
Prosecutor Gives Supreme Court PLAN to Start Trump CRIMINAL TRIAL


Prosecutor Gives Supreme Court PLAN to Start Trump CRIMINAL TRIAL

#Prosecutor #Supreme #Court #PLAN #Start #Trump #CRIMINAL #TRIAL

The LAST argument made by Special Counsel Jack Smith to the United States Supreme Court to argue that Trump has NO IMMUNITY FROM CRIMINAL PROSECUTION, may be his strongest and the one the Court embraces. Michael Popok dives deep and explains how the Special Counsel has built a circuit breaker into his brief to make sure that the Court doesn’t dismiss Trump’s indictment.

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22 thoughts on “Prosecutor Gives Supreme Court PLAN to Start Trump CRIMINAL TRIAL”

  1. Popok, if the prosecution wins, will Trumps violation of the gag order figure into the sentencing?

  2. Question re abortion cases? Even if congress passeses a national law allowing abortion. Wont it just get appealed to the supreme court like the Obamacare act was? Then the supreme court can just overturn it under states rights.

  3. Using Trump`s logic, Obama could become a bank robber, or engage in espionage, and if he got caught he could simply smile and say "Presidential immunity"! and how would the GOP react?? VOTE BLUE

  4. To share the contents of the records, authorities said Teixeira began by typing out copies that he then published online. Later, he photographed the files, some of which bore “SECRET” and “TOP SECRET” markings.

  5. Trumpty's ' legal team ' haven't a hope against Jack Smith – they're going doooooown 🤣🤣🤣

  6. Why isn't Jack Smith facing the supreme court face to face , He should be the one to defend our side of council For The American People ……..

  7. It shows how far the supreme court might go to save Trump?..Jack Smith has to put in extra guardrails so they do the right thing and not give Trump blanket immunity!

  8. Let's stop pretending that SCOTUS gives a damn about the law, constitution, or even truth for that matter. They answer to no one have absolute power are are absolutely corrupt.

  9. After more than 1 million unnecessary deaths, there should be consideration for a pardon. None.

  10. Jack Smith is such a pit bull, but he’s doing nothing to get Cannon removed from the Florida case. Is someone protecting her from Smith? There’s only one person who can tell Smith what to do, and that’s his boss, Garland. Is Merrick Garland protecting Cannon for some reason? If so, why?

  11. SCOTUS is going to say yes he has immunity for official acts, & then it will be kicked down to each jurisdication rather acts were official. Then the SCOTUS will take up each case rather it was official act. NEVER ENDING dog chase tail.

  12. All these leeways that have been given to him.
    Would those leeways been given to a black man if he was in Trump's position?

  13. Wow. Ten hours posted over 400,000 views and 29,000 likes. I bet there are a lot of Trumpsters that watch your channel – probably Trump himself.

  14. Why can't Jack Smith indite the republican part of the supreme court for – Aiding and abetting – DJT. You have constitutional scalers, federal judges, who believe that the supreme court is, on purpose, allowing all this time before arguments before it so that the American people want hear the real truth behind Trumps coup, and by allowing all this time to expire then the trial want happen until after the next election. This is in your face BS by the republican Putin party.

  15. God is this depressing. It's basically saying, yes, I know you all are corrupt and inclined to give Trump the power to break the law (making up new law yet again!). You love the guy and want to excuse him. It doesn't matter the argument or the caselaw, this court just makes stuff up and ignores the law. The court system is on trial and it is failing. Complete farce.

  16. The "supreme" court will be playing word games while the country goes down the tubes. And "Justice" Thomas will ride away in one of his bribe mobile RVs with his lovely traitor wife Ginny. Do they not have any connection to reality??

  17. That was bloody excellent! …now we will find out for sure wether the Supreme Court of the United States is truly corrupt….otherwise Jack’s brief looks to be 99% air tight that trump does not have Presidential immunity

  18. Thank you Mr. Popok!! What a great hot take. Thank you for talking about all of this, I would love to see whole shows on the constitution, separation of powers etc, you are an absolute Professor sir, and I thank you for all you share with so many of us who need to hear what you have to show us!!!! Shout out to the Midas Mighty!!!

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