
Problem questions – general advice – Smith and Hogan’s Essentials of Criminal Law


Problem questions – general advice – Smith and Hogan’s Essentials of Criminal Law

#Problem #questions #general #advice #Smith #Hogans #Essentials #Criminal #Law

A video tutorial on general advice for answering problem type questions from John Child (University of Sussex),to accompany Smith and Hogan’s Essentials of Criminal law, authored by John Child and David Ormerod.

© Oxford University Press
criminal law , Problem questions – general advice – Smith and Hogan’s Essentials of Criminal Law, yt:quality=high,video,oxford university,Oxford university press,education,publishing,scholarship,oxford,oup,oup academic,Oxford academic,Criminal,Law,Smith,Hogan,Video,Essentials,Problem,John Child,David Ormerod,criminal law

1 thought on “Problem questions – general advice – Smith and Hogan’s Essentials of Criminal Law”

  1. sir we are facingQuery: we have a land in village that is belonged to the partnership land some people in village are arguing that they want way for them along in that site but the land as in olden days there is no way in that route there is another route for it they are saying that they want 5ft road along the site but the land is belong to both partners as the route is created for their agricultural purposes according to their wish but now they are demanding that we must give the way 5ft along the site we said no to them because as there is no way before and it is created for our work purpose only in olden days as per the my ancestors time there is no way in that route all people know it .this is the problem we are facing with the neighbours at village .could you give me a advice about it

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