
PRIVATE Hate Offences in Scotland from today


PRIVATE Hate Offences in Scotland from today

#PRIVATE #Hate #Offences #Scotland #today

Scotland’s new hate crime law comes into force with The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, which creates a new crime of “stirring up hatred” relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex.

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35 thoughts on “PRIVATE Hate Offences in Scotland from today”

  1. If I say that all religious belief is delusional, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Mormonism, could that be considered to be offensive?

  2. so if you were a famous person domiciled in Scotland and you tweeted something that was reported as being covered by this new offense but the tweet was made whilst you were outside of Scotland could you still be prosecuted?

    Similarly if you are domiciled outside Scotland and Tweet an alleged hate post whilst visiting Scotland could you be prosecuted?

  3. I hope this law will be applied to the hate received by English people living in Scotland (yeah right)

  4. I had to skip that part of the video where you showed that clip from 'Useless' singling out whiteness being the reason for people having top level positions in a majority white country. That absolutely boils my piss. Being offended is an absolute understatement. Get him out of the UK and into a north korean prison

  5. We've had incitement laws for years.. We need to rebuild Hadrian's Wall. And re-direct all the migrant boats up to Scotland.

    Offence is TAKEN and NOT given. What's offensive to one, may not be offensive to another. How can one make a law against that?????

  6. Mass arrests at celtic vs rangers game and orange order marches spitting on Catholic priests

  7. Does "reasonable person" include out right lefty nutters? Surely not? Although, problem is, who is willing to stand up and defend you against them?

  8. Does this law define or stipulate what ”a reasonable person” is? Or couldn’t somebody being accused defend themselves saying that their accuser is not “a reasonable person”?

  9. I feel that it is the height of stupidity to divert the attention of the police from real crimes towards abstract crimes because they are too enthusiastic in prosecuting them. Why are the police persuaded that upsetting people is so important? Were they not taught that Sticks and Stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me?

  10. And of course Humza having come from a legal background is just making sure the legal profession will be the ones making vast sums of money out of untangling all of this , its licence for orchestrated infinite sums of public money to line the legal professions pockets

  11. Humza Yousaf doesnt know anything about U.K or Scottish history., people like him didnt leave on this island 500 or thousand years ago, he needs to study history who was here before his people came to the U.K

  12. Police Scotland told me when my unit was broken into that even though i had crystal clear CCTV and had the name of the thief that they were too busy to deal with it and could only give me a crime ref number.

    I was also told in no uncertain terms that they now had my details and should i deal with it myself then they would come for me.

    If only the thief had said some nasty words at the same time..

  13. The problem begins with who gets to define what a reasonable person is! Would it be reasonable to ask someone if they are a reasonable person?

  14. I am expecting alot of actual women to end up in jails or fined because they said transwomen are biological men – stupid law dangerous precedence for other possible anti free speech laws

  15. Guys, do not forget about the UK petition: google for "Legislate against any form of Digital ID", exp by 22 July 2024

  16. On the Police Scotland website, they state you can report those crimes by calling 999 or 101.

  17. Ahhh, the penny drops!
    “A group of persons” could now encompass members of a political party…. Voice your dislike about any political party with the intent of swerving votes away from them & the plod could now be knocking at your Scottish door 😆

  18. Much of typical Scottish humour consists of mild playful insults especially if the "insulter" likes the "insulted" person. One could almost say, that insults of a certain level are part of the Scottish culture and in good faith.
    Installing rules and regulations that are not policeable will likely have the effect that people don't keep to these rules. This will give the precedence to not keep to other perfectly reasonable rules. This seems like a suicidal act of the legislation to me.
    But can it be? Would reasonable people set something up that is a stillbirth? In my understanding this can be only explained with either not having thought of the consequences, or accepting the possibility of arbitrariness, or even worse than that: expecting arbitrariness and the consequential pushback which could be chaos and accepting or even wanting it as a later reason to step in when it kicks off. And kicking off it will, it's Scots after all. Not saying that in an insulting way but with all admiration and love.

  19. Hi. I’m Scottish. I’m in favour of independence and was a member of the SNP until last year so this is not just bashing Scots Gov because I don’t like their policies in general but this legislation is dangerous in that it is so vague and as you rightly pointed out likely to be weaponised by anyone with an axe to grind and will result in Police Scotland being overwhelmed by complaints. We already complain they don’t have the resources necessary.

  20. There's going to be quite a few people in Scotland not getting invited into anyone's home for fear they are spies for the government.

  21. The enactment of this law is actually pure genius. Hoomza Boomza will now have carte blanche to institute new regulations, appointments, etc and the Scottish people will not be able to voice ANY opposition as it will be deemed as hate speech.

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