
Post Office Lawyer DENIES His OWN ‘Wild Speculation’


Post Office Lawyer DENIES His OWN ‘Wild Speculation’

#Post #Office #Lawyer #DENIES #Wild #Speculation

Post Office Lawyer DENIES His OWN ‘Wild Speculation’ about an unnamed subpostmaster speaking to journalist Nick Wallis as someone who had said one thing under caution and then is now ‘purposefully misrepresenting the facts’ in his response internally at the Post Office to an interview request from the BBC One Show.

Despite Jarnail Singh sending the email and beginning it ‘my comments’ he completely denies writing it saying that Cartwright King would have done so. When asked why there is no email trail of this he says that it was likely a conversation.

#PostOfficeInquiry #PostOfficeScandal #PostOffice #PostOfficeLegal #JarnailSingh #BBC #BBCOne #OneShow
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49 thoughts on “Post Office Lawyer DENIES His OWN ‘Wild Speculation’”

  1. Odd how an email sent from Singh containing "my comments " are suddenly nothing to do with him. He is under oath to tell the truth isn't he ? Am I alone in fervently wishing for perjury charges to be made?

  2. There is one issue i have with the legal advice the sub/pm's was given' to plead guilty to false accounting' i have had legal rep'more than once' i was allways told never admit guilt (even if guilty ) legal rep's gave advice to plead guilty to avoid jail some still got jailed ! bloody good legal advice there should be some repercusions there to my mind ……

  3. Its terrible isnt it.
    This guy just wasnt doing his job at all. He just allowed peple to be charged regsrdless.

  4. OMG it just dawned on me that Managers, and executive probably thought they were getting professional legal opinion from their in-house criminal lawyer…no wonders the PO was a ‘shit show’.
    IMO Mr Beer is exposing a grifter and fraudster misrepresenting his skills and professionalism.

  5. My favorite moment (other than the one where he called singh a post box) was when he remarked that "we knew it wasnt your email because it didnt have all of the grammer and spelling errors"

  6. This, along with other examples by the same bloke, is the most egregious example of incompetence by a so-called professional that I have ever come across.

  7. He was either a complete buffoon, or is now an unrepentant liar. On consideration he is clearly both.

  8. Nah,beginning to believe they are all still covering something up,but is it at the direction from whome ? Or is it just a collection of gotta save my arse.

  9. This person is an expert at deflecting blame – i think he actually believes his own circular reasoning – very entertaining if were not so sad

  10. Oh dear, utterly discredits himself. A little,Google also tells me… “A statutory enquiry is a judicial proceeding as defined by the Perjury Act 1911. Therefore lying under oath to a statutory inquiry is a criminal offence, and carries the penalty of a fine, or up to seven years imprisonment, or both.” Has he been read his rights, as he could be facing a perjury charge with this line of denial and proposed phone conversations on a Sun morning with Cartwright and King to get information prior to writing ‘his’ views

  11. Such a despicable, incompetent, lying low life. I sincerely hope he gets prosecuted and gets locked up for a very long time.

  12. Yet more utterly unconvincing mincing of words, waffling, evasion, stuttering, denial, deflection, playing dumb and simply implausible claims.

  13. My comments aren't my comments????WTF?
    Not my words, all Cartwright King, nothing to do with me guv! The emails were from me but nothing to do with me guv!
    It's someone else's words nothing to do with me guv!
    Well if that's true, he obviously was unable to think or act for himself. How did he manage to tie his shoelaces or find his way home after work?
    Can't take much more of this!

  14. @ 2:36 (ish) No. 4
    "Maybe it is someone who said one thing in interview under caution, which entailed admission of offence or dishonesty, but later chooses to misrepresent the facts purposely."
    Irony or Fortune Telling?

  15. A thought occurs. I wonder if the Post Office employed these people for the reason that they were below par and less likely to question the decisions of top management. If you're unaware of the correct criminal procedure, you are more likely to be pushed on. Whereas someone of Mr Beer's standard would have hit the brakes from the get-go. Did they manipulate Singh via his own ego? I wonder …

  16. I do wonder if this proceeds to a criminal prosecution whether the answers and attribution to others will change. This is a supposed legal professional who doesn’t understand that he wrote something that provides evidence to what he said, thought and/or believed.

  17. The more we see of this man, J.Singh, the more it seems he is a comedian not a lawyer. According to him, he did nothing whilst employed in a senior capacity by the POL? My guess is perhaps he just made the tea?

  18. Staggering lack of ownership of his own work. He signed the email = HIS work, his views. Its incredible how these non-entities with no evident talents rise to senior roles in the PO. This guy is no more than a human letter-box.

  19. "It wasn't my view, I have never held that view". " But I did sign these emails and I did prosecute these innocent sub-postmasters because I was told they were guilty". "None of it was my fault though" "And I can't remember" and "I might have sent that email or signed it but I didn't write it and I didn't mean any of the nasty stuff in it". Surely this idiot liar needs to be prosecuted?

  20. There is something bizarrely addictive in watching this buffoon in action. I wonder if he has himself watched it back to see how much of a dangerous idiot he truly is.

  21. He actually belives he's making valid responses. I don't write emails, I have no idea what is happening in my department, I get the team to write them. If its a legal issue, as the head of legal, I ask an external firm. I was so busy I was copying and pasting emails on a Sunday, my workload was excessive at that time. Because you spent the week with no idea what you were doing, my previous role working at Macdonald's was also tough.

  22. Have I got this right….Mr SingSing was too busy to "think things thru" but managed to hold a very active second job while being a senior criminal lawyer at POL??? Whatta fraud…..

  23. Senior Lawyer suddenly turns into Office Intern. Doesn't appear to know the implications of putting his name to a document.
    Let's be honest here. It was easy money for him. He seems fairly incompetent but blagged his way into a well-paying position. He rubber-stamped documents and took the pay-cheque.
    Now his slapdash behaviour has come back to haunt him. Liars need good memories … so it's just easier to tell the truth and do the right thing.

  24. Never realised a brand with such a respected and regarded reputation had so many despicable and incapable people working for it. if i were the current CEO of the post office, I would have a root and branch clear out of anymore "dead wood" loitering in this organisation by making anyone in middle management upwards in all departments re-apply for their jobs via HR and external consultants. No golden goodbyes or release packages at the taxpayers expense please

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