play this one?" will never stop being funny. And excellent edit at 19:51 for the bit that Von Karma had gum in her mouth lol.

  9. This isn't related, but I tried to blend orange peel and cucumber together with ice and water. I don't recommend it. 🤮Might've been better to combine the orange peel with something sweet and fruity like strawberry. With things being so expensive, I still drank it, though.

  10. I truly don't know why, at least for localization, they didn't at least make Regina 18.
    It would still be bad since these guys are creeping on a young girl with a truly childish understanding of the world, but at least it wouldn't be *criminal*.

  11. Ooh boy I cant wait til this case is over. Besides all the….other stuff surrounding this case, i remember this honestly being one of the sadder cases due to the motive.

  12. Shout out to Money the monkey for being the only character to have an obsession that wasn't Regina.

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