
Post Office Lawyer UNSURE if he was Head of Criminal Law!


Post Office Lawyer UNSURE if he was Head of Criminal Law!

#Post #Office #Lawyer #UNSURE #Criminal #Law

Post Office Lawyer Jarnail Singh is UNSURE if he was Head of Criminal Law at the Post Office as he drops the ‘Head of Legal’ into conversation.

Jarnail Singh says that people might have viewed it that way as he was the only criminal lawyer before indeed suggesting that he was the Head of Criminal Law Team at the Post Office after he ‘saw an opportunity’ and visited Cartwright King after Rob Wilson allegedly was wanted for the role and pulled out last minute.

So was Jarnail Singh the Head of Criminal Law and the Post Office?

#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #PostOfficeLegal #JarnailSingh
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11 thoughts on “Post Office Lawyer UNSURE if he was Head of Criminal Law!”

  1. This is one despicable human being. He has gone from Senior Lawyer to "just a caseworker" He really needs to be fully investigated and held to account.

  2. He knows that he was thats why he talks and talks and talks none of these buffoons are even close to being as clever and on it like the KC

  3. Isn't a lot of how he is explaining his involvement (just rewriting emails and forwarding things around without actually holding any view as to their content), is effectively saying he was just a secretary, but earning the wage of a senior manager. Just following orders? Yes just a secretary then.

  4. Just curious to know, has any senior human resources goon been questioned yet about recruitment and promotion policies? (Ah, thank you, it sounds like that might be a matter for phase five.)

  5. This guy is the epitome of everything that was clearly wrong at the PO. The culture of the organisation must have been very toxic. This guy needs to be suitably dealt with as part of the outcome of the whole Inquiry. Nothing less is suffice quite frankly.

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