
Preparing for Re-Interview of Dan Markel Juror


Preparing for Re-Interview of Dan Markel Juror

#Preparing #ReInterview #Dan #Markel #Juror

Help Mentour Lawyer prepare for re-interview of 2019 Juror – Feel free to propose questions!!!

1st Juror Interview
Part 1 –
Part 2 –
Analysis –

Dan Markel was murdered in July of 2014. It took investigators almost two years to follow the evidence and to identify the suspects. By 2016, there were two suspects who carried out the hit – Luis Rivera and shooter Sigfredo Garcia. Luis was in federal prison on unrelated charges. Investigators determined that the murder was connected to Dan Markel’s divorce, and suspected that one or more people in his ex-wife’s family ordered the hit. Katherine Magbanua was convicted last year. Charles Adelson was convicted on November 6, 2023. Donna was arrested and is now sitting in Leon County Jail awaiting her September trial.

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criminal lawyer , Preparing for Re-Interview of Dan Markel Juror, dan markel,wendi adelson,charlie adelson,charles adelson,murder,conspiracy,donna,donna adelson,trial,guilty,donna adelson in court,dan markel trial,donna adelson updates,interrogation,court,family court,criminal,criminal court,donna adelson arrested,arrest,arrested,true crime,true crime community,true crime updates,new video,new adelson video,lawyerlife,lawyer,jury duty process,interview with juror,interview with dan markel juror,adelson updates

28 thoughts on “Preparing for Re-Interview of Dan Markel Juror”

  1. It’s fascinating to listen to the juror even if I found her reasoning difficult to agree with. I would love for you to speak about the attorneys perspective when the client, with whom you are very invested in their innocence turns around and admits guilt
    I’d love for you to interview Katie’s legal team

  2. Wow, I realized today during the live stream, I have been bestowed with with the high office in the public trust as Moderator 😊.I hope to serve the position well, and provide constructive, fair, and just moderation on ML’s lives in the future to come ! 👍

  3. I remember this Juror interview well. One thing that struck me was when she said it was obvious that Tara Kawass really believed in Katie’s innocence. I wonder if the Juror could reflect on what influence this may have had on her decision to vote not guilty. At the time, it seemed to have made a considerable impact on her.

  4. I don't have any questions to suggest, but I thought your first interview with her was riveting! So I have confidence you will ask great questions this time, too. Thanks so much. Great work!

  5. I don't think Charlie paid more than $50,000.00 he and his family were very cheap, even Wendi did not want to approach Dan with a million dollar pay day to accommodate her move, plus Charlie was always buying 2nd hand expensive items. Go cart, used cars etc…

  6. From what i understand, it had nothing to do with guilt or innocence. She just didn't want to send both parents to prison. Jury nullificatuon at its finest

  7. Now that it has come out that Charlie's ex-girlfriend's KM, ex-boyfriend or the father of KM children is the SG is the person who killed Dan Markel. Does this make a difference in the way she is thinking? Plus that no one thought to call the cops does she feel different?

  8. When Georgia C questioned Wendi on the stand in trial one , Wendi appeared to have been very well prepared for the questions and did not hesitate on the answers . Did it seem to you that there was a a deal between attny J. Lauro and GC that he would allow Wendi to answer questions only if she'd seen them earlier and he had audited them ?

  9. As a retired attorney who always wants to know how jurors saw their case, I would like to know first if she followed the second trial particularly the testimony? If yes:

    Did she notice any differences in the witness testimony between Trial 1 & Trial 2?
    Did she feel the prosecution addressed in Trial 2 the "gaps" the juror saw in the prosecution's case in Trial 1?
    What did she think of the credibility of the witnesses in the Charlie Adelson trial, particularly Charlie Adelson?

    In fairness to this juror, people may not want to believe it, but she did her job. Before convicting a person and committing a defendant to life in prison, they should literally have no reasonable doubt about the defendant's guilt.

  10. I enjoy watching you Mentour but to be honest this particular young short sided Juror drove me nuts w/her juvenile thought process. I had many questions but just the fact that she DID NOT BELIEVE Rivera whatsoever clearly clouded her judgement in my opinion. I sincerely doubt she will admit her error in thinking Katie was innocent in the 1st trial after Katie herself admitted guilt in her following trial. I realize it’s difficult to interview Jurors, and the fact you had a Juror speak to You speaks volumes about You and your honest professional approach. However, I apologize to you as I am not willing to listen once again to this particular Juror. I truly appreciate all your hard work Mentour! Thank You.

  11. My question is: During the penalty phase deliberation for Sigfredo Garcia, how many jurors voted for a life sentence and how many jurors voted for a death sentence?

  12. This juror had a hard time finding Katie guilty because of her children? So this juror cared more about Katie children than Katie and Sigfredo. Her job was to view the evidence not worry about their child care. Would this juror have an issue with Donna (who is a senior) being found guilty? So then Wendi can't be found guilty because she is an only parent (don't forget she is the reason her children's father was murdered).

  13. Hi ML. I've heard from multiple reliable people, including Ruth Markel, that the one holdout juror voted to acquit Katie because she didn't want Katie and Sigfredo's children to grow up without both their parents. But I didn't hear her say that when she was talking about her decision and thought process. (Maybe I missed it.) Was that part of her reasoning for voting to acquit? And if not, does she, or do you, have any idea where that notion came from?

  14. I dont agree…they have a whole time line of who called who after the murder…wendi was def on that

  15. if he has money stapled so tidy and OFD like that he would t have a weird amount like 138. it would be in tens or fives. any spare cash would be in his wallet.

  16. Thank you for answering my comment, you are so right, fair is what will be will be. Thank you for all you do. Ever since I was on a jury, this is all very interesting to me!

  17. ??? “Having served on the jury, have you followed the case since? If so, do you have any questions or concerns about the way the case has progressed or failed to progress since that time? “

  18. She was a phony the only reason why because she was butt hurt because they made fun of Katie because she was a bottle girl that just shows you her intelligence level

  19. My impression is that she saw reasonable doubt and she couldn't find the facts to meet the legal standard for guilt. I would like to know if she felt that other jurors relied upon a moral standard, or something less than the legal standard. Please convey my appreciation to her as she exemplifies the qualities of a responsible juror. She had some great feedback for the lawyers and think Ms. Capplemen may have appreciated her insights.

  20. Thank you for doing this!! It would be interesting to see what questions the jurors had that the prosecution didn’t fully answer through testimony. What questions they would have asked if they could have. What they would want to know to ensure a conviction for Donna Wendi and Harvey. This juror would be able to understand where the future jurors will be coming from.. and how they will feel about the overwhelming amount of evidence they will have to decipher to understand the rather complex murder scheme and each person’s role. Also, wireless lapel microphones (one each for interviewer and guest) would be a helpful addition to conducting crisp clear interviews! There’s quality options (DJI brand is well respected) which can be connected to your computer or smartphone. (Amazon could possibly get them to you in time for tomorrow’s interview!) it would solve audio issues and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get your money’s worth! And even save time in editing! Thanks to you and Ladybug for all you both do!! ❤️ looking forward to your new interview!

  21. I think I would like to know if there was a particular piece of evidence that made her question Katie’s guilt.
    I personally feel that this juror had sympathy for Katie and I wonder if that played a part.
    Love these juror interviews, we are learning a lot ❤

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