
Post Office Lawyer says DEFENCE Barristers kept him in check


Post Office Lawyer says DEFENCE Barristers kept him in check

#Post #Office #Lawyer #DEFENCE #Barristers #check

Post Office Lawyer Jarnail Singh says DEFENCE Barristers kept him in check with the Post Office Prosecution Policy as he explains the monitoring in place at the Post Office to ensure that he stuck to the policy when orchestrating the prosecution of subpostmasters.

He is quick to point out that as ‘policy owner’ he did not create, contribute to, maintain or oversee the policies – even once he became the only criminal lawyer in the Post Office following its separation from the Royal Mail Group.

#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #PostOfficeLegal #JarnailSingh
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47 thoughts on “Post Office Lawyer says DEFENCE Barristers kept him in check”

  1. Has anyone checked this fella’s qualifications? And I’m not referring to just his Lawyer qualifications. I’m wondering about his general education qualifications, I.e. GCSE’s or ‘O’-levels!

  2. I would not let this guy conveyance my house never mind allow him to be a criminal lawyer. I also wonder exactly what he actually did for his wages as nothing seems to be his responsibility or duty.

  3. Compliance with organisational policies by senior staff, and the executive is a common problem in government departments and agencies etc. And when non-compliance or the requirement for compliance is raised by staff they are made out to be ‘blockers’ or ‘trouble makers’.

  4. The risk and control framework at POL appears to be absolutely ZERO, it literally was an out of control organisation. Bad to the bone.

  5. I started writing a long response to this, each time I read it, it sounded like s script for a low budget legal comedy. How can one person be such an idiot.

  6. To become Head of Law at The Post Office just because your the last man in the building after the split from Royal Mail doesn't instill much confidence!!!

  7. So he is being paid a large amount of money to come to work and sit at his desk. He had no workload, no responsibility, and answered to no one. He is either extremely stupid or very clever. I would love to have an assessment of his body language, etc, to see what they think.

  8. The PO was an ISO9001 (claimed to be) accredited organisation at that time, I’m a trained auditor and both internal and external audits, if conducted correctly, would have ripped this ‘monitoring’ to shreds.

  9. How Jason Beers kept his cool with this egocentric, supercilious buffoon, constantly amazes me. Beers is a true professional and a genius.

  10. Loving your clips DPS.
    Mr Beer is probably astounded and disgusted at the fraud in front of him which is Mr Singh, I know I am and I won't be alone!
    This guy epitomizes what was/is wrong with the Post Office. No accountability, not doing the jobs they are paid to do, indeed they didn't know how to do their jobs full stop. Shameful and disgraceful.

  11. I was thinking this about Steven Bradshaw’s testimony yesterday : By the time he had asserted he really wasn’t responsible anything he was accused of, it was hard to discern what he actually did do.

  12. ‘Appraisal every 2-months or every 6-months’ – he doesn’t know for sure, but there’s a huge difference

  13. One question I should have liked Mr Beer to ask is " While everyone else was apparently doing your job, what salary was the Post Office paying you at this time, and what bonuses, and what other benefits such as pension premiums etc".

  14. The Post Office should sue him for fraud. According to his own statements he did absolutely nothing to earn his salary.

  15. Sometimes it sounded like they wanted him there because of his lack of ability, so he would just be a 'nodding dog'.

  16. This is an interesting cross examination, it clearly demonstrates the legal process applied was and remains totally subjective with the lawyers not even aware of who was responsible for what ?
    The issue with the legal system invites the selective use of disclosure/evidence and the case construction … so it would befall to the courts to look in detail at adherence of prosecutions and standards before arriving at judgements, the biggest failings come back to judges … why did they not see the shambolic holes in cases before them ???

  17. I've said similar things before, but the way DPS Computing is braking down the 'evidence' of this Inquiry into digestible chunks is providing such a great service to the public. Thank you once again.

  18. He doesnt seem to know much about the cases he was involved in, as senior lawyer for the Post Office. I wonder how much he was paid at the time, to bring innocent people to justice, and not know what was going on in within his own firm.

  19. Defence Lawyers? Were they simulating the trial to find a devastating attack? The Red Team trying to get into the Accused head, to steer them?

  20. Has he got constant indigestion?
    Sick of seeing him doing that hard dry swallowing……and somebody take those flippin glasses off him too!

    This man is a total fraud and its hard to see quite what responsibilities he did have unless he did and he is now ducking out of them given that he was at times THE sole lawyer……. otherwise he literally was just a post exchange boy but sticking his name on the emails…. A nice line in wordy patter but its all gobble dee gook…….just try and make sense of some of his answers……ihe almost reminds me of George W Bush.

  21. Singh was a criminal lawyer in charge of the tea trolly. That orange cloth was probably the tea towel.

  22. As a/the senior lawyer in a major organisation, you'd expect him to stand up better, but he hasn't a chance with JB KC setting traps … You sure hope he never did the conveyancing for your home !!

  23. How much per annum was this Charlatan being paid? No wonder the cost of stamps has gone through the roof !!

  24. Why is he faffing around about who did his staff appraisal?. Somebody must have been giving him his annual performance reviews. Or did the Post Office not bother. Umm?

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