
Presidents can assassinate their rivals, Trump lawyers boldly suggest in DC immunity case


Presidents can assassinate their rivals, Trump lawyers boldly suggest in DC immunity case

#Presidents #assassinate #rivals #Trump #lawyers #boldly #suggest #immunity #case

Donald Trump’s attorneys argued Tuesday that presidents can’t be convicted of a crime if not impeached first – but a panel of appellate judges seemed skeptical. NY Post reporter Caitlin Doornbos shares this story.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival (and is) not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?” asked Judge Florence Pan during a 90-minute hearing in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

“If he were impeached and convicted first,” Trump lawyer John Sauer answered as the 77-year-old former president looked on.

“So your answer is no,” Pan said, to which Sauer responded: “My answer is a qualified yes.”

Sauer claimed that the framers of the Constitution created presidential immunity to avoid “politically motivated prosecutions” and repeatedly argued that the only exception would have been if Trump had been impeached and removed from office first.


#donaldtrump #dc #politics

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criminal lawyer , Presidents can assassinate their rivals, Trump lawyers boldly suggest in DC immunity case, new york post,ny post,nypost,news,us news,breaking news,latest news,top stories,DC Circuit Court of Appeals,donald trump,John Sauer,donald trump dc court of appeals,jack sauer donald trump,trump lawyer presidents assassinate rivals,trump hearing dc,trump dc hearing,trump news,trump update,trump latest news,donald trump news,donald trump update,donald trump washington dc,donald trump hearing,donald trump indcitments,donald trump january 6

46 thoughts on “Presidents can assassinate their rivals, Trump lawyers boldly suggest in DC immunity case”

  1. I guess he would not get convicted if he had soldiers shoot migrants coming over the border too? Time to open your eyes minorities

  2. Any other person whom would say this would be arrested, This man will destroy America and when Japan comes for us, we will not help America.

  3. SEAL team 6 should have been left out of the equation, I located and planned the Bin Laden Raid. The issues concerning Trump have dragged our country through the dirt – and it's sticking…. It's near criminal DeSantis & Haley are the best opposition in a great country of 330 million Plus.

  4. Seriously? You accuse Trump as Dementia Joe is doing pretty much EVERYTHING but assassinate his rival…for now at least. Democrats are just the worst people going.

  5. Political PERSECUTION is TREASON. Conspiracy to cover up ELECTION FRAUD IS TREASON. The media is the enemy from WITHIN. WAKE up People. DISCERNMENT and INTEGRITY are the WAY.

  6. We should be asking ourselves why do we allow Fox News to hide behind our first amendment to lie to Americans about practically everything and call themselves a news channel?

  7. If presidents can assassinate their rivals ..that means Biden could put a hit on trump??? Pretty ridiculous idea if you ask me…

  8. I know . Let’s make a precedent. No immunity for US Presidents. Then let’s start indict Obama,for murdering people with drones and Bush for all of his naughties

  9. Of course they can . What do you think happened with JFK. Did those responsible ever face justice

  10. I don't know how Trump made it this long without being assassinated himself. He has f*** over everyone he has ever known.

  11. Trump was not immune from COVID-19 even after he allowed the moratorium against Virus gain of function research expire most likely causing the COVID-19 virus to be released from a laboratory the US partially funded.

  12. A😢😢😮😮😢😢 really bad and nasty retired General Dynamics director, previously worked in San Diego, probably more than 85 yrs old now, is exploiting illegally US monitoring satellite to harass normal US civilians, inside USA & all over the world for his own entertainment & amusement.

    These remote sensors of the monitoring satellites are capable of interpreting the words you're thinking in your mind, may be, by air vibration or by scanning the brainwaves from your brain.

    The Israeli IDF are using similar satellite technologies to spy on the Hamas leadership hiding deep inside the Gaza Tunnels. IDF once released footage of these videos in much degraded resolution.

    This retired General Dynamics director could have been the mastermind behind the plane crash killing the Secretary of Commerce Ronald Brown of the Clinton Administration, in the plane crash in 1996 in Croatia.

    The United States as we learned and studied in American high school does not exist anymore; it has been destroyed.

    Joe Biden allows this to happen…

    United States have been dead. American citizens don't have human rights.

  13. To assume the Chump can assasinate his political rivals makes the Great Orange Flatulence the first three letters of both words.

  14. If the Congress makes no conviction the Supreme Court is involved in such actions.
    How does the lower court now take jurisdiction against a President without finding the Congress & US Supreme Court Criminal.

  15. That line of speculative questioning by the judge about whether Trump is going to abuse his authority is blind to the abuse of authority Biden is perpetrating

  16. Did they clean up the Streets in DC for Trump. He said it was do horribly Nasty the last time he was there. Trump is a Lunatic.

  17. The simple fact that there is debate over whether a President can commit a criminal offense with immunity outside of official duties, shows there is a wide gaping hole somewhere in the constitution. Within official duties is probably covered by current impeachment proceedings, however McConnell has run a Mac truck through the constitution on that one too by training all his toads to throw principle and life values out the window for the sake of retaining a constituents vote.

  18. No immunity, charge biden for 86 millon in weapons he left for enemys in Afghanistan. Obama for drone strikes killing kids and cash he sent to iran on c130'. Where does it end.

  19. Hey dummies. Trump isn't President. Biden is. Which election you watch in 2020? This is about Biden, not Trump. And yes, American Presidents have the power to assassinate people. Since when is this a big surprise?

  20. Leftist dreamers only wish America was not a republic. Wish there was not a Constitution. Why? Because leftists , deep state and woke folks feign ignorance regarding both rock solid American founders. They pretend they know more but it all begins and ends with the Constitution and the American republic. THAT is what we are – no matter their faux dreams to the contrary.

  21. He already is immune!

    From intelligence, common sense, brain power, empathy, sympathy, reasoning, and any ability to tell the truth.

  22. As an American I realize there is a distinct possibility that we are one election away from goose-stepping authoritarianism. I will do my part to keep that from happening, but just like the people in 1930's Europe, it may not be enough.

    There is no culture so great it can't be destroyed by tiny minds.

  23. It is NOT what his lawyer said. Boy the MSM is getting really desperate and it shows. Ya'all freaking out about the BEST PRESIDENT WE'VE EVER HAD coming back to the Whitehouse!! I love it!! Trump 2024!! ❤ Go MAGA. For all you MAGA haters, YOU are the problem if you LIVE in the USA and don't want it to be great! WTH is wrong with you people???

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